Boom, boom

Falling stone, falling from the gap, and then to no life.

In the world, there is silence.

All the king's eyes were focused on Qin Xuan. There was no God King in his eyes.

The power of the king of stars and moon is absolutely not weak. Of course, it is not as profound as the existence of the king of heaven. But at least, among the king level creatures, it is not weak.

The star God bow is a king level magic weapon. With that arrow, the king of star and moon god moved his heart to kill. How could it be arbitrary?

Even so, the king of stars and moon was crushed by Qin Xuan's sword. He suffered a great loss and swept his face.

Even if it is the God King, I'm afraid it never occurred to him, otherwise, he would have blocked it.

In the eyes of the God King, there is a faint streamer flashing. He quietly looks at Qin Xuan and suddenly steps forward.

This step, however, seems to be stepping on the hearts of the kings, and the wing demon king's face suddenly changed.

"Be careful, the old man is killing me!"

The nine wings of the devil roar, and the gods interweave, ready to fight at any time.

In the roar, a voice suddenly rang out.

"Why!? What are you doing? "

"Don't you gather the key jade to open the gate of the hundred kings' tomb?"

A voice full of surprise rang out, but let the presence of God King heart once again surprised.

The kings turned their heads and looked at the palace. I don't know when, a figure was sitting on the top of the palace, looking at the people in surprise.

No one at the king level was aware of this person's breath.

Including Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan slightly raised his eyes. He looked at the top of the palace and saw a woman, which came into his eyes.

She has white eyes and dark hair.

Thin lips, but there is a bright red color, such as cherry blossom in full bloom.

Dressed in lvluo long clothes, I don't know what kind of material it is. On the feet, there are a pair of ugly shoes with one vein and three flowers, which seems to damage the woman's temperament.

"Who are you?"

Lingtong king, can't help drinking.

One side of the shadow king, is the pupil in condensation.

But the woman clapped her knee and fell from the palace, just beside the God King.

"Sorry to step on your roof!" The woman put her hand on the shoulder of the God King.

In this instant, you can easily see the king's pupil in condensation, he suddenly sideways, but see that the woman has both hands behind her, jumping away.

"Are you going to fight?" The woman said with a smile: "if so, after you fight, can we go to the tomb of the hundred kings again?"

This woman seems ordinary, but all the kings present are awe inspiring.

Including Qin Xuan, looking at this woman's eyes, have never slighted.

"There is no one in the kingdom The king of Xuanshen did not know when he had turned into a human figure and appeared beside Qin Xuan.

During this period of time, she was absorbing the affairs of the world, and she also had an understanding of the God King of the kingdom.

But there was never a God King who could match this woman's appearance.

All eyes were focused on the woman. She seemed to be aware of it. She said with a smile at the edge of the temple, "I have a spoon in my hand. The white elephant gave it to me."

As she said this, a palm sized black jade appeared in her hand. It was black all over the body, like a dragon without eyes, but it had arms and ribs with membranes. It seemed that it could glide in heaven and earth.

"It's the key jade of snow elephant king!"

"In her hand, there is snow Elephant King's key jade!"

"What? Is the snow Elephant King dead? "

The kings were shocked. The snow elephant king was one of the thirteen murderers. She was no less powerful than any of the gods present. She was not well-known and did not appear in the eyes of the public. She could kill the snow elephant king!?

But the woman frowned, "you think I'm too bad, I just exchange things with snow elephant king, he agreed!"

Although the woman said so, all the kings did not believe it.

How many years have the kings been waiting for the tomb of the hundred kings? So is the snow elephant king. The key jade is the key to enter the tomb of the hundred kings. What can the snow elephant king be willing to exchange?

"Don't believe it

The woman snorted. She jumped out of the palace and landed on the ground.

God King at the moment, also took back to kill idea, he light hope to that woman, the same more light swept one eye Qin Xuan.

This time the tomb of the hundred kings was opened, it seemed that something was beyond his expectation.

After the disturbance of this woman, his intention to kill has dissipated.

"Since you have jade spoons, all the 18 jade spoons should have gathered here!"

"The tomb of the hundred Kings is in the no return zone. Let's go to the no return zone."

The voice of the king of God fell in the ears of the kings, which made them agree.

"The tomb of the hundred Kings is the place where we gather. If there is any hatred, it's not too late to enter the tomb of the hundred kings and settle it again!"In the eyes of the king of war, there was a burning desire to fight, and he fell on all the people.

Even Qin Xuan, and the woman who just appeared, were counted by him.

Qin Xuan also slowly put away the ancient sword, he looked at the no return zone, eyes micro coagulation.

This forbidden area, he did not go in, since can let God King fear, visible among them dangerous.


All of a sudden, a shadow has crossed the gap.

The king of great hurricane took the first step and disappeared in the eyes of the people.

Then, the Kings also moved. For a moment, sixteen gods, including Qin Xuan and the unknown woman, rushed into the no return forbidden area.

The whole no return zone seems to be no different from Wang Yu, at least in Tiandao.

All around is just the terrible silence, there is no anger, everything seems dead.

"It's rumored that there are terrible souls in the no return zone!"

"The legendary entrance to the nether world is in the no return forbidden area!"

The king of Xuan opened his mouth beside Qin Xuan and looked at the endless desolation.

"Be careful!"

"Well!" Qin Xuan nodded.

When we were nearly seven thousand miles ahead, suddenly, in front of us, a faint smell of blood came.

Qin Xuanning looked, but saw that the kings had stopped and gathered together.

In the eyes of the kings, the king was injured. In his lower abdomen, there was an amazing wound.

King hurricane is injured!

The king of great hurricane, who is known as the No. 1 in the king's domain, was almost torn into two pieces.

"King hurricane, what's the matter?"

The winged demon king let out a low roar to attract the attention of other gods.

"He was caught by a hook, and he was robbed of most of his divine power, essence, and one year's Shouyuan!" Spirit king is full of dignified response.

"Be careful, there is no forbidden area. I have never been here!"

"Look back!"

At this time, a voice full of shock rang out, and the voice of the king of heavenly fox seemed to contain uneasiness.

When they looked back, they saw the way they had come. The gap in the distance was already a black fog, and there was no way back.

This scene suddenly changed the faces of the kings.

"Forbidden zone, entrance to the nether world!"

"It's said that there is a terrible underworld who will deprive all the creatures who break into this place for punishment!"

A gloomy voice rang out, which made the originally dignified and tense atmosphere even more shocking.

Qin Xuan is a light to see a voice of people, but see is that strange woman.

The woman seems to notice that she looks at Qin Xuan and suddenly her gloomy expression disappears. Instead, she is smiling.

"The guy who likes fighting, my name is Yunli!"

"What's your name?"

The woman who claims to be away from the cloud looks at Qin Xuan with a smile. Suddenly, there is a dark wind passing by, rolling sand in her eyes.

The woman's lvluo long dress was also lifted a little, revealing several colorful pendants around her waist.

Qin Xuan light looked at a woman, sand cover, blurred.

"Qin Changqing!"

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