Rebirth to 80s: I Raised the World’s Richest Man

Chapter 612: 612 Are you really a couple? (Double more in one

  Chapter 612 612 Are you really a couple? (Double more in one)

  At night, everyone went back to their room, but Sun Quan followed Wen Liyan to his room.

   "I will be back to the Shanghai stock market tomorrow. This night, what will you do with me if you don't go back to sleep?" Wen Liyan asked slowly.

   "Why are you still looking sluggish, don't you worry about it?" Sun Quan's anxious mouth almost blistered.

   "What are you worried about?" Wen Liyan asked inexplicably.

   "Naturally, I'm worried that Brother Mu will run away with her! You said what happened to you. It's been so long, and you don't see any progress between you and Brother Mu? What do you think?"

  Sun Quan was anxious.

   "What do you think? Isn't this great?" Wen Liyan said lightly.

   "What a good thing! Don't you like Brother Mu? She is dealing with others now, do you still think it is good?" Sun Quan was speechless.

  Wen Liyan smiled lightly, “It’s just a target, and he’s not married. Besides, there are too few people who can cultivate true fruit for first love. In the future, time is still long.”

   "Then what if these two people really get married? What do you do?" Sun Quan was anxious again.

   "This is considered to be married, isn't it still divorced? Look at Aunt Zhao, isn't it good now?" Wen Liyan's tone was still calm and calm.

   "What a shit!" Sun Quan said swear words directly.

  Wen Liyan looked sideways, "Go back and rest. I have to catch a plane tomorrow."

  "It doesn't matter what you are!" Sun Quan left angrily.

  Wen Liyan sat on the sofa, motionless, looking at the photo album on the coffee table. It was a photo of the three of them. He has time now, so he is not in a hurry.

  He has patience, he is the most patient hunter, and he will definitely hunt the most desired prey in the end.


  Going home during winter vacation, the yard was suddenly empty. Jiang Mu gave everyone a vacation. If you want to stay, you can stay. If you want to go home to rest, you can go home to rest. As long as there is a person in the yard to look after.

  After all, she still has so many valuable collections in the garden that she always needs someone to watch.

  Hou Liangliang's ticket was bought by Jiang Mu. He met everyone at the airport. After all, he was also a person with a girlfriend. It was a must to date before parting.

   "When I said you, I'm still not a good brother anymore! I care more about color than friends! I am talking about you." Sun Quan vomited.

Faced with the relentless accusation from his little friend, Hou Liangliang smiled like a second fool, "Brother, you don’t have an object yet. After you have an object, you will understand. After being separated for so long, you must be reluctant to bear it. !"

  Sun Quan who was ridiculed inexplicably: "..."

  What's wrong with no object?

  No one to eat your rice?

   "Quan'er, you have to be considerate of the monkey. After all, he is now a family member. Wouldn't you see if Mu Mu came back late from a date with her partner yesterday? You must be reluctant!"

   Zhao Huan comforted.

   "I am not, I am not, don't talk nonsense."

  Jiang Mu denied Sanlian, saying that it was a neat thing.

  Sun Quan wailed again, "Let's take a look, you are not convinced when you say that you value **** over friends?"

Hou Liangliang’s attention now no longer focuses on color and friend. He pulled Sun Quan away with one hand and looked at Jiang Mu, “No, Brother Mu, are you the target? Who is the other party? Classmate, teacher? Is it reliable? ?"

   "Classmate, senior, very reliable, okay?" Jiang Mu was speechless.

Hou Liangliang doubted, "Is it really reliable? Why don't I think? If it's really reliable, you will not be able to meet for a full forty-five days after a winter vacation. You don't feel reluctant. Is he really the target? What about me? Think he is no different from your classmates?"

Jiang Mu blinked and disagreed with his analysis, "Who has stipulated that the object must be as sticky as you? We don't have many opportunities to meet at school. Before yesterday, we had two I haven’t seen each other since the winter vacation is only forty-five days. What’s the matter?”

  Hou Liangliang became more and more shocked, "My brother Mu, are you sure you are the target? Where is the target like you? In my opinion, you are just like-minded friends at best."

   Jiang Mu said slowly, "You also said it, it's just in your opinion. In my opinion, we are the objects of the place!"

  Hou Liangliang's mind suddenly flashed a guess, "I said Brother Mu, you can't tell what is like and what is friendship, right?"

  Jiang Mu hesitated for a while, then stood up and said seriously, "How is that possible? Who am I? Wouldn't I understand something so easy to distinguish?"

I think of my friends’ operations over the years, earning money, buying a house, and helping my family through potential crises, and then taking myself and other friends to the university that everyone wants. Indeed, Brother Mu is so good. , This matter will not be unclear.

  At this time, the broadcast notification registration sounded, and the topic stopped there.

  Wen Liyan walking behind Jiang Mu, with a shallow smile on the corners of his lips, and the black eyes that have always been cold like the warm sun in spring. At first glance, he was in a good mood.

  The distance from Beijing to Shanghai Stock Exchange is not far, and the flight time is not long.

  As soon as they landed, Hou’s parents came to pick them up, and Zhao Yue from the Shanghai stock market notified Huang Meili, Mao Liping, and Wu Heping to pick up the plane early in the morning. Everyone went back very smoothly.

When Zhao Yue was no longer in the Shanghai stock market, Ru Mu and the supermarket were basically in charge of Huang Meili. Mao Liping has developed very well in the past few years. From a workshop worker to Ru Mu’s store manager, in Shanghai Among all the stores in the city, the one she manages always has the highest sales.

  Wu Heping has also become a logistics manager on the Shanghai Stock Exchange from the beginning of a delivery driver. He is responsible for the distribution of goods in all stores, and he has followed several delivery drivers under his hands. In the past few years, he has also worked hard.

  The two couples went from state-owned enterprise workers to working for self-employed workers. From being considered lunatics and idiots by friends and relatives, they don’t want to put iron rice bowls. Instead, they went to work for self-employed workers, and they became the shopkeepers and captains everyone envied now.

  The monthly income is several times that of the previous workers, and there are bonuses during the holidays and festivals, which has become the envy of everyone.

  After several years of business, the young couple also bought their own house for a pair of children to study, and became successful people in the mouth of relatives and friends.

  All of this was given by Zhao Yue. The couple thanked her very much. Every time Zhao Yue came back from a business trip, one of the couple would definitely come to pick him up.

   "It's the end of the year, I'll let you go." Zhao Yue is actually a little embarrassed. After all, this is not the job of the two.

   "What's the matter? Our company's car is convenient to drive." Mao Liping said with a smile.

   "Tomorrow I will go to the store. New Year's Eve, and the bonus should be paid." Zhao Yue said.

   "The little girls are looking forward to this day!" Mao Liping was also very happy.

   "Mom, Aunt Mao, do you send the year-end awards from one store to another?" Jiang Mu asked.

   "Otherwise, how can I post it?" Zhao Yue didn't understand why her daughter would ask this question.

  Jiang Mu smiled, “There are more methods. How many stores does Ru Mu have in the Shanghai stock market? How many shop assistants are there in total?”

  Huang Meili: "There are eight stores in total, not counting the manager of each store, there are 96 people in total."

"Actually, you can book a hotel, open a few tables, everyone can lively and lively, eat, or do some other activities, the bonus will be paid on the spot, or there can be another lucky draw, whether it is a bonus or What other prize is it, you can advise yourself on this, so that it will be easier to gather the clerk."

   Jiang Mu took out some reward schemes for later generations.

  Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard it.

  Whether it is Zhao Yue, Huang Meili or Mao Liping, they are now in management positions. Upon hearing Jiang Mu’s suggestion, the three of them are aware of the feasibility of this plan and know how such a plan will affect the employees.

   "I will do this to ensure the best results!" Huang Meili took over the task, and she admired Jiang Mu even more in her heart.

  At the beginning, she created this family business at a young age. Now for so many years, she has basically not participated in operation and management except for design, but she can mention casually, except for such a good plan, this person is simply a genius!

Suddenly, Jiang Mu, who was genius, didn’t know what she thought, and continued, “This year’s time is too late. After next year, we can gather all the store managers from Ru Mu across the country to the Shanghai stock market, and we can also organize such an event. Deepen employees’ sense of belonging to the company."

  "It’s okay, this year is a trial. Once you have experience, you can operate it more quickly and easily next year." Zhao Yue said with a smile, not to mention how beautiful she is, she deserves to be her girl, she is amazing!

   "I will send Xiaohuan and Xiaoqing home, so you can discuss the dinner together." Jiang Mu picked up the car key and went out. After all, he was a young man. He didn't feel tired all the way down the plane and was full of energy.

   "Let's split up, it's faster, and their two directions are also different." Wen Liyan reminded.

  Sun Quan immediately understood, "Zhao Huan, go, I will see you." Zhao Huan is close, Zhao Qing is far away, and the two of them can get along for a while.

  For my brother, he really took great pains!

  Sun Quan thinks he can get a pennant.

   "That's it, I'll send Xiao Qing." Jiang Mu didn't think there was any problem in it.

  Until I got into the car, Jiang Mu, who originally said he had sent him, sat in the co-pilot, and the driving seat was occupied by Wen Liyan.

   She frowned, “It’s not been a long time toss, you don’t have a good rest, so why do you come here? Can you bear it physically?”

   "I have recovered, what misunderstanding do you have about my physical condition?" Wen Liyan emphasized.

  "After all, you have been sick. It must be incomparable with healthy people. Didn’t the doctor say that even if you recover, your body is thinner than others, so it’s better not to be too tired."

   Jiang Mu's voice became lower.

   "Just driving a car, why are you tired?" The man's helpless low laughter sounded in the car.

   "Anyway, this is not allowed in the future! You have to rest well, know if you don't!" Jiang Mu became serious and said fiercely.

  Wen Liyan held back a smile, "Okay, okay, I see."

   Behind Zhao Qing watched the two going back and forth, and became more suspicious. Why do these two people look so wrong?

  I didn’t know that they thought they were lovers!

  Such weird thoughts continued until the three of them got out of the car.

  When Zhao Qing arrived at home, only Zhao Shujun was at home. He was a fourteen-year-old boy who was already as tall as Zhao Qing. Seeing her sister, the usually non-talkative teenager showed joy.

   "Sister, you finally have a holiday! Sister Mu, Brother Yan, thank you for sending my sister back."

   "Whatever you are polite, it's all a family." Looking at an angry boy in front of him, Jiang Mu also had to sigh that time flies so quickly.

  "Second Uncle and Second Aunt haven't come back?" It's already the end of the year, and the family is still so deserted. At this time, every family is starting to buy New Year's goods, but they don't see the slightest New Year's atmosphere in their home.

   "They haven't got off work yet, it will take a while." Zhao Shujun said.

   "Did I remember wrong? The bus shift is so late now?" Jiang Mu frowned. She remembered that they changed shifts in the afternoon.

  "You remember correctly, every day I used to change shifts in the afternoon. Starting this year, I didn't change shifts until the evening." Zhao Shuda felt a little lonely when he mentioned this.

  The expenses at home are too much. She is in junior high school, her sister is in college, and the relationship between people is not small.

  This year, my grandma got sick again. The little savings in the family were almost emptied. Seeing him and his sister start school in spring, this is another big expense.

  Although the work is a little harder now, it is good to have a salary to get it.

   Thinking of getting up in the middle of the night a few days ago, he heard his parents in the room calculating the expenses one by one, tightly, no matter how it was not enough, Zhao Shujun felt even more sad.

  "How can my body stand it after working so long?" Zhao Qing frowned.

"Oh, there is no way. If you can't go on, you will resign yourself. I heard from my parents that their unit has already started to lay off employees. If it is not for the parents to work long and perform well on weekdays, they will be fired. When the time comes, the unit will give a sum of money to buy out the length of service, and then it will not matter anymore."

  Zhao Shujun said.

  Thinking of her tuition, Zhao Qing also began to worry.

  Jiang Mu frowned. She knew that for decades, state-owned enterprise workers were laid off. The iron rice bowl that everyone envied in the past has been bought out and nothing is left.

   However, this is only the beginning of 1992. Will the tide of layoffs begin now?

  "Xiaoqing, when the second uncle and second aunt come back, you can find out more about the situation, and then tell me, let me see if I can think of a solution."

   Jiang Mu told.

  Zhao Qing nodded and said nothing. The whole person was gone, and she was thinking about how to make money. She could not be idle for such a long winter vacation. She could earn a little bit, which would also reduce the burden on her parents.

  On the way back, Wen Liyan, who was ordered to rest, sat in the co-pilot, and the driver became Jiang Mu.

  "Don’t worry. Although the second uncle’s family is difficult, this situation can be solved easily. You are not short of money or job positions. It is easy to deal with."

  Wen Liyan reminded.

   "You don't know them." Jiang Mu said, if things were really that simple, it would be great.

confirmed! ! !


     I am finally relieved!

     Thank you for your support, understanding, and company~



  (End of this chapter)

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