"The king chopping sword of the wild gods!"

"Taiwang Shendi's own magic weapon!"

"The five sacred platforms have been chopped to pieces, not to mention the body, worthy of the title of the emperor!"

There are eight Protoss of the God of the view of the emperor, can not help but look happy.

Of course, the two great gods of tiger and Jingtian were killed, while the manglong God was severely damaged.

But there were still five great gods and emperors present, each of whom was extraordinary.

"The dead body of Tiger God is resurrected!"

"The powers of the underworld gods are really terrible. All the gods in the fourth realm can be resurrected!"

The gods were in awe, and this scene shocked them even more.

Shentai damaged, Qin Xuan's eyes did not care.

"Chopping the king's sword? Fake? "

Qin Xuan looked at the knife, and there was a ripple in his white pupil.

This Throwing Knife reminded him of what he had seen in Wang Yu.

It's also a flying sword. It's like this king chopping flying sword. It's from the hand of a God King who has lived for 3000 years. It has 18 handles.

Zeng shibadao was born and killed a king level fierce beast in an instant.

When Qin Xuan saw it in his previous life, he was still surprised to be a God.

Qin Xuan looks at this chopping King Throwing Knife, the back disorderly boundary wing slightly shakes, then avoids this throwing knife edge.

I saw the flying knife turning in the air. Soon, I killed Qin Xuan again.

Qin Xuan hands a shock, there is a big bow, such as the full moon.


The giant hand is like a mountain, and it comes down to Qin Xuan again, which makes Qin Xuan have to shake his wings again and put away his bow.

His eyes moved and fell on the God of aro in the distance.


A terrible roar rang out, and a magic fire flew into the air and rushed to Qin Xuan.

It seems that the emperor manglong regained his energy. In the cave on his body, the divine power of the underworld is intertwined to support his body.

In the distance, the God of heaven, who had been pierced through his body, also stood up.

It seems that for a moment, Qin Xuan is in prison again.

"Hades, I'll kill you first!"

Qin Xuan chuckles, even in the face of this, he is still not less crazy.

It seems that the emperor of aro heard Qin Xuan's smile. In the face of the skeleton, a pair of eyes twinkled with flame.

"Emperor Yao

A divine voice came out and fell on the colorful gold and wood.

At this moment, the Yao God Emperor is also working, a piece of seven color branches and leaves in the clatter, under the leaves, there is divine light condensation, it seems that there are nine rays.

Thousand feet God Emperor lingered around the Yao God Emperor, as if in the guard.

Qin XuanZhen wings, to avoid the chopping king again and again to kill, in the rush here.

There is a roar of Lei Peng. He wants to kill Yao Shendi, but he is glared by Qianchi Shendi and blocked by the wind.

Boom, boom

Mang Dragon God Emperor is constantly spitting God inflammation, and chop the king flying knife, tiger Ge God Emperor's body, constantly attack to Qin Xuan.

The emperor pulled the golden arrow to break the body.

At the moment, Qin Xuan seems to be the real besieged, killing in all directions, let Qin Xuan have some to avoid.

The next time, the chopping King's flying knife passed by and cut off a corner of Qin Xuan's clothes.

If the emperor's clothes turned into clouds, they were put into Qin Xuan's body.

Qin Xuan was still shaking his wings until he appeared on the wall composed of Shenmu roots of the Yao God Emperor.


On the wooden wall, there are huge wooden thorns.

The next moment, these thorns will be like a rainstorm, to qinxuan against.

Boom, boom

The palm of Qin Xuan's hand vibrated and smashed the thorns. The sawdust scattered from the air.

When his body was sluggish, the chopping Wang Feidao was moving.

With a puff, an arm beside Qin Xuan is cut, and Changsheng Dili comes into Qin Xuan's body.

The imperial formula prepared in this arm also scattered with the arm being cut.

Qin Xuan's face, seemed to pass a touch of light displeasure.

He was in the air, his body suddenly stagnated, the next moment, his arms behind him, bow full moon, Dili pour.

That pair of indifference, white pupil, looking at the emperor.

Body encounter, Magic Arrow, throwing knife, hand of giant god, swept to it.

Qin Xuan is regardless, this move, but let the king God Emperor face suddenly changed.

Chopping the king's flying knife suddenly turns, not to kill Qin Xuan, but to protect his life.

He once saw Qin Xuan's killing power, such as the God of heaven and tiger. He was not sure that he could stop the immortal's killing.

The bow in Qin Xuan's hand was shocked. Boom There is a Magic Arrow rising from the sky.

The next moment, there will be God blood violent, like a waterfall, pouring down on the heaven and earth.At this moment, the human face of the emperor manglong was full of divine blood.

Qin Xuan's arrow was not aimed at the king, but at the emperor.

After all, it is a heavy blow, and it will never return to its heyday with the help of the gods of aro.

Boom, boom

At this moment, the killing around Qin Xuan was also near.

On the clothes of emperor Changsheng, runes flash like stars.

After these attacks, a series of horrible holes floated on the clothes of emperor Changsheng.

Vaguely, more emperor's blood fell.

Immortal is hurt!

There is a god looking at this scene, his face showed ecstasy.

This is the first time that they have seen Qin Xuan injured since the war.

This proves that the immortal is not invincible.

Only Shiying's pupil is shrinking, and his eyes are more anxious.

She is willing to help, but unable to move forward.

She was not allowed to set foot in the war between God and emperor in the fourth empire.

All of a sudden, Shi Ying seems to notice something. Her face changes slightly. Immediately, Shi Ying's feet step and disappear in the rocks, and there is no trace.


Emperor blood, a little bit of flow, severe pain, divine power, in the erosion of Qin Xuan longevity emperor body.

But Qin Xuan didn't care at all. He shook his wings again, crossed the wall of sacred wood, and killed the emperor aro.

"Immortal, how dare you tease the emperor?"

But the emperor was furious. He thought Qin Xuan wanted to fight him. Who ever thought that this arrow killed the emperor manglong.

This made him feel a kind of humiliation, especially at the moment when Qin Xuan pulled the bow, he even felt afraid.


In the mouth of the emperor, a mouthful of divine blood suddenly fell on the chopping blade. In a moment, the chopping blade was shining as if it was several times as powerful as before.

Before, this chopping sword could cut a corner of the five God platform. Now, with the full efforts of the emperor Tai Wang, how terrible should it be!?

Even Qin Xuan, all feel behind that extremely fast approaching terror to kill felling.

As soon as the chopping King's flying sword was approaching, the treasure basin in Qin Xuan's hand suddenly spurted out a golden light, which enveloped the chopping King's flying sword in it, such as calming this magic weapon.

Qin Xuan is the wing of the turbulent world. He moves forward. His fists unite the imperial power, smashing the storm ahead and leaping out.

He glanced at Qianchi God Emperor lightly. Qianchi God Emperor suddenly hid behind Yao God Emperor.

She was very afraid. She was really afraid. She was afraid of this man like a demon.

"Thousand feet!"

Yao God Emperor in this moment, eyes suddenly opened, seven color branches and leaves, the nine divine light, out of the nine figure.

It is Qin Xuan to look at it, all not from tiny a Zheng.

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