On the Dragon Pond Mountain, the Cloud Mist is long.

Green Mountain Greenwood, flowered and shaded, with a waterfall from Heaven and Earth, watered on Qin Xuan’s body.

He slowly closed, bathed in the waterfall, and restored the back and shoulders.

If the power of Xuan Su Yin is extremely ice-stabbing, the power of three flavors is really fire, if the lava is burning.

Void Return The power of the trench is too terrifying. Qin Xuan is only gently touched that’s all. If the whole power of the trench is ignited, I am afraid that it is True Monarch, and even the Void Return of the genuine faces these seven trenches. It must also fall.

Dragon Pond Mountain top, suddenly there is a figure coming down the mountain.

Jun Wushuang !

She came slowly and looked at Qin Xuan.

“Qin Xuan !”

Soft voice is like a heart, Qin Xuan is still close, never opened.

Jun Wushuang frowns, “Qin Xuan, you are ready in this Dragon Pond Mountain seclusion for a long time, and the nephew is refining in the red dust furnace. When he chooses the time, do you still have to seclusion?”

Jun Wushuang’s brows are deeper and deeper. She looks at Qin Xuan’s still indifferent appearance, and there is a trace of anger in her eyes.

“Qin Xuan, what do you mean!”

“In the beginning, you traded with me for a hundred years, I am ready to do it, but my nephew, my nephew is innocent! You…”

The words have not yet fallen, and there is another voice coming down the mountain.

“Qin Xuan !”

I saw only one person, if the white clothes are snowy, the face is picturesque.

Her eyes are full of killing intent grief, “I am painstaking cultivation for a hundred years, today, it is when you pay back my owe!”

“Amitabha!” There is a Buddha’s voice vacated, and the woman is wearing a Buddha’s coat. If Bodhisattva has a low eyebrow, she is so angry.

“Qin Xuan, the head of Haiqing is your Great Grandfather, you, my enemy!”

“I am in Puluo Temple seclusion for a hundred years, it is to kill you!”

There is a killing intent, if the glaciers pour, even if Qin Xuan, my heart is not only awkward.

Unfortunately, just a trace 涟漪, the sky will be dissipated.

He is like a dead wood Buddha, and there is no half trace action.

“Xuan!” Suddenly, there was another voice, Qin Wende was white, “I want Longevity, Xuan, I don’t want to die!”

“Xuan, save me, I don’t want to leave you!” Shen Xinsu pity, Cang Old Bai first.

“Dad!” Someone climbed, Qin Yu is full of hate, he is like blood. “I am obviously Azure Emperor, it is the pride of heaven. Why do you want to seal my cultivation base? Why do you want me to be so Humiliation, by what, you have to make me red dust!”

“You gave birth to me, just let me be your Puppet, and you will control it for a lifetime!”

Qin Yuman is the voice of resentment, such as the Dragon Pool Heaven and Earth.

More big gold, fierce re-exhibition, angry and angry, want to return to the Lord to return to freedom.

“Senior, you let me into the Dragon Pond Spirit Vein, and then cast the real body, just for the sake of self-sufficiency, help Senior to guard the dragon pool?” Dragon Soul is full of anger, overlooking the voice of Qin Xuan.

The bear mother roared, Ning Ziyang, Su Qiao’er and others came together and wanted to impose sanctions.

“This person is dead!”

“Qin Xuan, you damn!”

“Qin Xuan, not worthy of being a man, not enough to be a father!”

“I want to kill you, sacrifice my grief!”

a path of sound, such as the magic sound, even if it is blocked by both ears, it is still difficult to block the slightest.

In the midst of it, Jun Wushuang made a move, and her hands were in full swing, enveloping Qin Xuan.

The bonfire burning body, along with Jun Wushuang’s pleasant laughter, Qin Xuan’s skin gradually dried up, the burning bones of the pain, the same as the real.

“Qin Xuan!” Mo Qinglian double-stained blood, such as a demon head, offering a sword and swearing.

“I won’t kill you, I want you to taste the pain of Ling Chi, let you taste the grief in my heart, let you survive, can’t die!” She roared out, sword, through Qin Xuan shoulder bone, kind The real pain, even the meridians were cut off, and even the Eternal Evergreen Secret Art could not work, as if the meridians were not existence.

“Qin Xuan, the hatred of the parents, can not live under the same sky!” Xiao Wu is full of hate, behind the Bodhisattva Buddha, the blade fell, such as Wanshan squeeze, Qin Xuan’s mouth has a blood spill.

“Qin Xuan, my son, Dad doesn’t want to die!”

“My son, save me!”

Old parents, forcibly rotten in front of Qin Xuan, the skin flesh and blood, and the bones are sand.

“You, not worthy of the father!” Qin Hao hated like a knife, Zhi Qin Xuan Qin Xuan arm, a moment, Qin Xuan arm is ready to be slash out, blood like a spring.

“Qin Xuan, you destroy Light Church, destroy my former residence, so revenge, go to hell and regret it!” Qin Yaner’s eyes stunned, the blazing white flame fell, enough to make Qin Xuan’s flesh and blood burn like dry, piece The fleshy vanish like smoke in thin air, revealing the bones of the organs.

a path of roar, killing intent, grief, and sanction sounds at the top of this Dragon Pond Mountain.

Unconsciously, Dragon Pond Mountain seems to have collapsed, only the face of resentment is still in front of Qin Xuan.

Only Qin Xuan, except for this full of hair, is not adult.

Within the body, such as only the bones left, riddled with holes, almost life force to the edge of extinction.

“Qin Changqing, you Longevity is not allowed, you think you are Supreme, in fact, you are no different from the once lost dog!”

“You, by what Longevity? Why become Azure Emperor!”

As if there is a sound rising from the bottom of my heart, into the mind, swaying the last a trace life force.

Finally, Qin Xuan blinked. He looked at the horrible face in front of him and looked at the Dragon Pond Mountain, which was completely destroyed.

He stood up, as the skeleton stood up, looking at the people.

Those pains, inscribed in the heart, burning blood, broken bones, lost arms, sad God…

Qin Xuan has never been, he just looked at the sky.

“Wanfa is added, I have a hard time!”

“This mental state, slightly one or two standards, unfortunately, with the 18th Hell, prepared with the ten temples, the difference is only one!”

“Fantasy, with your power to linger, this mental state can do this step, already is not easy!”

“However, you are too jealous of me!”

Qin Xuan faintly smiled, he looked at the many faces that have not been forgotten in my heart.

“I am Qin Changqing, there is no fear innocent, and my heart is determined.”

“Compared with the three thousand Illusion World illusion, this is called illusion, just like the gravel than the fairy mountain.”

Suddenly, he reached for a hand, his fingers had a bone, and if he was coke, he gently clicked in front of the void.

Along with him, there is a breeze in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, into the fingertips, prosperous, Longchi Heaven and Earth…

Vanish like smoke in thin air !

His shoulders and back are already restored, his body is as old as it is, but the complexion is slightly red, and then there is blood flowing out of his seven.

“I am moving a trace Emperor Sense, hurting him to the highest mind, you, should you come out?”

Qin Xuan’s body was shocked, and the blood of the Seven Miles was shaken to nothingness.

His eyes were calm, and in front of him, there were suddenly thousands of rays of light condense.

“Scorpio Tool Spirit!”

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