“Don’t be like this!”

“arrogant junior, simply act recklessly!”

“With him alone, dare to say so madly!?”

A phantom of the Spirit Transformation big cultivator, the flow is even more than the pupil light dreary cold.

Han Yu smiled indifferently, and the last sentence was a disappointment.

As for the magic cloud, how is it with her?

“Tongbaoge Disciple will follow me on the fourth floor and break the ban!” With Han Yu’s high drink, he led a group of Tongbaoge Disciple to leave.

Stream music, Liu Zhi and others looked at each other and saw the shock in the other’s eyes.

Finally, they are still in silence.

“Back to the fourth floor!”

The Wanbao Building is still there, and many Treasures are among them. Although they are not as good as Nashen, they are also great treasures for them.

As for the five-layer medicine pill, many people looked at their ban and shook their heads slightly.

浜斿眰镄勭鍒 笉姣斿洓灞 笉姣斿洓灞 ed ed edicine pill 铏 弽璐碉纴浣嗗緟锲涘眰 弽璐碉纴浣嗗緟锲涘眰 Magical Treasure 鍙栧畲涔嫔悗鍐嶆潵浜 〉 彲銆

涓reat Influence 绂诲幓锛岃崚瀹濇ゼ銆佸 浜戝畻镄嗘槸闱 (4) 镞犲尮銆 镞犲尮銆

鈥滆 钑堬紒鈥濆 钑堬紒鈥濆 鐒讹纴 鐒讹纴 鐒讹纴 掑疂妤 掑疂妤 掑疂妤 掑疂妤 纴鈥滀綘 纴鈥滀綘 纴鈥滀綘 纴鈥滀綘 纴鈥滀綘 纴鈥滀綘 浜 浜 浜 浜 浜 湪锛熲 湪锛熲

Ld€钖峰 ld man pupil light 阒存蒙镊虫瀬锛屾湁killing intent 闂︻儊銆

鈥滃湪锛佲€濅竴钖峬iddle-aged man 杩炲 umbrella 搴旈 搴旈

鈥滈€熼€熸柦灞曪纴瀵熸柦灞曪纴瀵偅Changqing 浣岖疆锛屼负鍗咕鎶ヤ粐锛佲€漮ld man 澶у枬銆

涓€镞堕棿锛屽 enough 浜戝畻绛変竴浼桽pirit Transformation 澶ultivator 鐩厜涔熶笉鐢辫惤鍦ㄩ偅middle-aged man 韬笂銆

鍙︼闾 腑骞 腑骞 鏋 鏋 鏋 鏋 鏋 皬铔婃 皬铔婃 皬铔婃           Qin Xuan aura key 屽姩銆

灏忚泭韬悗锛岀栌浣橲pirit Transformation 澶ultivator 镄嗘槸璺熼殢銆

Pu pupupil light 鍐 喎锛屽 喎锛屽 喎锛屽 钖岄 钖岄 钖岄 钖堛

鍙︼闾e浜鸿泭璧板埌浜斿眰鍏ュ彛锛屽悜锲涘眰椋炲幓钖庯纴璁稿浜洪兘涓岖敱complexion 寰彉銆

鈥滀粬绔熺劧鍏ヨ Umbrella drill


涓嶅皯cultivator surprised and angry at the same time 锛屾劋鎱ㄤ竾鍒嗐€

鈥滆窡闅忚 鈥滆窡闅忚 瀵讳 瀵讳 铔婏纴锲涘眰涔熷ソ锛屼竾瀹濇ゼ 鍦纴璇 鍦纴璇 鍦纴璇 鍦纴璇 鍦纴璇 rea rea aven aven aven aven aven aven eavenly Cloud Sect 疂阒 疂阒 疂阒 疂阒侊紒锛熲€濇湁浜篶oldly snorted and said 銆

镞嫔嵆锛屼竴浼楀ぇcultivator to enter 锲涘眰锛岃 鐒讹纴 鐒讹纴 ld ld ld ld ld ld pupil pupil pupil pupil

鍦ㄤ粬 嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞樀鐩樻 嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞樀鐩樻 嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞樀鐩樻 嬩腑锛屼竴阆挞樀鐩樻

鈥沧潕鍐ワ纴浣犺 umbrella 鏄纻鈥濇祦姝upil light 寰】銆

鍙︼鏉庡 鍐 喎涓 喎涓 绗 绗 绗                      戞殏涓斿皢杩椤叆鍙i伄鎺╋纴鎯 繀Heavenly Cloud Sect 疂阒佷篃涓崭 疂阒佷篃涓崭 疂阒佷篃涓崭 疂阒佷篃涓崭 疂阒佷篃涓崭 疂阒佷篃涓崭 澶︼牏锛屾搮镊﹄紶鍑 澶︼牏锛屾搮镊﹄紶鍑︷渶瑕佸憡璇変粬浠竴澹 纴浠栦 纴浠栦 镊︻劧鐭ユ檽浼 镊︻劧鐭ユ檽浼 镊︻劧鐭ユ檽浼 湪镐庝箞 湪镐庝箞 紒鈥 紒鈥

娴佹pupil light 涓€浜纴绱х镄勭鑹茬◢缂掳纴鈥滃搱鍝堬纴浣犲镄勭鑹茬◢缂掳纴鈥滃搱鍝堬纴浣犲镄勭鑹茬◢缂掳纴鈥滃搱鍝堬纴浣犲掓槸掓槸

鈥滃厛鏉€闾hangqing 锛屽啀鍙朤reasure 锛佲€

鏉庡鏉庡鍐峰喎鍑哄0锛岄殢钖庝 缁 璺熼殢闾画璺熼殢闾e浜鸿泭泭

浼梒ultivator 涓 鐩 鐩 鍙婂浜 鍙婂浜 鍙婂浜 鍙婂浜 鍙婂浜 泭鍒 泭鍒 泭鍒 泭鍒 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 椂锛屼笉灏戜 寰 寰 寰 寰

鈥滀粬绔熺劧to enter 浜嗕笁灞傦纻鈥

链変汉鍑哄0锛宑omplexion 闅剧湅镞犳瘮銆

涓崭粎浠呮槸浠栵纴杩炲叾浣橲pirit Transformation 澶ultivator 涔熸槸濡傛銆

灏ゅ叾鏄韩钖嶩 eavenly Cloud Sect 疂阒佺牬绂佸埗涔嫔 疂阒佺牬绂佸埗涔嫔 疂阒佺牬绂佸埗涔嫔 疂阒佺牬绂佸埗涔嫔 浼犳潵锛屾洿鏄浠栦 浼犳潵锛屾洿鏄浠栦 浼犳潵锛屾洿鏄浠栦 com complexion 闅 drama


Xu 潃 in Qin Xuan 锛屼絾涓 镞 镞 粬浠叆锲涘眰涔嬩笅锛岃 粬浠叆锲涘眰涔嬩笅锛岃 粬浠叆锲涘眰涔嬩笅锛岃 粬浠叆锲涘眰涔嬩笅锛岃 粬浠叆锲涘眰涔嬩笅锛岃 矀涓嶆槸閮 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 疂阒佸拰 Heavenly Cloud Sect 鍗犳嵁锛熷姝ゅ镄凪agical Treasure 鐝嶆潗锛屽 锏 锏 锏 嫳 嫳 嫳 佷簬浠栦 佷簬浠栦 佷簬浠栦 佷簬浠栦 佷簬浠栦 佷簬浠栦

灏卞湪杩欐椂锛屾祦姝e鐒秙t鐒秙tart to talk 锛屸€沨his child 阃熷害鏋佸揩锛屼鏄垜浠浠栵纴鎭愭鏄垜浠浠栵纴鎭愭曚篃 chain繀鑳借繀鑳杩 缑涓娿 傗€傗

浠朿omplexion 闅 湅锛屼 湅锛屼 潃 in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in in骞曘€


娴佹takes a deep breath 锛屸€滆崚瀹濇ゼ鍐呭簲璇ヨ缮链夐樀鐩桦惂锛熲

鈥沧垜涔熸槸涔嫔墠 侀 侀 鍙嬩綘鏂 鍙嬩綘鏂 鍙嬩綘鏂 鍙嬩綘鏂 洏 洏 洏 洏 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂 纴澶╅渼阒佷笅涓夊眰镞爂劅 熷鐣屼箣鍦 熷鐣屼箣鍦 ワ纴闾 ワ纴闾 qing qing qing qing qing qing qing qing qing qing qing qing鍗奃isciple chain 熺敱阒arrange great array 锛屼弗镆ヨ镆ヨ寰cultivator 锛岀瓑寰呴偅Changqing 鍏ラ樀锛屽湪镵斿悎 €€€ chain 変汉涔嫔姏锛屽皢鍏跺洿Key 屾潃涔嬶紒鈥濇祦姝g紦缂挞death

鈥滀竴鏉ワ纴鍗婃暟Disciple 渚濇棫鍙彇涓囧疂妤agical Treasure 锛岃€屾潵锛岃嫢闾hangqing 鍏ラ樀锛岄殢镞跺彲鏉ユ敮鎻纴鎯 纴鎯 偅 Changqing 灏 畻鏄湁阃 畻鏄湁阃 畻鏄湁阃 缑浣忎紬浣岴 circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ circ

This 璇濊璁╁湪鍦筱pirit Transformation 澶ultivator 鐪 墠涓 浜纴涓嶅皯浜 浜纴涓嶅皯浜 浜纴涓嶅皯浜 浜纴涓嶅皯浜 浜纴涓嶅皯浜 浜纴涓嶅皯浜 浜纴涓嶅皯浜

鈥滃鍝夛紒鈥濇潕鍐ユ洿鏄偣澶撮 锛 锛 沧垜 沧垜 沧垜 沧垜 嬩腑 嬩腑 嬩腑 変竴鍏 変竴鍏 変竴鍏 阒 阒鍗乼hree people set up array 互合互contend True Monarch 涔嫔姏锛佲€

璇 inch 潃锛屼粬 嬩腑璧劧娴幇鍑 嬩腑璧劧娴幇鍑 竴阆挞樀鐩桡纴鍏 竴阆挞樀鐩桡纴鍏 笂 笂 笂 夊洓鍗佷簩阆揿皬镞楋纴浼撮殢镌 阒 阒 阒 澶 澶 澶勶纴Baleful Qi 鍐pirit Transformation 澶ultivator 镄嗘槸闱(4)壊涓€暗囥€

“So great!”

娴佹said with a laugh 锛屽叾浣橲pirit Transformation 澶ultivator

鈥滀 鈥滀 锲沊 锲沊 锲沊 锲沊 Array Array 鍙朤 鍙朤 鍙朤 鍙朤

鈥滆崚瀹濇ゼDisciple 钖 锛岀暀涓嬩簩鍗佷竴浜 锛岀暀涓嬩簩鍗佷竴浜 紒鈥

鍦╰wo people 璋冮仯涔嬩腑锛岃 but 鐒堕棿锛屼竴搴rear array 渚 缃╁湪闾 缃╁湪闾 洓灞 洓灞 洓灞 洓灞 洓灞 洓灞 唴銆

a path of 鏁 鏁 鏁 彂镌 彂镌 彂镌 ale ale ale ale ale ale ale kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill kill剰銆

鈥滀 mutualgreat array 灏侀挛鍏ュ彛锛屼篃绠楁湁镣 silicon 剳瀛愶紒鈥濋 ╥ ╥ ndifferently said 锛屽スpupil light 钀 湪绂佹涓婂叾涓殑涓 阆揿叚鍝丮agical Treasure 涓婏纴闅忓悗锛屽ス渚 笉鍦ㄦ剰璧 笉鍦ㄦ剰璧 潵锛屾 涓 涓 涓 嚭闾 嚭闾 崄 崄 崄 崄 崄 崄 崄 崄纴杞板向钖戠姝箣涓€


Qin Xuan 涓€璺柧椹璺柧椹呖姝わ纴浠栫溂鐪镐腑绮呖姝わ纴浠栫溂鐪镐腑绮厜娣°C贰娴佽浆銆

鍦ㄤ竴澶勬滠 chainㄤ腑锛孮 in Xuan 沧锛屾 沧锛屾 涓 涓 涓 鐜 鐜 鐜 €

姝ゅ钖э紒鈥 姝ゅ钖э紒鈥

Qin Xuan 杞 涓 涓 绗 绗 纴浠栫洏鍧愬叾涓纴 opera Eternal Evergreen Secret Art 銆

浠朼lready 鍦c/oolden Core High Grade already 璁镐箙锛屽樊涓€姝ヤ研究瓒崇瓒

But all the time, he never found an opportunity until he had a battle with Lugan. In the end, the Xuanguang Xiaolong, Jinpeng and Eternal Sword broke out, but he was aware of the opportunity and felt the opportunity to break through.

“Is it forbidden?”

In the cultivation, Qin Xuan swallowed the next medicine pill, and saw the medicinal power and Spiritual Qi watered in Dantian. The yellow Azure Wood gradually glowed with life force. If the dead wood sprouted, the trees withered Golden Core is restored again.

Until, three thousand Golden Core returned to full, Peak, Qin Xuan swallowed some medicine pill again into the heart of the Essence Qi.

At the full number, Qin Xuan did his best to restore his cultivation base to the Peak state.

The body seems to have a gods flowing, mysterious and abnormal.

It is difficult to step into the ban of the Scorpio. Since entering the secret, Qin Xuan did not know how many cross-border great wars he experienced, which made him find the opportunity to advance to the shackles of Scorpio.

If Qin Xuan has no realm needs, I am afraid it will be more difficult to perfection.

At this moment, Qin Xuan’s hands were once again shocked, and he had dozens of jade bottles in his hands.

There are Yun Ling Dan, Ning Fa Dan, and even six products medicine pill Ju Yuan Dan, Bai Ling Dan and so on.

Along with the shock of Qin Xuan, a group of jade bottles became a fine powder, and nearly two hundred medicine pills appeared in the eyes of Qin Xuan.

Subsequently, Qin Xuan slightly opened his mouth, taking a deep breath, if swallowed.

Nearly two hundred medicine pill, all missed.

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