"Then collect supplies along the road and look for survivors.

Xu Qian quickly finished his thoughts, and saw Liu Guoqiang slightly stunned, looking at her in bewilderment, and muttered in his mouth: "What are you looking for survivors for?" Isn't that redundant?

But he just muttered quietly and didn't really ask.

"If I want to say it, just do what Miss Xu says, and I'll collect the personal information of the rest of the players."

"Okay, then I'll ask about the professions of those ordinary people."

Soon everyone was in action, and after a while, an A4 paper was filled with everyone's life skills and occupations.

Unexpectedly, there were 10 drivers, and the rest had blind Taoist priests, doctors, individual employees, and so on.

As for players, there are many classes, and life skills are even more strange. But in general, it can be used.

Soon after everyone rested, they immediately set off, and after half an hour, they finally saw the outline of the town.

Just as everyone wanted to step forward to find out, they suddenly heard a rush of gunfire. The sound of the gun was very loud, and it was this gunshot that Xu Qian and the others only felt that the ground was trembling slightly.

"It's not good, it's not good, hide quickly!"

Liu Guoqiang was the first to discover the clue, suddenly waved his hand back, and everyone also hid nearby, and soon saw a group of hideous and terrifying zombies appearing not far away.

Fortunately, they did not find players hiding in the shadows and ordinary people full of nervous crowbars. The gunshots in the distance were still coming non-stop, and the group of zombies were twisting their bodies and running towards the source of the sound with a slight stiffness.

"The gunfire is still in the distance, do you want us to take a look, maybe the rest of the players?"

Liu Guoqiang thought for a moment, whispered towards Xu Qian, his tone was full of inquiry, and the rest of the people also looked at her.

"There are too many of us, it is easy to be exposed if you go, you still act according to the original plan, collect supplies along the road, and then we will assemble in the tallest building in the distance."

Xu Qian looked at the players around him and ordinary people, if he really went, it was too risky.

"Are you going alone? It's too dangerous. "

What else does Liu Guoqiang want to say? But he was interrupted by Cao Yao on the side: "Chairman Xu, let me go with you, there can still be a care on the road."

"Okay, then it's decided, Cao Yao will go with me, and you will go and collect supplies around." Xu Qian nodded, and then looked to the side, Liu Qingfeng, who was full of worry: "Don't worry, I won't have an accident, you guys prepare more gasoline and diesel, and try to pick a big truck or jeep."

Liu Qingfeng nodded repeatedly, nodding like pounding garlic, after Xu Qian explained all this, he immediately thought about the direction of the gunshot, light as a swallow, like an ancient assassin, stepping on the wall and climbing the eaves.

Not to be outdone, Cao Yao disappeared from everyone's field of vision one after another.

Soon Xu Qian jumped on top of the bungalow, overlooking not far away.

The source of the gunfire was at the door of the convenience store, and I saw three young men holding guns pulling the trigger on this group of zombies with mobility difficulties, and behind him were 10 strong young men, nervously carrying various materials of the convenience store.

"Hurry up, hurry up and move the supplies, let's put them behind."

One of the long-haired young men pulled the trigger with both hands and urged in a low voice at the ten strong men behind him.

One of the men listened to the long-haired young man's urgent urging, lowered his head for a while, gritted his teeth and did not speak, but just threw boxes of instant noodles on the tricycle.

"Who do you say are ordinary people and who are players?"

Looking at the slightly chaotic scene not far away, Xu Qian did not rush to make a move, and Cao Yao, who followed closely behind, also appeared next to Xu Qian at this time.

The reason why they did not rush to the rescue was because the two of them watched condescendingly as the zombies rushed forward and backward towards them. Now the rapid gunfire may have already alarmed half of the zombies in the town.

The more so, the easier it was for Liu Qingfeng to collect supplies. However, the two of them soon noticed that the pistol in the long-haired young man's hand was only the most ordinary OTs-23 submachine pistol, and the ammunition capacity was only 24 rounds. And at his feet are one magazine after another.

The other two, including the long-haired youth, were all like gods, almost shot their heads. Because these monsters can survive even if they only have half a body as long as they don't hit the brain.

Even though they all had god marksmanship, they would eventually run out of ammunition, and when they put the last bullet into the zombie's head, he immediately pulled out the short knife at his waist without hesitation.

At a glance, the supermarket that was about to be emptied gritted his teeth.

"You guys hurry up."

After the long-haired young man finished speaking, he immediately held the knife in both hands and rushed forward in a big stride, and the short knife in his hand flashed with a burst of knife light, taking off his heads one by one.

"Let's go help too."

In fact, they have just cleaned up half of the zombies with pistols, and the rest of the zombies are also missing arms and legs. Xu Tian, as soon as he saw that the time had come, immediately jumped off the roof.

The left hand grabbed the neck of a zombie like before, and then twisted it hard, only listening to a click, only listening to the sound of bones shattering, and then Xu Qian stabbed it again, and the head rolled down with a grunt.

Cao Yao yawned even more, and moved his knuckles slightly.

He took out two Yanling knives of different lengths from his waist, and also rushed over.

And she moved her hands exceptionally cleanly, the long knife blocked the waist and cut off, and the short knife cut off the head.

After a meal, he was no different from Xu Qian.

And when the long-haired young man saw the two people who suddenly appeared in front of him, he was first stunned, and then he was swept by a foul smell, and he saw a zombie, tearing towards him with a blood basin and a big mouth.

It was also this shaking god that the long-haired young man only felt a tingling in his scalp, and he was trying to resist this "enthusiastic" zombie.

A change cone was inserted into the neck of the zombie, and the zombie smashed heavily on the ground.

Only then did the long-haired young man see clearly that the person who made the attack was still Xu Qian, who was fighting quickly in the zombie pile, and the girl just paused and quickly entered the state.

In fact, at the beginning, Xu Qian paid attention to the long-haired young man's surroundings and saw that he was about to be bitten by a zombie.

In a hurry, I happened to see a zombie holding a change cone.

Kill and seize weapons, throw them out like throwing them, and do it in one go.

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