In the palace, Qin Xuan sat squatting, and he covered himself in the blue mist, covering everything.

If you can pass through this blue fog, you can see Qin Xuan. If there is a glory, it seems that he is not a person, but a True Buddha, a true god, and if you want to worship.

For ten days, the meta-types in the heart of Qin Xuan have also changed.

Originally, if the size of the rice is the size of the rice grain, it contains Essence Qi. At this moment, the meta-type in the heart of Qin Xuan seems to have turned into a stone with sharp edges and corners, but it is not obvious that Essence Qi is hidden in it.

“New King!”

Suddenly, a very carefully sound, ringing in the ears of Qin Xuan, made it wake up from the cultivation.

The eyes are slightly open, but it seems to dial Cloud Mist to see Light.

Being in the blue mist, I will gather into Qin Xuan within the body at this moment.

Qin Xuan stood up slowly, and he looked at the little demon.

“The new king, the jade elephant king, the broken sea 蟒 king always look out for a long time!”

The little demon is very careful. “The great monsters that were under the tiger king’s sire are waiting outside the door.”

Qin Xuan gave a faint look at the girl, and nodded lightly.

Just as he walked to the door, Qin Xuan was slightly paused. “How about the cultivation technique, cultivation?”

Shantou Xiao Yao is a stagnation, “not yet a heavy one!”

Qin Xuan glanced at a touch of coldness. “When I leave, if you don’t have a heavy weight, then you will be with the cracked Zhuhu!”

The sound is falling, Qin Xuan does not care about the dull little demon, stepping out of the palace.

Outside the palace, Qin Xuan is a path of figure.

Tens of thousands of miles of empty land, hundreds of thousands of great monsters, at this moment, all outside the door, dense, if the ants are in groups, people are crowded.

At the moment Qin Xuan stepped out, there was a loud voice outside the door.

“See the new king!” Yu Xiang Wang hangs his head, knees on one knee, but the sound is like Heaven and Earth.

“See the new king…”

After the jade elephant king, nearly seven or eight hundred great monsters, roaring, various voices, gathered into four characters, resounded in this Heaven and Earth.

Followed by, the king of the sea is also starting to talk, and the same as the jade elephant king.

Tens of thousands of great monsters, two Dao Fusion demon kings, all here, surrendered.

Until the sound subsided, Qin Xuan took the hand before the palace.

“Well, can you have an dissatisfaction?”

His words are calm and he looks at the tens of thousands of great monsters.

Countless great monsters are shocked and do not dare to have a half trace sound.

Who dares not to accept?

Those who disobey are dead!

The cracked Zhu Hu, the swallowing Eagle King, and even the King Kong King, are all fallen.

There are only five Dao Fusion great monsters in the entire Star. Now three of them are in the hands of the new king. Looking at this star, who would dare not accept it?

“New King Divine Might, I am willing to surrender, willingly!”

“I wait, since I surrender, I am willing!”

The group demon sounded, even though the wildness was difficult to tame, but now it is like Gods, and dare not be disrespectful.

Twenty days, just twenty days, the whole Star of the demon, all surrender.

Qin Xuan glanced over the tens of thousands of great monsters, two Dao Fusion, 30,000 Void Return, and 120,000 Nascent Soul great monster, all on the ground.

Looking at the ink cloud star, this kind of influence, supreme, is enough to sweep the northern wilderness.

Unfortunately, Qin Xuan shook his head slightly. “It’s too weak!”

He never concealed, faint start to talk, “the edge of the land, the edge of Star, even a demon god Bloodline’s demon has never existed.”

Qin Xuan’s words, so that the group demon shocked, it is the king of jade elephant and the king of the sea, under the head, twitching.

God Bloodline?

Among the Monster Race, there are five products in Bloodline. The highest product is the Holy Bloodline.

Azure Dragon and other four-like pure blood monster is the god Bloodline.

鸾 纯 pure blood and soul, it is the living Bloodline ……

It is the Dragon and Phoenix Great Family. How many bloody people are there?

If this star has a great monster of the god Bloodline, how can it be so humble?

In the many great monsters, smiles, dissatisfaction, and even secret screams, Qin Xuan’s voice came again.

“Monster Race, Powerhouse is respect!”

“Today, I am obeying me, I am afraid most of them will have a heart!”

Many great monsters have changed their face, which is the same for the King of Yu and the King of the Sea.

“However, I have never had the qualification to be in my majesty!” Qin Xuan’s words once again made the present monster angry.

This statement is too arrogant, even though Qin Xuan kills three great monster kings, they are ready to surrender, why Qin Xuan is so insulting them.

Many great monsters dare not speak, they are the two Dao Fusion demon kings, and there is also a depression in their hearts.

Qin Xuan is so eye-catching, but he doesn’t care.

Let this star surrender, but it is a step to start that’s all.

What he asked, is not the trivial of some ordinary great monster surrender, as Qin Xuan said, these great monster, why qualified to enter his Qin Changqing.

Suddenly, Qin Xuan’s eyes shook, and he slammed through Heaven and Earth.

Magic Force is like a sea of ​​anger, and it’s out.

Originally blue sky, at this moment, suddenly turned into dim.

A lot of great monsters looked up and looked at the Starry Sky on his head, his mouth wide open.

“this is……”

Two Dao Fusion great monsters are even more jaw-dropping.

“Star Map, where the star is located, the star map of Michen Star Field!”

The voice of Qin Xuan came out of this Starry Sky.

“Michen Star Field, Monster Race has a total of 37.6 million, including four products, 36.5 million, four products Star, 173,000, Third Grade Star, 16,000, two stars, six hundred, First Grade Star, no!”

Qin Xuan sounded from Heaven and Earth. He looked at the group of demons, and his hands suddenly shook, showing nine big monuments.

Every big monument is full of hundred feet, and the buddha statue is a respected Mountain, which appears on Qin Xuan.

In the blink of an eye, Qin Xuan’s palms were shocked. These nine monuments, if the Mountain stood within the tens of thousands of miles.

“The nine demon monuments, the enemies of the law are one hundred and eight thousand, containing Divine Ability, 36,000.”

Qin Xuan faint start to talk, this is his refining within ten days.

Nine stone monuments, this is Magical Treasure, named Jiuzhongbeishan, is a five-piece great treasure, but Qin Xuan uses Magic Force to write a lot of Divine Ability on it.

Qin Xuan faint start to talk, “the purpose of accepting the service, etc., only one, within a hundred years, Michen Star Field, are surrendered!”

The sound falls, and Heaven and Earth suddenly have a death stillness.

Immediately, the sound of the sound is heard.

“What!? Accepting Michen Star Field!?”

“This is impossible!”

“What a joke, we Is it possible to make a move with the Supreme Emperor?”

The group of demons shuddered, full of fear, what Qin Xuan said, is simply a fantasy story.

Qin Xuan ignored it, indifferently said, “I don’t want to, expel this star!”

“New King, this…this is impossible, how can I do it!”

It is the jade elephant king, can not help start to talk.

Michen Star Field, the Supreme Emperor has more than two hundred, just one person, enough to sweep the Luo Luoxing.

“If you can’t even do this, then I will surrender to me, what is the use!” Qin Xuan indifferently said, let Yu Xiang Wang sound a stagnation.

“In addition, I don’t have to call me a new king. From now on, I am waiting for the outside world.”

“This star, from now on, is renamed the demon star!”

Qin Xuan slowly took the hand. “If you call me, you will call me the demon!”

Qin Xuan ignores the fear of the great monster, ridicule, anger, or escape.

He looked at the palace, nine big monuments, and smiled lightly.

Under the former Immortal Earth, under the Azure Emperor Palace, there is one party, the name of the demon court.

There are seven emperors, three hundred demons, and ten thousand demon emperors.

You can sweep a party, and you are invincible!

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