Rebirth to have a happy life

Chapter 24:This is good life.

The next day Aditi wake up too late, fortunately, today is sunday so she doesn't need to send chinu school, otherwise, she is in trouble, chinu and Virat also wake up late today, last night Mahendra send her text message saying "Thank you", but because of her gloomy mood & also because she wanted to sleep she doesn't send him to reply, but now thinking that she decided that it is best if she tries to minimize the contact between them, she really feel attraction towards him, After waking up she decided to give herself a holiday, so she ordered pizza for breakfast and some takeout for lunch also she decided today she will not shoot or write anything but after eating the breakfast she got call from Mahendra first he ask aren't she see his message, in the message he asks her and chinu with Virat to come their home to lunch but she not replied so he call her, he wanted to treat them for lunch then they will celebrate his birthday and later go to dinner, but Aditi already decided to minimize contact with him slowly so she tells him that she has some work but she will send chinu with Virat for lunch also she will come to dinner directly, she decided that at night she will make excuse for saying no. After telling this she tells Virat and Chinu about this, Virat is not happy about this, the guy name Avinash is too much for him, he can't tell his sister about his sexuality and that boy is too damn amazing but he is too famous so he's kinda confused. But it will be okay to accompany chinu also Mr. Mahendra is a good person he knows.

After sending them Aditi start cleaning her messy house, it take two hours after that she eat the takeout and sleep for some time, she think that she will get good sleep, but she get disturbed because of a phone call, on the phone chinu is crying,for minute she got confuse what happen so she ask again then she get to know that chinu goes to lunch in a famous hotel with Mishtu Mihir and Mahendra also Mihir other uncles are their and Virat mama is also their while they go washroom ,he see his father with Aunt Adhira and her mother he wanted to talk with Raman so he go towards them and Virat follow him, Raman wanted to talk with him but Adhira stop him and said him bastard listening this Virat slap Adhira and then the bodyguard bet Virat and scold them he can't found uncle Mahendra and Virat is also unconscious, listening this Aditi tell him not to worry and stop where he is, after that she call Mahendra and tell him to find chinu and said that she is also coming, when she reach their Virat is stable and also wake up, but he has some scratches on his face while chinu is crying, 'he know he does something wrong,their father doesn't want them, but still he go, but he really wanted father, by watching Mahendra play with Mihir, and their is trip of their school where they go to camping his mother is not so strong so he wanted to ask him to come with them but because of this his mama get injured also his mom get worried and he got scolded from Aunt Adhira he really just wanted to speak with his father, why this happen now muma will definitely get angry,' he thinks

Seeing both of them fine Aditi feel relieved, she hug chinu and tell him to stop crying, after that she ask Virat that is he okay, Virat replied yes he is okay and tell her what happen, after listening this Aditi really get angry even though they divorced it doesn't mean chinu can't speak with him, even he doesn't want to speak he can't beat her brother she really wanted to fight but first sending them home is important after some coaxing chinu stop crying, he hugs her and say that he will not do something like this anymore. Aditi said he doesn't do anything bad and she is not angry at that time Mahendra, Mihir and Mishtu come inside, Mishtu hug Aditi she really like Aditi mau because of mau she is safe even though she doesn't understand what cruelty she faced, that day she remembers how Aditi fight with that man and carry her, how gently she treat her she can feel the warmth. Aditi teach her that she needed to speak and because of this grandma start liking her, Mihir also think the same thing, when they live the house he really feel terrified also if Aditi doesn't come he doesn't know what will happen also He really likes her food and her too so he decided that he will protect her just like chinu, chinu is too younger so he have to act like a big boy.

Feeling their love the anger and gloominess in her hurt vanished, in this new life she wanted to achieve lots of things but she forget to enjoy the life, she is too busy to prove herself that she deserve this chance she forgot use this chance, thinking this Aditi smiled and said to them that she is okay and not need to worry after that Mahendra said that he will send children first to his home and then they can go together to go dinner, but Aditi refused she said that she needs to go home, she has some work to done, but Mahendra tell children they go and take rest and tell his driver to send them and then ask her that she will not come to his party, isn't she his friend, listening to this Aditi get surprised she think that he treats her well because she save his child, and he doesn't consider her on the same level as his, so she ask "Who is your friend"


"Then it is you"

"I really have work otherwise, I will really come," Aditi said, she really feel good now, because she knows that what she feels towards Mahendra is attraction which is also because of his face, but she really like his character after their interaction, also she admires her but it is not love, but ya having friend like him is really worthy. she thinks and feels too good.

"ok, if you don't come then I will consider it as you doesn't think me as your friend and then I need to pay for pay birthday's party" Listening this Aditi said she will come after that he dropped at her home and said he will pick up her at 7 in the evening while coming here she talks about his ex-husband and tell him that she doesn't have any feeling towards him, he also asks her is she want revenge if she wants then he can help her, but she says no. because according to her Karma is real bitch and t is best to move on, she doesn't want drama in her life now, because she really doesn't have that much energy to deal with them. In this life she is luckier, she has family, friends some wealth and more important the freedom to choose and she chooses to live happily.

On the other hand, Mahendra got to know that she doesn't even cook nonveg food for her husband, so she cooks for just him, thinking about this he feels too good. And he himself doesn't know about this.

After some rest she gets ready, at 7 when he pick her she see that children are also there and they look much better, seeing her chinu smile brightly and hug her. Feeling the happy environment Aditi also felt happy, and the remaining time she spent is really good.

This is a good life she thinks.

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