In the moment when the gray figure moved, the king of war had already reflected it.

He turned abruptly, and there was a terrible light in his eyes.

One is the backhand.


A golden sword awn, three hundred feet across the sky, and in front of it, the gray figure, bones separated.


This corpse fell down in front of the king of war, and his brow was wrinkled.

One side of the spirit of the king body by snake dog swim away, she gaze to the one who was killed by the king of war figure.

"It seems to be a God King, but there is not much left in his body!"

She spoke slowly, but her words changed the faces of the kings.

"The God King!? How can there be a God King in the no return zone? "

"Is it the king who once entered the no return zone?"

"Although this person's face is gone, the divine power in his body should not be easier. We are not familiar with him!"

In the words of the kings, the eyes of the Taoist priest and the God King fell on the king Changgeng.

"He was the God King of ancient times, and I didn't know him!"

King Changgeng said slowly, "how can we survive in the long years, and how can we become like this? I am the same as you. I don't know!"

King Changgeng is the oldest among all the kings. They don't know what period of time Xuanshen king came from. What's more, even if they know, Xuanshen king has never been in the Kingdom, and they don't know any so-called God King.

In the hearts and minds of the kings, an ancient god king came from ancient times and wandered like a puppet in the no return forbidden area, leaving little divine power.

"Be careful, since there is such a God King in the forbidden area, if we are not careful, we will follow suit!"

The king of war put away his magic weapon and looked at the corpse quietly with one arm. When he stepped on the corpse, the earth rose and buried the king.

At this moment, the atmosphere among the kings seemed to be much heavier.

Then, the kings went on, following the direction of the key jade to the tomb of the hundred kings.

When the kings were about a thousand miles away, they met such a God King. His body was rotten and his life was frail. When they met the kings, they killed them like crazy. There was no light in his gray eyes.


The king of Changgeng moved his hand. With one step, he crushed this God King.

"Are all the gods and kings here unable to get out of the no return forbidden area?"

"After no return to the forbidden area, isn't it the king's land in the rumor? Wang Tu, does it exist? "

The eternal King opened his mouth. This question made many gods silent.

"Emperor Wuling once entered the kingdom. The kingdom should really exist!" All of a sudden, a clear voice rang out. Yunli said with a smile, "if the king's land does not exist, where does the king's order come from?"

The kings looked sideways, but Yunli held out his hand, "these are also what I heard!"

The kings looked at Yunli and saw that Yunli was smiling, so they looked back.

Seeing the tragic situation of these gods and kings, they once came to the holy land or the Kingdom, but now they are like walking dead and wandering in the no return forbidden area, which is hard to accept for any king level creature present.

"Perhaps, these creatures break into the land of the king and fail. Even if they are the God King, Shouyuan won't be long." At Qin Xuan's side, Xuan God King said slowly: "these God kings are not like thinking in chaos, but more like being deprived of wisdom."

"How can I see it?" The king of Qin looked at Xuanxuan.

"Intuition!" Xuanshen King's words, let Qin Xuan not from silence.

One side of the wing demon flying, overlooking the distance, at this time, he issued a whisper.

"There's the king again!"

With the deepening of the kings, there are three or five free figures in the distance, wandering aimlessly.

Wing demon king's eyes are deep, it seems to move some kind of magic power, see those figures, remind people.

"I'll bury it!" When the king of war opened his mouth, he would step up.

The power and vitality of these divine kings are decadent and can not cause too much threat to them.

When the king of war was about to move, suddenly, a terrible roar broke out from the distant heaven and earth.

It was as if the whole world was shaking. Coming from the distance, the king of war stopped, and people's faces changed slightly.

In the eyes of the kings, a chain suddenly appeared in the sky. This chain, all black, rushed out of the sky and went to the three or five decadent kings.

Soon, in the eyes of the people, those decadent God kings were struggling. They were dragged into the sky by the terrible chain and disappeared.

"This is the reincarnation God!"

There is a voice, let many God King color change.

They seem to be able to see the end of the sky, and not to see the reincarnation."Entrance to the nether world!"

Sky fox King seems to think of cloud from the said, the pupil in condensation.

That is the chain of reincarnation, which is all formed by the way of reincarnation. Apart from the legend of the nether world, where can this terrible power appear.

In addition to the long-standing rumors in the Kingdom, the reminder of Yunli, a sense of forest cold, from the hearts of many gods.

Qin Xuan is also in Ningmu. There is earth in the fairyland, and there should be reincarnation in the divine world.

The so-called no return forbidden zone is the entrance to the earth and reincarnation of the divine world!?

Among the people's eyes, all of a sudden, above the kings, suddenly appeared a crack, from which, a chain of terror, suddenly came.

"Be careful!"

The winged demon king suddenly shakes his wings to avoid a chain of reincarnation. He spews out the dark flame in his mouth, which contains the spirit of the road. But when he falls on the lock of reincarnation, the lock of reincarnation is safe and sound.

This one result, let the nine eyes of the wing demon king twinkle dignified.

This reincarnation lock is different from the previous lava hand. Even the king of God can not easily break it.


At this moment, there is a roar, the eternal King clenches his fist, and collides with the reincarnation chain.

The earth under the feet of the eternal king is broken. Although his body is not hurt, it seems that he can not bear the terrible power.

Moreover, a force of reincarnation seems to be corroding the body of the eternal king.

On the eternal King's brilliant fist, a subtle God appeared, destroying the power of reincarnation.


King Changgeng also moved, and a divine lock fell on his body. It can be seen that a huge rock was broken and was about to be broken down.

But king Changgeng looked back and shook his neck. Suddenly, he shook the chain of reincarnation.

In the heaven and earth, a wave of air, like a blade, is everywhere in the distance. You can see that tiny cracks appear on the chain of reincarnation.

Under the attack of King Changgeng, the reincarnation chain was almost broken.

Soon, King Chang Geng shook his head and hit him a second time.


A chain of reincarnation was broken. King Changgeng's head fell down and tore a piece of earth. In the mouth, the scales on his back grew rapidly like rocks and mountains.

It's four footed, moving forward with the earth shaking.

The rest of the gods also moved and twinkled to avoid the lock of reincarnation.

Fortunately, there are only 18 reincarnation locks. If they are broken, they will be broken, and there will be no cracks in the sky. Reincarnation chains are born.

Three hundred miles away, the kings gathered again.

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