Chapter 626 626 Come to thank you

   Although Jiang Mu did not book a room at the Pujiang Hotel, she would still come to see the situation frequently. After all, this was the biggest investment she had made in the past two years.

  Just as Jiang Mu ended his wait-and-see day, when he returned home, he found that several guests had arrived.

  Zhao Baomin and Zhang Qian came over.

  Under the circumstances, the two brought a basket of eggs and bought four bottles of canned food that the old man liked to eat.

  Although there are not many things, it is very polite.

When Jiang Mu came back, the two had been at home for a while.

  It turned out that the two had made a decision, and they came to thank Jiang Mu.

  After all, I took my old mother home. My previous conservative plan was not enough. The size of the house was not enough to live in. It might as well simply rent a bigger one instead of a building, just a larger area in the alley.

  Zhao Baomin and Zhang Qian’s seniority were all bought out, and the money was paid, but not much. Adding the two together is only 50,000 yuan.

  This is now the only savings left by the Zhao family.

  Fortunately, the leaders in the unit also thought that both of them were old employees, and did not ask them to vacate the house immediately, but the biggest limit was also after the year.

The work Jiang Mu and Wen Liyan have been arranged. The two have been working for several days. There is nothing strange about them. The only problem with their family now is the house. But as long as they have a job and can make money, the two of them will be in their hearts. Don't panic.

  Now the wages of the two are a bit higher than when they were in the work unit. The old lady has a daughter and a son-in-law serving in the past two days. She has eaten well, her spirits have improved a lot, and her body has recovered very well.

  People are in good spirits on happy occasions. The couple came over today, and the smiles on their faces have not faded. The atmosphere at home is even better. Jiang Mu was happy for them when he saw it.

   "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, where are you going to rent a house?" Jiang Mu asked as he took off his coat.

"Have you ever thought about this, as long as the house is more spacious and the rent is cheaper, nothing else is required." Zhao Baomin said, it doesn't matter whether work is close or not. If it is too far away, he will sleep less and get up early. The price is still a key factor.

"Then you can consider the side near the clothing factory. There are old buildings there. There are some old houses with a small yard. Relatively speaking, it will be cheaper. That is, the aunt goes to work, and Shujun goes to school farther. "

   Jiang Mu proposed.

Zhang Qian was overjoyed, and quickly stood up, "If you are farther away, I can’t get up early. Besides, it’s much easier to cook now than I did at work. It’s much easier than I did before. Compared to this kind of hard work, this work is almost like giving money for nothing!"

Jiang Mu smiled Xiaohuya, "Where is the money given for nothing, it is not easy to cook meals for 20 or 30 people every day! My second aunt earns craft money. I heard from the staff at Xiaoyanglou that she loves food most. The pan-fried buns you made, and the little chaos, they taste even better than the restaurant’s!"

  The complimented Zhang Qian smiled even more, “It’s not just about cooking something, it’s easy, and they’re happy to eat, otherwise I’m guilty for such a high salary.”

  Seeing that she was so happy, it was obvious that she had already started work, and Jiang Mu was not so worried.

"The house near the garment factory is really cheap. However, rather than renting a house, I still recommend that you buy it, so that you can count as having a house of your own." Jiang Mu mentioned the old things again, and she was very optimistic about it. The development of the frontier will not take long, and it should also be included in the scope of demolition.

  (End of this chapter)

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