Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 598: 598 Don't regret it

  Chapter 598 Chapter 598 You don't regret it

  "Uncle Huo and my mother, right?" Jiang Mu asked.

"I haven't met Howard. Regardless, I have inquired about the Huo family. They are very powerful in Hong Kong. They are not ordinary giants. Howard is now in charge of the Huo family’s business. The Huo family must be his, and this Huo Shi should be the same. The heir that the Huo family fancy, such a big family, if Aunt Zhao marries in, can you get used to it?"

  Wen Liyan is not the kind of person who likes to express. Although he looks gentle, he is more stubborn than anyone in his bones. However, he is very concerned about the people he put in the protection circle.

  He has never met Howard and has concerns about him.

   "Only mom knows about this." Jiang Mu said slowly.

  "Are you not worried at all?" Wen Liyan was a little surprised. This is not like Jiang Mu. They are a kind of person, which is very abnormal.

   "I said learning the gods, today my sister will teach you a lesson, emotional matters, such as people drinking water, cold or warm, we are useless to worry, butlers have to see what my mother thinks."

   Jiang Mu put on a posture of an overcomer, and instantly made Wen Liyan shorter and promoted himself to the older sister's generation.

   "It sounds like you know it well, but those who don't know think you've experienced a lot of battles." Wen Liyan smiled.

   Jiang Mu has no guilty conscience, "Of course I understand, no matter how you say I am a person who has an object, I am different from you bachelors, naturally very experienced."

"Don't worry too much. Mom is not a child. She knows what to do and what to do. She knows better than we do. Besides, why should Jiang Tao's wife and son live so happily? Mom can also find the second spring. Happy! As long as she feels happy, what she does determines my support!"

   Jiang Mu said.

   In the final analysis, she still feels resentment towards Zhao Yue’s divorce and Jiang Tao’s abandonment of his wretched wife for a son without hesitation.

   "It's also said that happiness is the most important thing." Wen Liyan smiled softly, "I think too much."

"No, you didn't think too much. The Huo family is indeed a wealthy family in Hong Kong. It is like a giant in front of us. I went there once during summer vacation. There are many rules. Old man Huo is very shrewd. There are so many messy things. If Mom really marries into Huo’s family, there must be a lot of trouble."

Jiang Mu yawned, "It seems that I can't be so salty. I have been studying at school for the past six months. I haven't done much business. It's time to get started. I have to earn more dowry for my mother. I can't let the Huo family look down on it. Go! They gossiping all the time."

  Wen Liyan forgot the industry on hand, and then thought about the assets of Huo's family. He felt that he had to work harder, and the company should expand a little bit, so that the Huo family should not bully Aunt Zhao.

  "You don’t need to be so stressed, don’t you still have me and Quan'er? Let’s think of a way to make money, it’s not that difficult."

   Before Jiang Mu's answer, Wen Liyan looked at the girl lying on the chaise longue. He breathed smoothly, his eyes closed slightly, and he fell asleep.

  He smiled helplessly. He was still asleep really fast. It seems that he was really happy to have fun today and fell asleep so soon.

  He leaned over and bent over, picked her up without much effort, and put her on the bed carefully.

   Jiang Mu just turned his head, and then fell asleep again. The keen vigilance in the past seemed to be immune to Wen Liyan.

  If there is a change of person today, her white and tender fist will definitely greet her.

  It was when she was in the school dormitory, once when King Ba called her to get up, she almost hit her in the nose with a punch.

  Wen Liyan looked at the sleeping girl and quietly put a small gift box in the Christmas stocking beside the bed, "Merry Christmas."

The next day, a few people got up late, and they played too late last night. In addition, they stayed overnight in the former Prince’s Mansion and rounded up. They were also in good condition. They went back to the room one by one and didn’t sleep. They took pictures with their cameras. , I didn't go to bed until early in the morning.

   "Yeah! Santa Claus really gave gifts! This is amazing!" Han Yutong cleaned up the bed, found a small gift box in the Christmas stocking, and hurried to find his roommate.

   "I have it too! I have it too!" Ba Wang said.

   "There is still me, but mine is not in the Christmas stockings, but on the pillow." An Ying said.

  Feng Xiaoxiao shook the small gift box in his hand, "I also have it in my Christmas stocking."

  The four of them looked at each other and went to find Jiang Mu.

   "I said the fourth child, you are too kind, please come over for the foreign festival, don't count the pendants for us, but also install Santa Claus, give us gifts, how can you be such a good person!"

  The king of Ba hugged Jiang Mu directly.

   Jiang Mu also had a small gift box in her hand. She looked dazed and quickly explained, “It’s not me, I don’t have one, don’t talk nonsense!”

   "Oh, you're not too shy. We all know it. This is at your house. It's midnight after we sleep. Who else could it be if you didn't send it?"

  Han Yutong also rushed over and hugged him, "Fourth old, why is your waist so thin!"

   Jiang Mu was very helpless, he broke free for a few times and didn't break free, so he simply followed them.

   "It's really not me. I just found out that I also have gifts in this Christmas stocking. I thought it was one of you who gave it to me."

  A few people looked at the gift box in her hand, with a bewildered expression, "It's really not you?" An Ying asked.

  Jiang Mu nodded, “Really, it’s not me. I gave you all the pendants. It’s a Christmas gift. How can I give another one?”

   "It's not you, who could it be?" Feng Xiaoxiao asked.

   "Look at what you all received?" Jiang Mu asked.

   "I am the most high-end full set of brushes." An Ying said.

  Feng Xiaoxiao: "Me too."

  The two received the same.

  Han Yutong unpacked, "mine is a ladies watch."

   "Me too." Ba Wang said.

   Jiang Mu understood at a glance, "Yes, my mother gave it."

   "Huh?" The four said in unison.

   "Auntie sent it? Does she know us?" Han Yutong asked puzzled.

   "Although I don't know each other, but I said it many times, she probably remembered it." Jiang Mu said with a smile, it seems that these two people have returned from the world of two.

  "But, why is the third child the same as the school girl, and the second child is the same as me?" Ba Wang asked puzzled.

   Jiang Mu touched his nose with a guilty conscience, “Maybe it’s because I said that the third child and the schoolgirl like painting very much, and they are very talented!”

   "So the boss and I don't like painting? No, fourth, this is your fault. How can you persecute our image in the aunt's heart so much?" Han Yutong complained.

   "Then do you like paintbrushes or watches?" Jiang Mu used his killer.


   Without even thinking about it, he answered immediately with a loud and clear voice.

  Jiang Mu is satisfied, these roommates of her are so cute.

  "What did Auntie give you?" Feng Xiaoxiao asked curiously.

  The other three followed, "Let us take a look."

   Jiang Mu was also curious. She opened the small wooden box and saw a seal lying quietly on the white flannel. It was a seal carved from bloodstone.

The two characters   Jiang Mu are carved upright, but there is a sense of tenderness in that.

  This is not from my mother.

   Jiang Mu was sure at the first sight of the seal.

  Because it is just Wen Liyan's method.

  When she was sculpting at home, he also played with it for a while. At that time, what he learned was the seal, and this technique came from his hands.

   "This seal is so delicate, the red color seems to flow." Han Yutong stared at the seal and muttered softly.

"Have a vision, if I read it right, this should be carved from top-level bloodstone. In ancient times, many emperors liked to use bloodstone to carve personal seals. There are also three or sixty-nine types of bloodstone. I have never seen such a good bloodstone. Your mother is so kind to you." Feng Xiaoxiao said with emotion.

   Jiang Mu smiled and didn't say anything. She changed her opinion with Feng Xiao until she laughed. This person really understands things like literary play. It is not easy to know so much at this age.

  A few people admired the seal, and then went to the dining room, but at this time, it was lunch.

  There were four more people at the dinner table, Zhao Yue and Howard, as well as the second elder of the Sun family.

  I got the gift, everyone thanked me very seriously.

Zhao Yue was already pretty, and she still had the gentleness of a Jiangnan woman. In addition to doing business these years, she also had a touch of skill, and she was able to accept a few girls in just a few words. Several people couldn't help but envy Jiang Mu. , There is such an enlightened, beautiful and gentle mother.

Lunch is also authentic Chinese food. I have to say that Liu Ma’s craftsmanship is really good. A meal is delicious. Zhao Yue and Howard are very talkative, and the two elders of the Sun family are very down-to-earth. For the elderly, what you eat makes a guest and host enjoy it.

  If there is not an exam, if it is not for worrying about dropping the course and retaking, everyone doesn’t want to leave, and wants to play here.

  However, although there is no time for this semester, there will always be opportunities in the next four years of university.

Jiang Mu didn't go back, but asked Shi Yu to send them back. Anyway, Shi Yu will also be able to see the store at school, and it just happened to be on the way. As for Zhao Huan and Zhao Qing, let Zhao Er send them back directly. They now have a driver. .

  When there are more family members left at home, it will be easier to talk about some things.

   Jiang Mu and Sun Quan have already met the Huo family, but this is the first time for Wen Liyan.

  Howard's toughness almost rushed to the face, so that the face-to-face contact made the feelings more profound. Jiang Mu felt this when he first met, and Wen Liyan sensed something deeper.

   is indeed the person in charge of the Huo family.

  Howard naturally perceives Wen Liyan's gaze of scrutiny, but, thinking that this person is under twenty years old, he is no different from a hairy boy in his eyes.

   It’s just that, in front of him, he can have such concentration and calmness, but with this tolerance and xinxing, he is much better than the younger generations of the Huo family.

   "Your children are so good one by one." Howard said with emotion.

Zhao Yue loves to hear these words. She smiled brightly and looked proud, "It is natural. Our Xiaoyan has learned well since childhood and has a good brain. The things in the textbooks are not difficult for him at all. Every time the grades are very good. It's smart."

   "I can see that he is an excellent child. It is not something ordinary people can do to be admitted to Beijing University during his illness." Howard's praise was sincere.

  Wen Liyan showed a gentle smile, "Huo Shao is also very good, and his business has been done in the mainland. This is not something ordinary people can do."

  Huo Shi turned his head and glanced at him. He didn't know what he was talking about, and smiled socially. "It hasn't opened yet. I don't know how it is."

Having said that, he turned his head to look at Jiang Mu, "Aunt Zhao, when I mentioned this, I would like to borrow someone from you. I didn’t expect Mu Mu Zhuyu to have such a great skill. Our company still lacks talents in jade carving. , I don’t know if I can ask Mu Mu to help when he is okay?"

  Zhao Yue naturally knows her daughter’s hobbies. She smiled and said, “It’s no use asking me about it. She decides things about Mumu.”

  Jiang Mu looked at Huo Shi with interest, Xiao Huya was very cute, "please me to make jade, it's very expensive."

  Huo Shicai is generous, and waved his hand, "Relax, your wages are absolutely indispensable!"

   Jiang Mu seriously reminded, “I’m afraid you will regret it when that happens.”

"How is this possible? With such a powerful master Zhuoyu joining us, we will definitely be more popular. Although those masters have good skills, they are still a bit old in style. Now that the society is developing so fast, the style is too old. In the old days, there was no competitiveness or attractiveness."

  For this, Huo Shi did market research.

   "Since you persist in this way, then I will not be embarrassed to agree to you, but you must remember what you said today." Jiang Mu said something.

"I will ask the assistant to draw up the contract and sign immediately. You are our master Zhuoyu!" Huo Shi is very decisive and implements the decision immediately. As for the future things, he hasn't thought of it yet, so you don't need to do it yourself. Find troubles.

  The matter of the two is so finalized.

  Quickly and decisively.

   However, people who know Jiang Mu, such as Sun Quan, and Wen Liyan, can tell with a glance that she must have some bad water waiting behind.

  The two exchanged glances in a tacit understanding, without saying anything, looking forward to a good show in the future.

   "Mr. Huo, do you have any plans to get married?" Wen Liyan asked directly and somewhat abruptly.

Howard was a little surprised. He looked at Zhao Yue and found that she was also a little confused. Then he said, "We decided not to get married and have maintained this rhythm. We all feel that the relationship at this stage is very good and comfortable. We don’t want to change it yet. ."

  "Aunt Zhao?" Wen Liyan got the answer from Chives and Zhao Yue.

   "Yes, if we get married, both parties will be very involved, and it's also very troublesome. It's good for us now. Both of us are not young anymore. It doesn't matter whether we get married or not."

  Zhao Yue is very open.

   "In this case, you are happy." Wen Liyan did not mention marriage.

   "Actually, I also think this is very good. If they are together, they will be together. If they don't, they will be separated. How simple it is. There is no legal process or property division." Jiang Mu said lightly, very supportive of the two people's ideas.

  Why don’t these words sound right, Howard frowned slightly, "I think we should improve our wedding schedule?"

  (End of this chapter)

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