Chapter 610 610 Mumu is really great

  Chuyang watched his unlucky brother go upstairs and returned to his room. Then he called Jiang Mu and told her about the miserable life that Chu Ye will encounter in the future.

   "I hope he can recognize his mistakes and correct them in time. If I find out next time that he has nothing to do to bully my sister——"

  "Then you continue to beat it, it's okay, we don't care." Chu Yang immediately showed his heart, that people who can do this kind of brain flooding, just find and beat themselves.

  Jiang Mu smiled, Chu Yang really gets along with each other and finds it more interesting.

   "Say you haven't been to the store for more than half a year. You didn't go to university before, but how many times can you come. How come the closer you are, you won't come?"

  Chuyang asked with a smile.

   "I heard that Chujia’s auction business is very successful, and your Yu Linglong is also very impressive and doing quite well." Jiang Mu praised.

  "I’m not perfect without you to take care of the business. Remember to come to the store when you have time. Our shale stone masters miss you."

   Chu Yang joked.

   "Couldn't the guests who came to your store betting on stones recently did not gamble up, which affected your business, so you want me to be in your store so much?"

   Jiang Mu asked with a smile.

   "Look, am I the kind of person you are talking about? Our friends have been so many years, you still don't understand me?" Chu Yang's laughter was still sunny, no change.

   Jiang Mu heard the guilty conscience, "This is a judgment based on my understanding of you."

  Chuyang: "……"

  "It’s hard for a **** to break an inch of jade, and I can’t guarantee that I can bet up every time and get a good jade. So, instead of putting your hope on me, it’s better to find a way to buy more good jade."

   Jiang Mu said.

  How could Chu Yang not understand this truth? It's just that the current products are too difficult to choose.

Although they also have masters who gamble on stones, recently I don’t know why. The raw materials selected by the masters are not very high. There are many people who gamble down in the store, and the number of people who gamble up is pitiful. This has a serious impact. Business in the store.

  In addition, because of Yu Linglong’s booming business, there have also been several stores in Beijing that operate wool business. Although they are not as big as Yu Linglong, they are small and small, with many customers.

  There are many customers who gambled up, and the reputation spread. Recently, due to the situation of Yulinglong, these small shops have left many customers of Yulinglong.

  Chuyang didn't care about one or two stores, but as there were more stores, more customers would leave. If things go on like this, if no solution is found, Yu Linglong's business will definitely be sluggish.

  At that time, Chujia’s competitors will not let go of this good opportunity. Even if the Chujia has a big business, they will not be able to stand up to the other side to unite and deal with it.

  As the saying goes, everyone pushes the wall down, and this has a very bad impact on the Chu family.

  So, Chu Yang wanted to find a solution in Jiang Mu.

   But now it seems that it doesn’t work.

Jiang Mu said that on the one hand, no matter how good her vision is, it is impossible to guarantee that she can bet up every time. On the other hand, even if she can bet up every time, but in case his wool is not strong, There is no good material for the remaining wool, and the clever woman can hardly cook without rice, and it is useless to look at it.

  In the end, all that is left is to buy a batch of wool with a high yield rate. The two batches of wool are mixed and sold together. As long as someone can bet on the increase, the business in the store will be better.

  It’s just that, that’s how it is said, not everyone can find wool with a high green rate among the many wools in this eye.

   "Jiang Mu, the winter vacation is so long, I invite you to go out and play? I will arrange the whole process to ensure that you eat well and have fun." Chu Yang suggested.

   "I thank you, the winter vacation is so short, I am busy, did you forget, I will also have a business to take care of, you can play by yourself."

  Jiang Mu rolled his eyes into the air, dare to get her in front of her with this little trick? Can't you be a fool?

  "Don’t don’t don’t, the stone gambler in my shop has limited eyesight. Even if you re-purchase a batch of wool, there is no guarantee that you can buy a batch of Cui Gao’s revelations."

  Chuyang was very helpless.

   "Then you can change another batch. Is there still a shortage of money from the first family?" Jiang Mu puzzled.

  "The beginners are not bad for money, but, a good gambling master is really hard to find, you should do me a favor, you can rest assured, I will definitely pay for it!"

  Chuyang guarantee.

  Jiang Mu didn't want to choose wool for others. As the saying goes, her wealth is not revealed. Her ability is somewhat abnormal. If this is discovered by others, the consequences will not be a joke.

"I really don't have time, but I can give you suggestions for Master Shishi. There are many disciples under my master. Although some have given up on jade carving, they have been fighting jade materials for more than ten years. If you hand it in, you can try it with them."

   Seeing that Jiang Mu really didn't go back, Chu Yang could only give up.

   "There is no time for winter vacation and summer vacation. This year I plan to go directly to Myanmar, where the jadeite is produced, and the price will be cheaper. You can take a stroll together, just as a trip."

"we'll talk about it then."

  The two chatted a few more words before hanging up the phone.

  "Who is this talking to?" Zhao Qing was very interested.

   Jiang Mu remained calm and did not answer the move at all, “Don’t want to change the subject, let’s talk about it, what is going on? If it wasn’t for me today, would you let that Chuye be so bullied?”

   Said that Jiang Mu felt his hands itchy, so he slapped him, which was really cheap for him.

  Zhao Qing was a little helpless, "Our family is not wealthy, the school expenses are very high, and there is a younger brother who wants to go to school, it is natural to save money, but it is just a dance party, it is not important to participate in it."

"Why don't you tell me? Why, after going to college and entering the Chinese opera, I am not your sister, my mother is not your aunt? You have troubles, don’t come to us, you treat us as your family. ?"

"You are naturally my family! But, after all, we are not a family. No matter how good our relationship is, I can't find you when we encounter difficulties. What will it be like, and I am not strong, if I really Even if you don’t say anything, I will definitely come to you!"

  Zhao Qing smiled heartlessly.

   Jiang Mu was still unhappy, "If you don’t want our family to spend money, then we won’t spend any money. However, things like a dance party are easy to solve, and you don’t need to spend money at all."

"We are about the same shape. There are a lot of small skirts in my closet. Let me say yes. I have never worn them. I don't like wearing skirts. You can take them back and wear them. There are also those accessories, which are troublesome. The ones you send here, the ones you own, don’t cost money, and you keep them in them. You can use them as you like."

While talking, Jiang Mu had taken Zhao Qing to his house. The cabinet was opened, and the three rows of wardrobes were full of dangdangs. It was not Zhao Yue, the mother who bought it, but Wen Liyan and Sun Quan, and Huo Shi was also one of them. .

  I don’t know what their hobbies are, everyone likes to stuff things into her closet.

  Jiang Mu's movements are neat, he took a large handful and stuffed it all into his suitcase, "Pack these first, and take them back to the dormitory together when you start school. You can wear it as you like, you are welcome!"

  Zhao Qing was dumbfounded, and she felt envy in her heart. Girls, there is no one who dislikes beautiful jewelry and clothes.

   "Look at what you are doing, come and help. This skirt is troublesome. It's troublesome to fold it up!" Jiang Mu was a little impatient. What she didn't like most was doing housework, and she was still sternly folding clothes.

   "Enough is enough, already enough, I can't finish wearing so much! You give it to me, you don't have to wear it yourself." Jiang Mu folded in the suitcase, and Zhao Qing took it outside.

   "Ah, I don’t like wearing skirts. Where are the pants in skirts convenient? You can’t walk in big steps. Those who walk in small steps are very anxious and inconvenient to move."

   Jiang Mu really doesn't like it, but it can't stop Zhao Yue from having a heart to dress her daughter as a little princess, so she can only accumulate more.

   "But, this is too much!" Zhao Qing really felt too much. Thirty-two inches of suitcases are already crammed for most.

  Jiang Mu only noticed that after stacking for so long, she was standing still, "I said, why are you dragging your feet all the time?"

   Jiang Mu pushed a lot of clothes over, "Come here, you fold it yourself, I fold it too ugly, these, these, and these, all put them in, and you can take them back to school when we start."

  Zhao Qing lowered her head and folded her clothes, her eyes blurred.

  Why is Jiang Mu so good? Why is she so good to her?

  How lucky she is to have such a sister!

   "Hey, you keep your head down, aren't you crying? You deserve to be a student of Chinese opera. Feelings are rich. You will definitely become a good actor in the future."

   Jiang Mumei is not good, "I will be the big star's sister by then, and I will save you face!"

   "Come on, the future star, first sign me, and when you become famous, it will be worth the money." Jiang Mu got up and went to the drawer to dig out a notebook and handed it over.

  Zhao Qing couldn't laugh or cry, she couldn't believe that she would become a big star one day in the future, Jiang Mu than she was confident.

   A search in the room, the suitcases are full.

  "Let’s go back tomorrow. You should take a break. If you are hungry, call Ma Liu. I have something to do when I go out." Jiang Mu confessed again and again before going out.

  She just went out, Wen Liyan and Sun Quan came back with Zhao Huan.

  Two sets of people's front and back feet, but they didn't meet them.

   "It's okay, Mu Mu should just have something to do, and will come back after finishing the exam. Let's see if you have just finished the exam. Let's take a break."

  Zhao Qing said.

Zhao Huan was already paralyzed in the chair and waved his hands repeatedly, "No way, no way, I really can't do it. I don't know why our Chinese Department should learn Chinese Pinyin, my mind is full of tadpoles. I hope the teacher will give me more points for the face of my neat handwriting."

  "Then you pay more respect to Wenquxing during Chinese New Year." Zhao Qing complained.

   "Is this really useful?" Sun Quan asked with bright eyes.

  (End of this chapter)

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