Rebirth to have a happy life

Chapter 83:Author's note

Tomorrow there is Gudi Padwa, which is Hindu's new year's first day, but there is no festive environment here, everyone is talking about only one thing, I too, we watch only news channels, till yesterday we think that we are safe, but yup they also found some patient in our area, from 22 March here lockdown starts, my father runs a medical shop, so they tell us how there are lots of people who earn daily and then they get to eat, in June 2019 our city face biggest flood in these two decades, people just start leaving happily again and now this situation comes, all these are quite negative, and I am a person who affects easily and think too negatively, I also feel guilty because yesterday I am feeling happy because I am near to completing my 100 chapters of the story, but later I feel too guilty but that time my friend send me this message "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, It's about learning to dance in the rain." I know it is not something worth sharing, but after reading this sentence my guilt gone, I feel it is okay because even though we are facing bad situations getting sad doesn't change anything. We can only take precaution and pray, and I decided that I will start to be positive, for that I decided to watch less news from tomorrow, and do something which gives me peace and learn something only in this way I think only this way I can distract my mind. Stay at home and stay safe. Take care.

Here are some good quotes which I find to feel good so I wanted to share this with others.

Make each day masterpiece so try to live your every day as nicely and happily as you can.

Good fortune shies away from gloom. Keep your spirits up. Good things will come to you and you will come to good things. ~Glorie Abelhas

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