The forbidden area of the eastern region, Tianmu.

Tombstones, floating in the vast world.

The rich atmosphere and the barren land seem to be more like a mass grave.

The emperor's body is buried in the wasteland, and the emperor's soul is buried in the stele.

Under each tombstone, it represents a former great emperor.

It's just that some of the former great emperors have been destroyed and buried in the tomb of this day, and some of them are still surviving, waiting for a suitable era to be born.

Under the disordered tombstone, a figure carries two guns, and the shroud floats faintly.

Qin Hao's eyes are like flies. He has only the peak of the first emperor's world. In terms of strength, compared with Ye Tongyu's fighting and his two lives, it's more than a gap.

But But his father arranged for him twenty-five great emperors of the second kingdom.

There are six more, the third emperor.

Even so, Qin Hao did not speak, there is no difficulty.

His eyes were calm, looking at the tomb.

He is the son of emperor Changsheng. From Longchi mountain to today's Xiantu, step by step, he has gone through disaster. Besides, his father's advice and Jiuyou family's help

In front of Qin Hao, there is a huge tombstone, with a spirit in the town.

This is a God with a sphinx face. Behind it, there are white wings, pure and clean.

Qin Hao didn't feel a bit slow at his feet. He pulled out the emperor's gun from behind him. In his eyes, there was an endless essence, which was quite different from before in front of Qin Xuan.


Double shot a shock, such as the dragon out.

On the vast tombstone, cracks spread like cobwebs.


The endless fragments of Tianbei scattered in all directions. Qin Hao's eyes had a vast sense of war.

"Haotian, the son of emperor Changsheng, is ordered by his father to kill the gods."

The sonorous sound resounds in the depth of this day's tomb.

The eyes of the great god suddenly opened, like blood amber eyes, like contempt for all things, like a god of killing, came to the world.

In contrast, Qin Hao's eight foot body is as small and ridiculous as a mantis in front of the great emperor.

Boom, boom

Qin Hao's magic power is moving. The blood of the great emperor mingles with the blood of the God. It is poured on the barren land. The shroud, mottled with gold blood and blue blood, has already been dyed through.

The power of the nine ways, the way of heaven, reincarnation, death, time and space It's the earth shaking tomb.

The power of heaven and earth evolves into endless slaughter, and the power of the great emperor of the divine world is extremely terrifying.

It was a big fight, which lasted nearly two hours.

Until, deep in the tomb of heaven, the war was silent.

All sounds are silent, leaving a blood stained figure, leaning against the emperor's gun.

Qin Hao bathed in blood, but there was a faint smile on his face.

"Dad, you really look up to Hao'er!" He took a deep breath. It was so hard for him to respect the great God of the second emperor. He almost gave all the details, not to mention the others, even the great God of the third emperor.

But Qin Hao didn't have any fear in his eyes. He stood up and pulled out the emperor's gun with both hands. Under the front of the gun, there was a God's core shining with dense light.

In the order given to him by his father, there was another word besides the God Emperor who should be killed.

"Hao'er, as a father, I hope that one day the world will mention that hao'tian is not the son of emperor Changsheng or the son-in-law of Jiuyou."

"With the soldiers in your hand, with the blood of heaven, tomb, forbidden area and gods, to announce the world. You, Qin Hao! Emperor Haotian, not in the name of his father, is also the supreme emperor of the fairyland. "

Qin Hao fingertips have God blood, Emperor blood, flowing along that pair of emperor guns.

He raised his eyes slightly and looked at the forbidden area of the tomb.

"Hao'er, how can you have a negative father..." Qin Hao shook his head slightly and gave a light smile, "no, it should be that how can he have negative expectations."

"With the blood of the gods, cast my name as emperor Haotian!"


In the southern region, the sky sank and the sea plundered.

Endless sea water, as if there are fairy blood flow.

A touch of bright red, shuttle in the dark, under the deep sea, has not seen the light of the sun.

There is a terrible deep-sea creatures, peeping in the dark.

Among them, Qin Hongyi looked at the deep sea, in the canyon, where a God Emperor lingered.

This is a god python. Its scales are like ink. Each scale can resist the damage of emperor soldiers.

Qin Hongyi looked at the great emperor of the divine world indifferently, which was full of the world of the second emperor.

That pair of red eyes, compared with this deep-sea creatures more terrifying, monstrous.

Qin Hongyi's palm rises slowly. She holds Chu Tiandi city in one hand and Wu Lingdi sword in the other. The next moment, in the vast deep sea, the sea is shaking out, and the terrible waves are rippling.There are more than 300 swords running through the deep sea at this moment.

If you sink into the sky and rob the sea, a drop of water can press down the rocks, and if you enter into it, it will be like the destruction of mountains.

However, there is a big war among them.

Rippling in the sea, tearing the forbidden sea.

The only thing missing is the sound of war. Instead, it is quiet.

Water lines and waves rise under the deep sea.

Gradually, the purple God blood, as if the reincarnation of the other side of the flower blooming in the deep sea.

It was almost a silent battle for more than an hour. A bloody shadow broke through the purple blood.

Qin Hongyi is still holding Chu Tiandi city in one hand and wulingdi sword in the other.

On the red clothes, there are several cracks, corners of the mouth, a touch of bright red blood was erased by the sea.

That pair of red eyes, but there is a evil spirit in the faint flicker.

Once its predecessor was buried in the hands of the gods in this forbidden area. This time, how could she be buried here in Qin Hongyi!?

"It's just a bunch of scum. It should have fallen long ago!"

"The great calamity is coming, how can we let them make trouble!"

In her eyes, the evil spirit became more and more terrifying. Suddenly, a sword broke the sea for three thousand li. If the road was completed, Qin Hongyi would step forward.


Annihilation of the past and the sky, pieces of broken world, heaven and earth come into being.

In one side of the world, one hundred Hengyang statues stand on the sky as if they were extinct.

A figure, in this hundred Hengyang, fengguanxiapi, as if dominating the world, Weizhen heaven and earth.

In front of Ye Tongyu, there are two gods. The emperor's body is broken, and the core of the gods slowly floats to her hands.

There was no sadness or joy in those golden eyes, and the great God of the second emperor was not enough for her.

"Qin Changqing really got a good job for the emperor!" Ye Tongyu collected the cores of the two gods, and his lips curled up. "However, is it enough for the thirty-seven gods to kill him?"

"Seven years later, I'd like to see how many deities you killed by Qin Changqing!"

That pair of eyes, vaguely some competitive.

Since Qin Xuan became emperor, she has been bullied all the way. Whether it was the former Tianlun Imperial City, Qin Xuan was defeated by her or the Ming emperor. The Ming emperor, who made her invincible, was badly hit by Qin Xuan's three swords.

"There are countless abandoned sons in the forbidden area."

"No, compare with the last one!"

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