Tai Xuan Xing, belonging to the medium-sized Star, is smaller than the big star of the ink cloud star.

Although it is only a medium-sized Star, this star is difficult to compare with the ink star, it is ranked in the second product Star in the Culture World, and is the gate of Profound Sky True Sect.

Big Star, the only one, named Profound Sky True Sect.

The whole Star, all living, is headed by Profound Sky True Sect.

Qin Xuan After ten days, he crossed the Starry Sky with the wind and the fairy wing, and finally reached the top of the Tai Xuanxing.

He overlooked this star, and he saw a lot of green, like jade, and Qinghai occupied this four-pointed place.

In this place, there is an endless Cloud Mist film, which is difficult to see through.

There is the gate of Profound Sky True Sect, next to Profound Sky True Sect, and there are five cities, and further away, there are also a city, such as myriad of stars surrounding the moon, surrounded by Cloud Mist.

Qin Xuan slammed into one of the cities after the earthquake.

One of the five cities is also the head of the five cities, Xuantian City.

Inside Xuantian City, there are so many people in the city that there are hundreds of thousands of cultivators.

The realm is different, and the clothing of Profound Sky True Sect can be seen everywhere, with the texture of silver and black.

At this gate, Qin Xuan slowly steps, he is ready to change clothes, Eternal Evergreen Body is fretting, manipulating flesh and blood, and changing another face.

From a youth, turned into a square face big person, burly, full of eight feet, revealing a kind of aura, stepping into this Xuantian city.

Into the city gate, there is a Disciple guard of Profound Sky True Sect, and Spirit Crystal is charged for the cost of entering the city.

Qin Xuan casually threw an Eighth Grade Spirit Crystal, in exchange for an identity jade, and entered the Xuantian City.

之后,Qin Xuan 便寻了一处酒楼,坐在靠窗的位置上。

all around ,且有不少cultivator ,在窃窃私语,也有人高谈阔论。

“你们听说了么?Profound Sky True Sect 最近要开启discuss the Dao 大会了!”

“discuss the Dao 大会,早有耳闻,不过是Profound Sky True Sect 想借他人cultivator ,磨砺Sect Disciple that’s all !”

“哼,想拿我们当作踏脚石,为Profound Sky True Sect 的Disciple 铺路,还真够rampant 的!”

在另一处,有几名Void Return 境的cultivator 言语着。

“Profound Sky True Sect 的discuss the Dao 大会,谁都知道这其中含义,是为Profound Sky True Sect 磨砺Disciple ,不过,每一次却依旧有数以百万计的cultivator 前往这太玄星,甘愿做磨刀石!”其中一人叹息道:“不说每次discuss the Dao 大会的奖励丰厚,Profound Sky True Sect 将他人作为磨刀石,参加discuss the Dao 大会的人,何尝不是如此念头。”

“终归来说,是一件好事,我听说,这一次discuss the Dao 大会皆是Dao Fusion Realm 以下的cultivator 参与,而且,Profound Sky True Sect 还拿出了他们在仙凰遗迹内得到的great treasure ,整整十件四品great treasure 作为奖励,Top 3 ,更有四品玄天真仙丹,若能得魁首,Profound Sky True Sect 甚至拿出了一枚天元五行丹,那可是Third Grade medicine pill ,若我等能得到……”

“别妄想了,那是魁首,数百万cultivator ,有多少Heaven Warping Genius ,往年每一次魁首都是Profound Sky True Sect 的direct descendant Disciple 所得的。”

“唉,也是……Third Grade medicine pill 啊!”

几人还在谈论着,Qin Xuan 闻言,目光微顿。

Profound Sky True Sect 的discuss the Dao 大会?二品大宗,以他人为磨刀石,磨砺Disciple 。

十件四品great treasure ,四品medicine pill ,甚至连Third Grade medicine pill 都拿出来了,对于三大Galaxy 而言,也的确算是大手笔了。

discuss the Dao 大会么?

Qin Xuan 轻轻一笑,酒楼内近期讨论的都是这discuss the Dao 大会,也有偶尔讨论仙凰遗迹的,不过毕竟仙凰遗迹结束到现在already 过去数个月了,便是骇人听闻的消息,如今也渐渐被人所忽略。

Qin Xuan 停留了数个时辰,拿出Spirit Crystal 付钱,便欲走出酒楼。

“此次discuss the Dao 大会,不知能否见到Master 与Senior Sister !”Qin Xuan 轻轻一笑,二十余年前,他Master 入Profound Sky True Sect ,Nascent Soul Low Grade ,“如今二十余年过去了,不知Master 如今境界如何,Senior Sister 是否入Nascent Soul 了。”



这酒楼本身便是Magical Treasure ,换做普通建筑,already 在这轰鸣之中支离破碎。

Qin Xuan 刚巧走下,他看到这酒楼入口处,一名Void Return 道君corner of the mouth flow blood ,怒不可歇。

在他对面,则是一位傲然而立,眼中尽是冷漠的youth 。


Qin Xuan 记起当初在仙凰遗迹的枯冥,眼前这youth 的容貌,与枯冥也有几分相似,应该是有Bloodline 相连。

“土崩瓦狗,也敢羞辱我兄长,不知所谓!”枯焚眼中cold light 掠过,“若非此处为玄天城,你already 死了!”

他语气冰冷,让周围不少赶过来的cultivator 身躯一震。

“Profound Sky True Sect 的direct descendant ,枯焚!?”

“那是火元道君,可是Void Return High Grade 的道君,仅仅是一击,火元道君便受创?”

“Worthy is Profound Sky True Sect 的direct descendant Disciple ,那位陨落的圣子之弟!”

“据说他极有可能成为下一任圣子,其天资实力,compared with 枯冥且要可怖的多。之前若非他在seclusion 的紧要关头,恐怕也入了仙凰遗迹。”

all around 言语入耳,不出Qin Xuan 所料。

枯冥的younger brother 么?


一场闹剧that’s all ,与他无关。

Qin Xuan 走出人群,他看到了身披Profound Sky True Sect 服饰的Disciple 向此处酒楼敢拦。

城中禁武禁法,这是每一座cultivation 城池内的铁则,毕竟cultivator 破坏力太大,若是胡乱动武,一座城都要沦为战场。

Qin Xuan 掠过那一众Profound Sky True Sect 的执法队伍,他踏步向前,前方玄天城的商街。

“不知能否有适用的法衣!”他目光微顿,首选通宝阁,浏览Magical Treasure 。


之后,Qin Xuan 逛了十数家法衣贩卖之所,最终,都大失所望。

三大Galaxy 内,不曾有异族,如Qin Xuan 这背生双翼,收放自如的,更近乎不existence 。

Qin Xuan 轻轻皱眉,他忽然看到前方的坊市。

“also fine ,索来无事,便看上一眼,或许会有收获!”

“若是实在不曾有,便买下材料,耗费时日自己refining 吧!”

他踏步向坊市之中,掠过一位位cultivator 的摊位,足足一炷香的时间,都无所获。

便在Qin Xuan 走到这坊市的尽头时,Qin Xuan 忽然目光微顿,他在这个坊市的角落,一处不易察觉的摊位上,看到了一个木牌。

甚至连Magic Force 成字都没有,只有一个木牌,有着歪歪扭扭的文字。

“缝纫Magical Treasure !”

Qin Xuan somewhat surprised 的望着那木牌,在Cultivation World ,缝纫这两个字可是极少能够看到!

毕竟Magical Treasure 都是refining 而成,何须缝纫Magical Treasure 。

Qin Xuan 走过去,他看到这个不起眼的摊位之主。




“Uncle ,需要补衣服么?我也可以补Ninth Grade Magical Treasure !”

“Uncle !?”Qin Xuan 望着少女,转念想了一下自己如今的面容身材,哑然失笑。

那便Uncle 吧!



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