Chapter 623 623 Opportunity

  Wen Liyan is studying finance. In fact, he has been paying attention to the opening of the domestic stock market early in the morning, and he also decided to try it out in this wave.

  For the stock market, he explained it very concisely, and Sun Quan was stunned after listening.

  Sun Quan actually did well in mathematics. For all the numbers he said, he could immediately reflect the corresponding results in his brain.

  Then it was the result of Wen Liyan's various assumptions that made her heart surging, and she felt so excited that she would become a millionaire in the next second.

   Then when Wen Liyan gave the opposite example, Sun Quan began to sweat again, as if he had fallen into the cold winter pool, as if his blood had condensed.

After Wen Liyan finished speaking, Sun Quan poured a glass of water, drank it directly, and then reached out to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead, "I think Brother Mu is right. This business is really not suitable. Me, I may only be suitable for dealing with computers."

  Jiang Mu shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, “It’s okay, you can invest in shares with funds, let Xueshen or I help you operate, then you can directly make profits, how about it?”

  Sun Quan looked at the two friends, "Are you going to do it separately? Don’t you cooperate?"

   "The risk is so high, it is natural to have to do its own thing, everyone's judgment is different, and the decision made at that time is different. Different decisions will directly lead to a profit or a loss, which is of great importance."

   Jiang Mu said.

  She can remind Wen Liyan when necessary, but she can’t do this with two people at the same time, otherwise, depending on Wen Liyan’s cleverness, she might be able to see something.

  Fortunately, Wen Liyan also accepted her proposal.

   "I can only come up with one million operable funds, each of you 500,000, and I will do nothing, just waiting for you to show off."

  Sun Quan is impartial.

"No, you only have these savings in total? Isn't it too risky to take out all of this brainstorming?" Jiang Mu didn't want his little brother to indulge in speculation, and fell in love with this high-income, high-risk way of making money. It's really not that everyone can say that the stock market is accurate, because there are too many stock investors.

"What's so risky? It's just that I contributed to Aunt Zhao's dowry. Although they are not getting married now, no one can say whether they will get married in the future. After all, the other party is a big family in Hong Kong. , The dowry still needs to be adequately prepared."

  Sun Quan explained.

   "Brother, it's interesting! However, you can't do all the dowry for mom. You can just separate a little at that time, and you can keep the rest for yourself."

  Jiang Mu knew that the 500,000 yuan in her hand would definitely make a lot of profit. If you want to give it to mom, the amount is too huge.

   "I'll talk about it at that time, I don't know if this new way of making money is reliable!" Sun Quan didn't take her words to heart.

  The next day, Sun Quan divided his savings between the two.

  Wen Liyan and Jiang Mu each have 500,000.

   Raised the passbook in Yang's hand, Jiang Mu looked at Wen Liyan who was opposite, "Would you like to take a gamble?"

   "What are you betting on?" Wen Liyan raised his eyebrows.

   "Look at who of us helps Koizumi earn a lot." Jiang Mu, who has rarely beaten someone, decides to start cheating. No matter what, he always wins the other party once.

   "Yes, what about the bet?" Wen Liyan was also very interested.

   "If whoever wins, he can ask the other party to do something, how about it?" Jiang Mu's apricot eyes are bright, obviously he has a back hand.

What can Wen Liyan do?

  I can only agree to her.

   Because I have to go to work in the New Year, we can only guarantee constant updates at the moment. Everyone actively grabs the red envelopes~



  (End of this chapter)

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