Chapter 577 577 face is swollen

  Lu Fei was asked, "What?"

   "Does this still need to be said? Naturally, I went to Professor Fang to ask about the award!" Ba Wang said smoothly.

   "Yes, that's right, if you get such a big prize, what kind of reward the school will have, you have to ask it clearly!" Han Yutong said.

Jiang Mu sighed, "None of these, have you forgotten our bet?" She looked at King Ba and Han Yutong, "Did you forget that you all made a bet that I won, and now the result is out. Now you can go and get the money!"

  Han Yutong slapped his thigh abruptly, "My God, how did I forget such an important thing! At that time, I took a month's living expenses to bet! Now my living expenses for half a year have been paid out!"

  She hugged Jiang Mu abruptly, she was excited, and she kept patting Jiang Mu's back with one hand, she was so excited.

   Jiang Mu was helpless and looked at King Ba, "Boss, you don't care? This is crazy."

  The king of Ba looked as usual, looking at Han Yutong, who was so excited and weeping with joy, and said lightly, "I can't control it, am I busy?"

   Jiang Mu's head was full of question marks, "I'm not too old-fashioned, I can still see clearly what you are doing."

King Ba’s eyes were bright, as if he could see Grandpa Mao’s shadow in those eyes, “I’m calculating how much money I can win this time! I spent 5,000 yuan to vote for you to win! This is the first time I myself Make money."

   Saying that this person has already started to finger, it looks like a primary school student who just knows numbers and learns addition and subtraction.

   Jiang Mu was very speechless, "No, you are gambling, is it somewhat inappropriate to describe it as earning?"

  The king of Ba didn’t hear it at all, so he continued to calculate.

   "I'm crazy again," Jiang Mu looked at An Ying, very pleased, "It's okay, it's okay, there is another normal one, the third child, please persuade them two quickly."

  An Ying is also looking calm, and when Jiang Mu really sees her eyes, come on, just as if she didn't say anything.

   "I don't need to work in this study. The time I save can be used to practice drawing! It's great! Great! Great!"

  An Ying turned out to be the most exciting of all.

   With the help of Lu Fei, Jiang Mu pulled Han Yutong off his body.

"If you have such a big upset, the dealer must have lost a lot. It's better to go early to bet. Who knows if the dealer will run away with the money when it is late. After all, this is not a small sum. "

  Lu Fei reminded.

The three of them flew out of the classroom like a slap, it is conceivable that Grandpa Mao's power is enormous.

  The classroom was instantly empty.

  Lu Fei’s words reminded everyone that this classroom is full of students from the same department, and the betting is also from the students of this department. Basically, those who like to join in the fun are all mixed up.

   Three yuan and five yuan less, there are hundreds of thousands, and now there are results, the winner naturally can't let the dealer run away.

   Jiang Mu gave a thumbs up to Lu Fei next to him, "Awesome! Now I can clear my ears."

   "You are still great, do you know that you are really going to be famous this time!" Lu Fei was still in excitement, even his voice trembled.

   "It's an oil painting competition. Although I am very happy to get the first place, I am not so exaggerated to be famous, right?" Jiang Mu didn't bother.

  "It’s not an exaggeration at all. Did you know that this oil painting competition is related to the ranking of our school and Zhemei in the country. Although our school has a very good reputation, in recent years, its performance is not as good as Zhemei."

  Lu Fei began to explain.

   “Because of this, Zhemei’s appetite has grown stronger over the years. This year, we are planning to change the school’s name and directly put the country’s name on it. Tell me, isn’t this stepping on the face of our school?”

"You won the first prize this time. Although you can't change much on the whole, it is a very good start. Moreover, this time not only has the other side's face saved, the key is to leave behind the big brothers in the industry. It’s a great help whether it’s for you or the school!"

  Jiang Mu looked at him suspiciously, “I didn’t expect that you would care about this? Didn’t you always paint with one mind before? You don’t think about other things, don’t care, don’t care?

  Lu Fei smiled awkwardly, "Have I always looked like this in your eyes?"

   Jiang Mu nodded.

   "Then you have to get to know me well." Lu Fei smiled and held her hand, "I am not so inhumane."

   "Xingba, I will understand it well, what are we going to do next?" Jiang Mu asked.

   "Eat. I'll treat you to celebrate your first place."

  The two smiled at each other and walked out of the classroom together.


Jiang Mu became the first place in the oil painting competition, a freshman, not only defeated the two most talented people in the school, a school flower, a school grass, but also defeated the top students of other colleges and universities, but also defeated the society. With an endless stream of outstanding painters, this matter suddenly became the focus of discussion.

I thought that Jiang Mu was incapable, just bluffing. Lu Fei believed that she could win the prize and that she could win honors for the school, only because the two were dealing with each other. All this is that Lu Fei is Jiang Mu’s boyfriend and filtered her. People whose mirrors are too thick and have no reference value at all have their faces swollen.

  The news that Jiang Mu won the award was announced at the flag-raising ceremony on Monday. Basically all students in the school knew about it.

  Not only that, the school also pulled up a red banner, which said warm congratulations to the 91st oil painting class Jiang Mu for winning the first prize of the oil painting competition.

A bunch of people who had been standing next to the school flower Feng Xiaoxiao before, now the most annoying thing is the oil painting contest, but in every corner of the school, when they are chatting, eight out of ten are talking about Jiang Mu winning the prize. One thing.

  By the way, no one believed that Jiang Mu could win the first prize, defeat Feng Xiaoxiao, and become a dark horse contestant in this oil painting competition, but was slapped in the face.

   How arrogant they were before, how arrogant they contempt Jiang Mu, how painful their faces are now.

  Especially Liu Yue and Yang Xing, who are the most proficient in jumping, are simply the most annoying villains among the students.

  The two of them are now being mocked whether they are in class, get out of class, library, canteen, study room, studio, or even in the bedroom.

  At the end, the two of you really can’t stand the atmosphere in school, so you can ask for leave and go home directly, avoid the wind, and wait until the matter is over before going back to school.

  Instead, it was Feng Xiaoxiao, the person involved. After learning the results, she still went to get out of class on time, calmly, as if nothing had happened.

  (End of this chapter)

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