Five people were separated, and the pupils condensed.

“Be careful, this person is extraordinary, don’t underestimate!” Clutch start to talk, holding the array, the heart beating.

They don’t know what Divine Ability is driven by Qin Xuan, but it is the momentum that makes the five people feel lost.

Although the other side is Nascent Soul, the top ten Star Fields are vast, and who knows if Qin Xuan has a hole in his hand.

Immediately, five people will run the cultivation technique, and a black stick will appear in the clutch. The two sides have a green and green pattern, and the long stick is heavy. In his hand, he will shake the nine big sticks and go straight to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan holds the Buddha’s gift, and the Eight Deserts, Source is created for White Monk.

Eight wild warfare bodies have more realms, from the initial blood-grain warfare to the later gold-grain warfare. Now Qin Xuan is called the Luohan warfare.

There is a Buddha body, a sacred body, and a fairy body.

Under the Buddha body, it was created for the white Monk, and on the other hand, it was Qin Xuan.

Nascent Soul, the nine-color body baby, the eight-year-old Luohan warfare, even the original white Monk, must be stunned.

The Arhan warfare is prepared for the Void Return, not the Nascent Soul.

In the face of the nine sticks Rulong, Qin Xuan quietly took a step, one step, but if Dapeng fluttered, the figure was staggered by Space-Time, quietly, and appeared in the nine sticks, immediately, the nine sticks of light The vibration was combined and I saw the side of the long stick, but Qin Xuan held it in his hand.

Others Magical Treasure, there are five products, Qin Xuan is in front of him.

The clutch pupil collapsed, Magic Force, and Magical Treasure, but the mysterious tremble, the rays of light, but in the hands of Qin Xuan, it seems to be the Flood Dragon.

Subsequently, Qin Xuan faintly smiled, he pulled back the mysterious stick, and immediately, a palm shot on the mysterious stick.

I saw that the mysterious stick did not know how many times to flip in the air, directly hit the clutch.

“Senior Brother be careful !”

The mysterious stick fell in front of the fit, and the clutch was full of red, constantly controlled, but it was difficult to end the terrifying huge force, unable to stop the porch.

Until the mysterious stick distance from the clutch body is only a finger distance, finally stopped.

The clutch is always full of sweat, but it is like a collapse.

He looked at Qin Xuan incredulously, and his eyes were full of fear.

How terrifying the huge force can make his Magical Treasure almost hurt the Lord.

At this moment, Qin Xuan had moved and stepped out again.

The rest of the four people also reacted, and there was no little bit in their hearts. They only saw the air, there were dark green rifles, there was a red great seal, and there was a golden bow full moon…

Whirring whirring!

Four pieces of Magical Treasure, all five, tearing the sky and coming straight to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan stepped, faintly smiled, he just slammed a punch.

Dragon roar, shaking Heaven and Earth.

Nine dragons soaring in the sky, a fist, the fist glow of the nine-pulse dragon, bombarded the four Magical Treasure.

Heaven and Earth, as if in this roar, almost broken, the earth, countless grasses annihilated into gray, the four people, even under this fist, actually retreated.

Still not waiting for the waves in their hearts, Qin Xuan’s figure has disappeared.

The clutch has been watching Qin Xuan. Seeing the disappearance of Qin Xuan, the heart suddenly becomes vigilant to the extreme, and the Primordial Spirit, the Primordial Spirit, and the unicorn, rushed to Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan smiled leisurely, and there was a Throwing Knife in the eyebrows.

Then, Throwing Knife swept the unicorn, and it was like a broken bamboo, splitting the unicorn into two.


Immediately after the clutch, the mouth spurted blood, and the Primordial Spirit was wounded and flew out.

“That is the soldier, the Primorial Spirit!”

“This child is in charge of knowing the soldiers!”

Someone immediately set off and supported the clutch. At this moment, Qin Xuan did not show mercy and was moving.

He appeared in front of him again, the red great seal, turned into a hundred feet Mountain, want to block Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan sprinted to the top of the great seal, and immediately, the foot of the great seal.


A roar, if Immortal stepped on the Mountain, the hundred seals of the great seal, in a moment it was embedded in the earth, Qin Xuan with this force, it is even more than five people.


The clutch disregarded the injury and screamed out.

He was blood-stained at the corner of his mouth, working with the five people on the cultivation technique, the Nanxian Wuxing, and the five elements.

The great seal disappears and falls to the front of the Yuan.

The five Magical Treasures, once again vacated, are even more powerful. If the five elements, they rise to the sky and become a five-party beast.

Four elephants and unicorns, merged into five gods, based on the five Magical Treasure, the sound of roaring, alarming Heaven and Earth.

“Five-party Yushen!”

Feng Bao is in the distance, whispering.

This is a Divine Ability, both great monster Essence, Qi, Spirit, the evolution of the five-party gods, in turn, by the potential, and the five cents of the Southern Fairy.

Great array, based on five behaviors, with the five-party god as a shield.

It is no wonder that the five people who have been separated from the battle have not lost.

This great array, more than five people combined into one, almost superimposed the power of five people, is multiplying several times.

Qin Xuan looked at the five-party Gods on that day, and his look was still indifferent. The five-faced gods seemed to be like a breeze.

He appeared before the five-party god, there is a unicorn move Mountain, there is Azure Dragon spray anger, Suzaku shock flame…

From fire, kanshui, back soil, Gengjin, Zhenmu.

Qin Xuan’s strength in the five elements, suddenly, he slammed.

A punch, with the evolution of the five elements.

Immediately, if the sound of Star cracking resounds throughout the film Heaven and Earth, so loud that even the deaf can hear.

The fist is in contact with the five elements, as if Yaoyang is blind.

The storm swept through everything, and among them, the five people looked at the place where the rays of light were gathered.

Suddenly, the five people changed color.

I saw only one person, slowly coming out of it, the big momentum in the hands, like a hammer, directly fell to them to become a great array.


A bombardment, the great array collided, and the five gods roared.

But Qin Xuan’s giant hammer is like seeing through this great array.

These five people borrowed five lines of great array. Although terrible, if the great array is broken, these five people can fight the power of Dao Fusion and naturally become nothingness.

Once again, drop the hammer and land in the weak place of the great array.

Such a great array is not even as good as a treacherous person. In the eyes of Qin Xuan, it is even more flawed.

The third hammer he dropped, finally, the sound of the clutch wow once again spurted a large mouthful of blood, the Magic Force was unstable, the five gods were twisted at this moment, and the entire great array was about to dissipate.

“Separate Senior Brother!”

“This fellow is a monster, clutching the Senior Brother 10 Million!”

When there is a roar, the clutch is inflicted, and now it hurts and can support the great array without destroying it, so it is rare.

Unfortunately, how can Qin Xuan give these five opportunities.

His palms were quietly turned into black, and the Purple Thunder Palm, which had suffered a lot of shackles and cultivations, had a Heavenly Thunder aura at this moment, destroying everything.

Xuan Lei jumped, like Thunder Dragon, falling into the weakness of the great array.

The great array, the moment is penetrated, Thunder Dragon plundered the body, and the Void Return High Grade was suddenly stunned in a flash.

In the horrified eyes of the rest of the four people, Qin Xuan already appeared in front of them, with a golden pattern and mastery of Xuan Lei, but Qin Xuan’s eyebrows, but it is like a bright eye.

A golden glow rises from Qin Xuan’s eyebrows and Eternal Evergreen Secret Art turns.

I saw his eyebrows and gold lotus, and fell.

Five Buddha Dao Divine Ability, the town demon Golden Lotus.

Suddenly, there are four people in this golden lotus Crushing, like a gust of wind, falling back and spurting blood.

Qin Xuan stood still in the same place, with Jinlian in front of him.

Feng Bao and Han Yu are behind me, almost asain is silent.

Two people looked at Qin Xuan and looked at the five people.

A dozen, 撼great array, breaking five lines.

Still invincible!

Still owing 29 more.

Seeking a monthly ticket!

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