Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 583: 583 Persuaded, but refused to lose (1)

  Chapter 583 583 Persuaded, but refused to admit defeat (1)

  Gao Xin didn't take advantage of Jiang Mu's place. She was stunned by Jiang Mu. She didn't see the exhibition, and returned to school angrily.

  As for Ma Lele and his like, the moment they saw Jiang Mu’s work, they knew the gap between them. Without those who were in front of them, they would not get into trouble and make trouble.

  In contrast, they are more afraid of being asked for trouble. Several people had quietly left when Gao Xin left.

Feng Xiaoxiao was in the best mood. After appreciating Jiang Mu’s work, she wandered around in the gallery again, admiring the various works in it, and then compared with her own to find out the shortcomings. Absorb other people's shining points and figure out how to improve yourself.

  She was convinced that she lost this time, but this does not mean that she will still lose in future matches.

  She was convinced, but she refused to admit defeat!

   Next year, she will be a junior student. How could she still be rubbed against the ground by a school girl, that would be too shameful.

  As for bedroom 203 and Jiang Mu’s two family members, they have already rushed to Quanjude.

  Everyone is a student, and they are not so poor. Six people ordered two roast ducks, and ordered a few stir-fries. The one who ate was satisfied.

Wen Liyan ate very little. One night, he basically listened to them and talked about some topics about Jiang Mu. He would join in and discuss with everyone. Not to mention approachable, but it was almost the same, at least as before. In the bookstore, it's much better to just start if you don't agree.

As for Sun Quan, he basically went to food. Everyone studied art and talked about the affairs of Central America. Sun Quan is a male engineering student from Beijing University. He rarely has a common language. All you have to do is eat.

  However, Sun Quan is a very good listener. He does not join the discussion, but he can agree. Therefore, the atmosphere of this meal is a good one.

Later, King Ba was so happy that he even had the wine, but Jiang Mu stopped her. She could save the wine for the next dinner. She didn't dare to think about how Han Yutong and An Ying would treat this wine if they were drunk. She got back to the dormitory. She was going back to the courtyard today, and there was no way to give it away.

  After the dinner, the little sister of 203 went back to school. Jiang Mu and Wen Liyan returned to the courtyard together. The second elder of the Sun family finally moved in. However, it is not a long-term move, it is similar to the nature of accompanying students.

  When the children go to school, they are in the capital, and when the children are on vacation, they will also go back to the Shanghai stock market, so that the elderly are not alone. Everyone thinks this decision is good, and most agree with it.

  As for Sun Quan, there is no alternative. In the computer department of Beijing University, going to college is more tiring than going to high school. There is not much free time at all, and there are countless homework waiting for him to complete.

  Only Wen Liyan and Jiang Mu were in the car. Before, there were too many people, and some things were inconvenient to say, but now I finally have a chance.

  ""Flame" is very good. Congratulations on your first prize."

   "What do you want to say?" Jiang Mu turned his head and stared at Wen Liyan who was driving seriously. After all, the two had lived under the same roof for many years and knew each other well.

   "You are very talented and the paintings you draw are very popular, but is it really okay for you to paint with such concentration and energy?"

  Wen Liyan is still worried, he always feels bad.

  "What can be the problem? Artists are like this. This is called immersive creation. Only when you put your whole heart and soul into it can you draw works that touch others."

   Jiang Mu is serious nonsense.

  "The painting is so deep, death, despair, and darkness, will it really affect you?" Wen Liyan frowned and asked.

  Jiang Mu understood his worries, but he was taken aback for a while, and then returned to normal very quickly, “I said Xueshen, are you too good at it? Are there any painting skills hidden in your body?”

   "Speaking of people." Wen Liyan said in a deep voice.

   "Otherwise, you can see a problem that even a very talented person like Lu Fei doesn't see, but you can tell it." Jiang Mu is really surprised. Since she won the award, she has received countless attentions.

  The class teacher’s compliment, the department head’s compliment, and the compliment of Professor Fang.

  The classmates admire her, the roommates are happy for her, and the object is even more empathetic and proud of her, even more happy than he won the prize.

  However, only Wen Liyan was concerned about the gold content of this award for the first time, not how much glory this award can bring to her, but her psychological problems.

  "Being able to draw such a work, your experience must be more profound than those of us who appreciate the work. Being in such emotions for a long time and frequently is very unfavorable to you."

   Wen Liyan reminded.

   "I know, so, I won't always paint works of this theme, don't worry, life is so beautiful, wouldn't it be nice to show it more? Why do you want to turn around on death?"

   Jiang Muman said casually.

Wen Liyan couldn't see her true thoughts, and said with confidence, "If you can't find the subject you want to paint, you can stop painting. Anyway, it's only your interest to learn to paint. You don't need to make a living by this. Force yourself too much."

Jiang Mu squinted at him, "When did you become an old mother? Why are you so long-winded? Don't talk about me, you have been discharged from the hospital, have you reported to the school? Have you been in class normally? Have you been free for a school year? Start studying in your freshman year, or should you study with your sophomore year?"

   "You forgot, I taught myself university subjects when I was in high school. You don't have to worry about this. I won't miss a subject. Just flip through the book before the final exam."

  Wen Liyan is confident in himself.

   Jiang Mu looked at him helplessly, "Did you not be beaten to death by your classmates when you talk like this?"

   "They can't beat me."

   Jiang Mu: "..."

  Well, she has some sympathy for the students in the same class. The comparison is really tragic, and the gap is huge.

"In addition to opening a bookstore, are you still going to do something? Since school is not a problem for you, then you should have a lot of time to do what you want? Have you ever thought of moving Wenshi Technology to Beijing? "

This is a company that the three of them started. They just registered like this. They have made a lot of money in the past few years. The future is the computer and financial market and the real estate market. I just don’t know that he has it. what idea.

"No, it's good to put them in the Shanghai stock market. Curly Mao's homes are all over there. The company's employees are almost all Shanghai stockists. If they sign in the capital, it will be difficult for these people to follow along. The current employment environment is not very good. People can only find another job, which affects them too much."

Wen Liyan said.

  Jiang Mu was surprised, stared at him for a long time, and then smiled with a little tiger's teeth, "When have you been so considerate?"

  (End of this chapter)

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