Seven kilometers of Spirit Vein, nine bloodlocks are empty.

The black light inside the dragon is more like a black hole, if you swallow Heaven and Earth.

Until this seven-kilometer Spirit Vein is in the mouth, the Xuanguang dragon is at the waist of Qin Xuan.

Heaven and Earth seem to be calm, the Kunlun peaks are splitting, and a huge seven-kilometer gap is present in the world.

Qingxu and others are all sluggish, and they look at the gap, as if they are standing with the sky, if there is a gap between the shadows.

It is hard to match them for a lifetime.

Azure Emperor !

The sinister pupil light is sluggish, and he can’t return to it for a long time.

Qin Xuan Collapsed the mysterious dragon dragonfly, this time accepting the West King Spirit Vein, even the Azure Wood with his body is exhausted, if the wood is wilted, wait for the winter to spring and then life life force.

“There is Qi Condensation Realm!” Qin Xuan shook his head, even though he was invincible on this star, but still only Qi Condensation Realm. For cultivation eight, for Cultural World, he just got started that’s all.

Qin Xuan landed on the ground, and if the feathers fell, the weight would be light.

He and Qin Yaner walked to the Kunlun Disciple of Qingxu, looking at the seemingly lost soul, like the Kunlunzong Disciple, Qin Xuan’s footsteps.

Qin Xuan gave a faint look at the emptiness. “So, I took the West King Spirit Vein!”

The virtual complex complex was pale, and he suddenly stunned his body.

Without the West King Spirit Vein, Kunlun Zong is simply missing Supreme Treasure, looking at Kunlun, although there are some Spirit Vein, but how can those Spirit Vein compare with West King Spirit Vein?

But at the moment, what does Qing Xuan dare to say? There was a sigh of relief in my heart, and I didn’t even dare to spit it out.

Qin Xuan faintly smiled, he naturally knows that he is unwilling in his heart.

However, he took Spirit Vein into the Golden Core, and the West King Spirit Vein has seven potentials. He naturally can’t let go.

The most important thing is that Kunlun once disrespected one or two. If Qin Xuan did not know the fate, he was ready to sweep the Kunlun.

Taking its Spirit Vein is also a punishment.

“However, I have a love relationship with you, Kunlun Zong, and things will not be done. Otherwise, there will be no Kunlun sect in the world.” Qin Xuan indifferently said that he took a note from Xuan Guangyu.

Feel free to throw it to the emptiness, such as throwing garbage.

“This is hundreds of times the cultivation technique of Xi Wang, Sheng Er and others.”

Qin Xuan took the hand and the words made the Kunlun Zong Disciple stunned.

West King?

West King Spirit Vein?

What is the connection between them?

Qing Xu caught the notebook in his hand, his face was awkward.

The Kunlun sect inheritance has been rare since the ancient times. What cultivation technique can be hundreds of times stronger than the Culture Technique of Kunlun?

Is it possible This Azure Emperor gave his own cultivation technique to Kunlun Zong?

This thought just started, Qing Xu will crush it in his mind, how is it possible!

With endless doubts, Qing Xu opened the note.

Immediately, he saw the word, the line of words.

The moment of dullness dumbstruck, he seems to be addicted to it, flipping the notebook, his brows are sometimes wrinkled, sometimes shocked, sometimes excited.

The entire Kunlun Zong’s Discipe looked at them. The Taoist ancestor was like a madman at this moment, staying at this mountain for a full night.

Until the night is full of emotions, the emotions suddenly commemorate this note, and the eyes are endless ecstasy and shock.

“Daozu!” The former Lesser Dao boy who kept the lock, couldn’t help but ask, “What do we do?”

Qingxu has eased from the mental state turbulence in the stormy waves, turns the head to look at the Lesser Dao boy, “What to do? Although the West King is ruined, but my Kunlunzong Disciple is still in Kunlun, There are a lot more Spirit Vein, and it’s easy to settle down!”

There was a faint voice in his voice, and he looked at the note in his hand.

“With this cultivation technique, I will not be more than ten times more powerful than the West King Spirit Vein in the future!”

In the voice of the emptiness, there is an endless excitement, and the volume of the cultivation technique is like a Divine Ability, just like opening a new world to him.

Even more, there is a feeling of clearing the virtual, in the past he, but four words.

Frog at the bottom of the well !

With endless ecstasy, Qingxu reluctantly calms his mind, he turned to look at the direction of Qin Xuan’s departure, even though the evening was full of dawn, but the emptiness of the heart for the Azure Emperor no hate, not willing, but with a Trace revere.

“Qing dynasty Kunlun, thank Azure Emperor!” The sound slowly came out, at the edge of this Kunlun, not scattered for a long time.


Qin Xuan sitting in a car, the pupil light is calm, he is ready to go, how is the emptiness, how is Kunlun Zong, he does not care.

The cultivation technique he left, but the top 3 of the old Sect cultivation technique, is that’s all enough to be built into Spirit Transformation.

But when it comes to the old man, Qin Xuan looked at the sky and the sky, as if through the innocent Starry Sky, 茫茫Star, the woman who had drunk the disco with the Dao.

The woman once on this star, entrenched Kunlun, and became the god of Kunlun in a strange position.

This star, ancient and modern respect, call it… Wangmu!


Qin Xuan softly sigh ,“可惜了!岁月不留情,这昆仑,注定也要湮灭在那River of Time 之中。”

Mountain 有朽时,江海有尽日。

世间无Wood Dao Changqing ,无人可Longevity 。

所以,common people 求Longevity ,heaven defying 行。

Qin Xuan 一笑,previous life 他折在不朽路,Longevity 途中,今生……

他收回目光,轻lightly muttered 语。

“世间若有Longevity 在,我自当为第一人!”


Capital ,一座终日笼罩在雾气之中的山。

此山曾为Chen Family Ancestral Land ,一年前,突然为军事禁区。

在这山下,有一座碑断裂了九分,只留下了一分透露着岁月无情,昔日之碑如今already 尽数破碎。

山下,一辆车缓缓驶入,刚一靠近,便already 被拦住。


有士兵拦阻,满是警惕的望着这luxury car 。

尽管,他不相信有人敢在Capital 闹事,甚至敢擅闯这军事禁区,但身为军人,他自要警惕。


车窗缓缓摇下,Qin Xuan 看了一眼那士兵。





Ning Ziyang 近乎是满面冷汗,他望着那士兵,顿时喝道:“impudent !”

他出现在那士兵面前,然后回头看了一眼Qin Xuan ,露出讪笑。

“Azure Emperor !”

那士兵startled ,旋即退后,对于Ning Ziyang 的喝声不以为然。

“has seen Senior Official !”

Ning Ziyang within China 明面的身份是一位General ,方便一些时候,这些士兵也曾has seen ,这王权山上,经常会有不少influential figure 来,所以士兵倒是认识Ning Ziyang 。

Ning Ziyang 哪里会去理会那士兵,而是有些紧张的望着Qin Xuan 。


“Senior Official ,若无上峰命令,不可放行!”


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