On the peak of the neon, Qin Xuan is in the pavilion and sits on the inside of Heaven and Earth.

Now he is with the body. The seven chakras are the second, equivalent to Spirit Transformation Low Grade, but the Spiritual Consciousness is only ten miles. Beyond this distance, his soul is too weak to resist the world.

“The sun is hard to refining, I don’t know how the Senior Sister is going?” Qin Xuan blinked, and the pupil was slightly sloppy.

He got up slightly and walked out of the pavilion.

However, a few musk time, a figure will return from the foot of the mountain.

“Junior Brother!”

The long smoke is drunk and the mountain is coming. There is a color on the face that can’t stop. Looking at the wine gourd in her hand seems to be heavy.

Qin Xuan turned, snow coat, “Senior Sister!”

“Long smoke, don’t be rude!” Yun Ni also walked out of the pavilion.

The long smoke could not help but smile, and secretly sneered at Qin Xuan.

“Brother, follow the Master’s Law!” The long smoked body swayed slightly and gave a courtesy.

Yun Ni could not help but shake her head, she turned the head to look at Qin Xuan, “Changqing, you let your Senior Sister go to Tongbao Pavilion, what is it?”

“I want to talk about a deal. Before I was in the secret territory, my brother was slightly treasured, but most of them were useless. I talked with Tongbaoge.” Qin Xuan smiled.

Yun Ni gently nodded, then she under the foot floated the rainbow, “Changqing, long smoke, you two people and want to listen well. For the teacher to leave for a period of time, enter the main peak to close the death, breakthrough to Nascent Soul. ”

Yunni pupil light leisurely, sighed: “I have planned this, but I really can’t worry about you two people.”

She turned her head and looked at Qin Xuan and the long smoke. “A drunkard, a madman!”

Qin Xuan and Changyan looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

Suddenly, Yunni’s hands showed two things. This is two jade, which is a two-dimensional instrument. “Changqing, you hold Xuanyu, long smoke, you hold Suyu.”

“This thing is for my mother. If you are in danger, you can sacrifice this mysterious double jade, or you can save two people.”

Xuanyu fell, Qin Xuan pupil light fretting. Long smoke also goes to the wine, and there is little normality.

“For the teacher this time, the seclusion, from ten to ten, and hundreds of hundreds, you two people, good for yourself!”

Yun Ni looked at Qin Xuan and long smoke, and stopped talking. Finally, faintly sighed.

She under the foot Changhong suddenly rises, Yunni no longer say a word, straight to the main peak of Jiushan, Tianyun Shenshu.





李玄道眼中rays of light 略起,“为父,尽力而为!”


霓峰上,待云霓离去,Qin Xuan 将玄玉收于手中。

“Senior Sister ,此物很珍贵,莫要到生死存亡之时,莫要动用!”Qin Xuan 转身,轻声道。

长烟点头,Master seclusion 之前,特意将此物赠予她,她怎敢不重视?

“Junior Brother ,你知道这……”

话音还未落,却见Qin Xuan 微微摇头。

他pupil light 淡然,大树之下好乘凉,入宗如此,拜师如此,但便是天云神树,百ten thousand years 神株,终究也有遇劫的那一天,树下人,乘凉几多岁月,当也为此树,辟得一处Changqing 天!


“Senior Sister ,通宝阁如何回应?”Qin Xuan 缓缓道。

“韩雨道友曾,此事关乎重大,她会亲自入Heavenly Cloud Sect 来与你谈。”长烟恢复到了懒散模样,喝酒said with a laugh :“我Junior Brother ,你现在可是大Rich and Powerful People ,估计那韩雨家财都没你丰富,Junior Brother 你就不打算请Senior Sister 喝顿酒么?”

Qin Xuan 淡淡的瞥了一眼长烟,不置与否。

“气鬼!”长烟慵懒一笑,“不过这顿酒,Senior Sister 记上了,你迟早要请的。”

Qin Xuan 不再理会长烟,转身向楼阁内走去。




他身前有玄宝,一道Eight Diagrams Disk ,盘上有old man phantom 。

随后,Eight Diagrams Disk rays of light 黯淡,old man 身影消失,李玄道拂袖将那Eight Diagrams Disk 收起。

“天机门亦难测算么?身藏混沌之象。”李玄道轻声道,“霓儿还真是收了个不得了的fellow 。”


若Qin Xuan 身负仙功道卷,Immortal Earth inheritance ,为何会执意来加入Heavenly Cloud Sect ,拜云霓为师。

之前Qin Xuan 入门种种,李玄道自是得知,便是如他也不可能确信无疑。

不仅仅是他,Heavenly Cloud Sect 内,already 有不止一位道君质疑了,皆被李玄道压下。

他pupil light 悠然,负手而立,望着远处那茫茫九山。

“心乱则不定,道云,你身为Heavenly Cloud Sect 宗主,心不可乱,神不可乱。”有茫茫声音从李玄道身后响起,只见一个old man ,只有五尺大,满面沟壑,岁月如斑烙印在他脸上。


“Uncle-Master !”李玄道转头,pupil light 微凝,低头道:“弟知错,谨遵教诲!”

老人both hands 背在身后,佝偻前行,“你还是老样!”





“雾家,来便来吧,那三个老不死的,除非他们想陨道,否则不敢真对Heavenly Cloud Sect make a move !你且需要知道,百ten thousand years 天云,便是十大Star Field 至尊围攻,天云神树亦不朽,凭一个雾家,再加一个荒宝楼,再加上一个幻云宗。”老人笑着,牙齿都没了几颗,“还不够!”

“想要在我风魔的身后覆灭Heavenly Cloud Sect ,这墨云星十三大至尊,得尽来才行!”

音落,老人便转身,踏步而行,如Shrink the Ground to an Inch 。

李玄道微微抬头,望着老人那愈加苍老的身影,不由takes a deep breath 。

“弟,让Uncle-Master 失望了!”他叹息一声,似乎观得老人如此,他身上的重担如无物。

老人为Heavenly Cloud Sect 凌字辈,活了九万九千年,唯一从上次天云Great Tribulation 内活下来之人。

李玄道叹息一声,他身躯微震,身仿佛与Heaven and Earth 合。


“但弟,不会让Master ,诸位Apprentice Brothers 失望!”李玄道吐字如钉,自言自语。

之后数天,Qin Xuan 立于在霓峰上,他望着撕裂九山Cloud Mist ,破阵而来的身影。

有人驭Flood Dragon ,有人乘神船,亦有人驭flying sword 而归。

不仅仅是Qin Xuan ,便是整个Heavenly Cloud Sect 都震动了,抬头望着那a path of 而来的身影。

Qin Xuan 盘膝而坐,他望着天云神树。


他轻抚Eternal Sword sword tip ,忽然Eternal Sword 一震,如有sword cry 冲Heaven and Earth 。


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