Chapter 937 The treasure house is lost

   is also a good value for money.

  Ling Shiyang also felt that Liu Liang's words were right, yes, people will change, what he lives now is just what he should live, and what he does is what he needs to do the most.

   Of course, he didn't feel that he could have any evil relationship with Liu Liang. This woman is too cruel, not ordinary people really dare not marry him, even with that amount of strength, he can be crushed to death.

   "Xu Jiajia is seriously ill."

Ling Shiyang said lightly, it doesn't matter, and there is no other feeling. It seems that the one he loved in those years was just a pig. Now that the pig was slaughtered by him, he also ate it in his stomach. Life is like this, but his life is just the beginning.


  Liu Liang is not surprised.

   "You have no accident?"

  Liu Liang's word oh, I can't make out any meaning.

   "That's right."

  Liu Liang is indeed no surprise, "She has been with you for so many years, it is impossible for her to have children without doing anything. You have toxins in your body, but she doesn't?"

  Ling Shiyang suddenly felt that his face was a little hot.

   "You have those poisonous fangs. In a certain way, you can suppress those toxins, but she doesn't. In fact, all the organs in her body have been destroyed all the time.

  If she hadn't been so selfish as a person's savior, she wouldn't be half-dead waiting to die now.

  Ling Shiyang didn't speak, and it was only after a long time that he heard his slight sigh.

   "You won't be reluctant, will you?"

  Liu Liang raised her brows slightly, don't tell her, are you really reluctant?


  Ling Shiyang has absolutely no feelings for that woman. In this case, what is there to bear, "I just feel that you have a really deep scheming."

   "Is there?" Liu Liang objected, "I'm very kind."

  Ling Shiyang "..."

  I believe in you, you wicked bitch!

   "That's right," Ling Shiyang has one more thing to tell Liu Liang, "There is also an accident at Zeng's house."

   "What can happen to them?"

  Liu Liang kicked off the shoes on her feet, sat directly on the heated kang, found herself a comfortable position, and continued to speak, even if she said something, she herself felt a little fake.

   "The family has a big business, and if something happens, even if it really happens, there is some capital."

   "It used to be, but it's hard to say now."

  Ling Shiyang sat up straight, "You may not know that the treasure house of the Zeng family was taken over."

   "Ah! Treasure House, what is that?"

  Liu Liang pretended to be surprised. I don't know if Liu Liang's dress was too similar, or if Ling Shiyang really didn't think too much, she was really fooled by Liu Liang.

   "What else could it be?"

  Ling Shiyang felt that this Zeng family and his family's Ling family were even worse. His Ling family would not be able to recover, and the Zeng family couldn't recover this time.

   "The treasure house is where they keep their things. The Zeng family's good things that are more than a hundred years old are all there. I don't know who was taken away?"

   "This place can't be found by ordinary people. I guess they took it from inside. It must be like this."

  Liu Liang can be sure that they took it themselves, the treasure trove. He is not a place that outsiders can know, see, and find. It must be taken by their own people.

  Look, how well she analyzes, well, she has to believe it herself.

  Ling Shiyang felt that Liu Liang's statement was not impossible.

   After all, no one can know about the treasure house except the owner, just like his Ling family. Only his grandfather knows where the Ling family is, not even him.

   So, how could outsiders take away everything without knowing it.

  Yes, that is, taking everything, including the pot, it must have been taken away by an insider.

   "I heard that the Zeng family just sent out a group of clansmen a few days ago. After these people left, they never came back. Of course, no one knows where they are?"

   "I think it's these people who took the Zeng family's treasure house."

   And the inexplicable person who carries the blame, does not know where he is now?

   But no matter who took it, it has nothing to do with Liu Liang.

   Of course, no one would have thought that Liu Liang, a woman, robbed the family's century-old treasure house. In fact, Liu Liang took it.

The Zeng family, who couldn't find the treasure house, could only eat the old money in the end, but they also had a lot of old money, not to mention how much they had, even the real estate would be enough for them to eat for a while, as long as it wasn't Prodigal son, if you think about it, it's not difficult to mix up like a dog.

   is a pity, they are really prodigal sons.

  Liu Liang didn't pay much attention to these things, but Ling Shiyang was like a personal loudspeaker. Every once in a while, he would tell Liu Liang about the Zeng family.

   Today, the Zeng family is finally divided, and tomorrow it will be divided again.

   How many shares of the existing family property have been divided, a good century-old clan is also divided into pieces, the family does not become a family, and the clan does not form a clan.

The whole family is scattered, and naturally there is no patriarch. After being the patriarch for a lifetime, Zeng Liang, who has always been aloof, couldn't bear it at first. After a serious illness, he may also feel ashamed to see people, so he no longer appears in front of the public. , and there is no panacea in this world that can really make him live a hundred years.

  The white fox took the money and ran away with his son. Zeng Yuan was guarding a little family property, and there was an old man, except for the worst, he could go on.

He really wanted to find Zeng Xubai. After all, Zeng Xubai's business is doing very well, but he has no face, and Zeng Xubai is the most disobedient. Fortunately, he is not like Like Uncle Xu, he can really have no money or work, and can starve himself for days and nights.

   It's been a few months again, and when Liu Liang appears again in the central hospital, it's already a new year for the recovery of all things.

   "Dr. Liu, Happy New Year!"

   "Well, happy new year."

  Liu Liang smiled and greeted everyone. She really came from the ice and snow just because there were a few patients here. After she was done, she went back to Maodong.

I have to say, that place is really good. She plans to take Dabao and Xiaobao there this time. It is like a natural ski resort. For Xingning, where there is less snow now, it can be said to be a children's paradise. .

   About a few hours later, Liu Liang came out of the operating room.

   "Dr. Liu's hand speed seems to be faster again?"

   Several doctors couldn't help but admire.

   "No," Liu Liang shook her hand, "it's still the same." As for the speed of the hand again?

   (end of this chapter)

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