When Ren Zhengli took out this knife, Qin Xuan felt an unprecedented crisis.

It was in Tonggu territory. Even regu didn't make him have this creepy feeling.

But at the moment, Qin Xuan trembled from his instinct.

As if the knife moved a little, Qin Changqing would fall completely.

Just an incarnation of an outsider is so terrible. What about the real body and real strength of immortal Li?

It's just the peak of Tonggu realm. Qin Xuan is enough to stand out from the heroes, but it seems that it's still far from enough to face immortal Li.

Qinxuan's heart also has a trace of incredible, even puzzled.

In the palm of Qin Xuan's hand, the endless sword appeared, and the sword and knife were opposite.

Ren Zhengli smiled, and the next moment, his figure disappeared.

Even Qin Xuan was prepared, he never thought that Ren Zhengli would disappear out of thin air.

It seems that the body belongs to nothingness and completely dissipates between heaven and earth.

Before Qin Xuan reacts, Ren Zhengli is a knife. From the left rear of Qin Xuan, the long knife reaches Qin Xuan's waist. In a moment, it runs through Qin Xuan's body. If Qin Xuan didn't react in time and take a step to the side, his Dantian would also be penetrated.

You know, this is still the reason why Qin Xuan moved the law of time.

If there is no time and no time, this Sabre must penetrate its origin.

This is more than that. The long knife turns and goes in the direction of Qin Xuan's exit. He seems to be able to see the origin of Qin Xuan. This knife cuts the origin of Qin Xuan.

Qin Xuan's heart was awe inspiring. There was no end in his hand, and the sword moved.

The nine pole turbid force moves. In the origin, the ice bones are shining. In an instant, the world is sealed.

In his body, binggu was constantly shaking. Even so, he failed to completely seal Ren Zhengli's knife, but made his speed slow.

Ren Zhengli didn't care at all, so he took a step forward. In an instant, a ray of faint light came out of the long knife and approached the origin of Qin Xuan.

Fortunately, at the moment, Qin Xuan's endless sword finally arrived. Just when he waved the sword, it was like a long journey of eighteen thousand miles.

A sword fell on the long sword, and there was no end. The power of the sword and the power of the long sword were constantly deadlocked.

Empty pole method!

Qin Xuan looked at the knife and knew what Ren Zhengli was doing.

Moreover, compared with the infinite time method he mastered, the extreme method of force is several levels higher than the extreme method.

It can be said that Qin Xuan touched the extreme method and reluctantly regarded it as the threshold of entry, but this Ren Zhengli is already the existence of entering the house.

Moreover, Qin Xuan's pole method is very complex and incomplete.

But Ren Zhengli was different. When he used the extreme method of emptiness, it was almost like a shadow. Moreover, the long knife in his hand was not an ancient imperial soldier, but made of extraordinary material. It could compete with the endless sword, and it was very consistent with the extreme method of emptiness.

Qin Xuan no longer hesitated or left his hand. He suddenly took a step back.

His body was also pulled out from Ren Zhengli's knife. At the same time, there were space ripples in this step.

In an instant, the immortal stove soared into the air, and all roads dispersed.

The power of extreme Dharma in Ren Zhengli's hands has gradually weakened, but it has not completely disappeared.

The extreme Dharma is the extreme Dharma after all, which is not an ordinary law of the great road. With the power of the extreme Dharma mastered by Ren Zhengli, Qin Xuan's innate immortal domain can't completely suppress and eliminate it.

"Half empire!?" Ren Zhengli chuckled. He put back his medium and long knife and withdrew three steps.

"Is to erase all the laws of the road. It seems that you are extremely confident in the strength of martial arts!"

"As it happens, so do I!" When Ren Zhengli opened his mouth, his eyes suddenly changed. He held the long knife at his waist as if he were drawing a knife.

Under this posture, there is a sense of perfection.

Qin Xuan looked at it. In his eyes under Xuan Jin's face, he was also rare and dignified.

Before, Zijing Tianzun was known as wusheng ancient emperor, but compared with Ren Zhengli in front of him, he was nothing but a witch.

Qin Xuan's sword without end flickered quietly in his hand. At this moment, they almost stepped at the same time.

With the same body, their mastery of strength is almost the same.

At almost the same speed, they passed by the wrong person at one time.

Beside Qin Xuan, a law of the great road appeared, but it was cut off.

At the same time, on Ren Zhengli's chest, there appeared a touch of sword marks, which were frozen around.

Ren Zhengli looked down at his chest and whispered, "it means that your power in the semi imperial domain is not to erase the Taoist Dharma, but to be unable to exert the Taoist Dharma."

"When you can move the power of the law of the road, you should turn the power of the law of the road into instinct, so as to form an absolute overwhelming advantage."

Qin Xuan turned around and looked at Ren Zhengli. Just fighting, he saw the true meaning of his innate immortal domain.

Qin Xuan couldn't help admiring his eyesight.

Even though they were separated by Xuanjin faces, Ren Zhengli seemed to know the surprise in Qin Xuan's heart and said with a light smile: "it's not how smart I am, but that there is an ancient emperor's imperial domain, which is similar to yours."

Qin Xuan couldn't help staring at his words. Ren Zhengli's words surprised him. Sitting in the memory of the great emperor python, he didn't know which ancient emperor was similar to him.

Ren Zhengli moved again. This time, on the long knife in his hand, the empty extreme method turned into a faint flame.

Qin Xuan's body seemed to feel the crisis.

Before Qin Xuan moves, Qin Xuan's body has been cut off from every avenue before, so he comes out together.

The road is like a dragon. Kill the enemy and protect the Lord.

Ren Zhengli faced many roads alone. With the suppressed virtual extreme method, he kept waving his knife.

In an instant, every avenue was cut, and Qin Xuan felt very uncomfortable for it.

Every avenue, like an arm, is cut off like an arm.

Fortunately, Qin Xuan didn't care that thousands of arms were cut off when he was suffering.

Ren Zhengli's physical strength is also being consumed until the avenue in Qin Xuan's body is no longer out.

Ren Zhengli also gave out a rapid and heavy breath. His physical exertion was too intense.

Qin Xuan looked at Ren Zhengli. At this moment, he no longer kept his hand.

I saw the palm of his hand move gently and on the Wuzhong sword. The avenue of eternal life was like thunder and poured into it. More than that, there were tunyuan Avenue, heaven and earth Avenue, yin and Yang Avenue, immortal Avenue and five kinds of Avenue were like thunder and integrated into the Wuzhong sword.

This is equivalent to the acme of congenital immortal realm and the strongest sword of Qin Xuan now.

Integrate five roads into one sword and cut off those who cannot use Taoism.

This is almost a winning game, but Qin Xuan is not sure at the moment.

Because Qin Xuan knew that Ren Zhengli didn't do his best. He definitely had to stay.

Sure enough, Ren Zhengli saw Qin Xuan's move and said with a smile: "you can exhaust all my physical strength before you start, but you still leave me a blow."

"Why, so confident that this sword can beat me!"

Facing Ren Zhengli's leisurely laughter, under Xuanjin's face, Qin Xuan moved his lips and teeth gently.

"It doesn't matter whether this sword wins you or not."

"The important thing is whether one sword in the future can defeat immortal Li." Qin Xuan responded, holding the endless sword and came slowly.

Ren Zhengli was slightly stunned. He immediately laughed, "I'm worthy of being an immortal and didn't put me in his eyes."

"But don't be too arrogant. If you can beat me, I won't come!"

"There are so many fools in the world, but the existence of you and me..."

"Who is a fool?"

Ren Zhengli held the knife in his hand and saw the second golden flame lit on the long knife, breaking through the absolute law of the semi imperial domain and the suppression of the immortal furnace.

Qin Xuan looked at it and recognized the power.

Extreme force method!

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