Inside Xuan Xuan within the body, you can see that the fifth chakra is like a treasure plate, exuding ray rays of light, together with the first four chakras, such as the bridge.

Looking at it again, like the vast Starry Sky, the five Galaxy are lit, Starlight, and life force.

Spirit Transformation High Grade, from Qin Xuan to Cultivation World, has entered the Spirit Transformation High Grade from Golden Core Realm in less than a year, so the speed is almost terrifying.

Not only that, the fifth chakra is tempered by tempering, and the rays of light are getting more and more stunned. On the body of Qin Xuan, there seems to be a group of rays of light illuminating, and there is a stream of light on the body, such as a treasure body.

Nowadays, Good Fortune is only a can of burnt one’s all.

Qin Xuan did not open his eyes and continued to engulf the Good Fortune, and the fifth chakra was tempering.

The ice lotus girl sits in the ice lotus, and the thumb-sized figure looks at Qin Xuan, her feet flowing through the ice pool whirlpool.

For a few days, Qin Xuan’s fifth chakra was almost tempering to the extreme, and Good Fortune had a leaf withered.

Subsequently, Qin Xuan began to hit the sixth chakra again.

Qin Xuan’s body trembles from time to time, the sound of the rumbling of the Mountain collision, making the ice lotus woman slightly wrinkle, a trace of disgust in the eyes, but it did not say anything in the end, just quietly looking at Qin Xuan.

After a week, Good Fortune’s seven wonderful grasses burned to the fifth leaf, and Qin Xuan’s body was once again shocked, and there was another group of glow glow.

The sixth chakra is open!

Qin Xuan’s aura is climbing more and more, the entire Kanmo ice pool is shaking, the vortex is more terrifying, and Qin Xuan is covered with a thick layer of ice cream, such as ice sculpture.

Under the frost, the rays of light are getting more and more, and the buddha statue is the wonder of the vast Starry Sky.

Qin Xuan is still standing still, frozen in the ink ice, only the rays of light.

Subsequently, the sound of Qin Xuan within the body disappeared, and he began to tempering the sixth chakra again, burning the fifth leaf of Good Fortune.

Half a month passed quietly, and the entire Good Fortune was almost burned out, and the roar of Qin Xuan was heard again.

The ice lotus girl still looked at Qin Xuan boringly, sitting in the ice lotus, looking at it quietly.

At this moment, Qin Xuan is in the heart of the breakthrough, and never even cares about the ice lotus girl.

I saw him with the body of the seven chakras, and now there are six chakras open, only the last chakra.

If the seventh chakra is turned on, he is the Spirit Transformation Great Accomplishment. In his Dantian, the seed is more ready to sprout, and Magic Force turns into a lotus flower, which seems to be waiting for the bloom.

The lotus closed about five feet, quietly standing in Qin Xuan Dantian.

Qin Xuan borrowed Good Fortune, and every time he hit the seventh chakra, the flower buds were shaking and wanted to open.

Suddenly, Qin Xuan blinked, and there was a mysterious Myriad Dao in his eyes.


Qin Xuan’s voice is slightly hoarse, more like a thick sound.

With the countless broken ice bursting, it was shot down in the ice pool.

That Good Fortune was completely burned out, and it was not enough to enter Qin Xuan within the body.


Qin Xuan corner of the mouth flow blood, I saw that the rolling gas suddenly broke through the Dantian barrier and rushed into Dantian.

Green gas pouring golden lotus!

Oh, that golden flower bud opens, the seventh chakra, this is Dantian.

I saw that the Golden Lotus was in full bloom. The entire Dantian world seemed to be shaking and expanding. The Golden Lotus had seven leaves and slowly opened, revealing the lotus heart. Each leaf seemed to be like a heavenly axe, more like Heaven and Earth.

With the opening of the golden lotus, the foot of Qin Xuan was slowly opened.

Chakras are open, Spirit Transformation Great Accomplishment!

Even though there is a long way to go before the Spirit Transformation perfection, a good Fortune has made him break through to the Spirit Transformation Great Accomplishment.

Qin Xuan sits on the ice floe and the surrounding vortex is ready to calm down.

Nearly a month, with Good Fortune, it finally entered Spirit Transformation High Grade, but this time it did not disappoint him.

Qin Xuan faintly smiled, he is not in a hurry to leave, but instead stays in this Kanmo ice pool.

Has been quiet, indifferent to look at Qin Xuan’s ice lotus girl in the technical Qin Xuan still not intend to leave, finally heard.

“Human Race, you have to be too much!” The ice lotus girl’s voice is very light, but there is a sense of coldness that goes straight into the heart.

Qin Xuan turned her head and looked at the ice lotus girl.

“This is my place of residence. You are ready to take a while and should leave!” The ice lotus girl sat on the ice lotus and looked at Qin Xuan. “The grass you burned before is also mine.”

It reminds Qin Xuan that Good Fortune is in its territory. This ice and ice pool is its residence. It usually rests on the ground. Moreover, it hates the flames, hates the sound, but fully endures Qin. Xuan for a month.

Qin Xuan glanced at the ice lotus girl and nodded gently. “Un! I know!”

After all, he did not move the little bit in the face of this supreme dissatisfaction. He slowly closed his eyes. From behind him, there was Spiritual Consciousness, and Spiritual Consciousness appeared in this ice pool.

After the emergence of Spiritual Consciousness, Qin Xuan suddenly felt that the flame on the firewood had to be extinguished. The extreme cold power of the ice and ice pool could affect even his bones, let alone the Spiritual Consciousness.

However, Qin Xuan did not put away the Spiritual Consciousness. He realized that he would enter a fire wood and look at a blue Wood Dao map. Dao Chart seems to be from the wild, a giant tree supporting Heaven and Earth, with a canopy and a root.

After thinking about this blue Wood Dao map, the surrounding coldness was almost the same, and the feeling that his Spiritual Consciousness collapsed suddenly disappeared. Azure Wood’s figure turned into a warm barrier and suppressed the cold force of the Kanmo ice pool.

Even so, Qin Xuan is difficult to support, as if it is in a bitter cold, struggling to produce trees, a little careless, life force will be extinct.

For half a month, the Yang Shen behind Qin Xuan became more and more condensed. Finally, from Liuzhang, it grew continuously and grew to seven feet.

Qin Xuan This retracts Spiritual Consciousness and sees Azure Wood. After a day and a night, Qin Xuan returns to a state of paralysis.

After so many more than two months, Qin Xuan’s Yang Shen has emerged within the Sea of ​​Consciousness, which has been nine feet and the Great Accomplishment.

He blinked again, this time, he got up from the ice floes.

“Human Race!” Ice Lotus once again started to talk, still the words, “You have to be excessive, already more than three months.”

It looked at Qin Xuan, and there was no sadness in his eyes. He just hoped that Qin Xuan would leave as soon as possible and would not bother.

If it is not Qin Xuan and its main, it has already obliterated this small Human Race. Although this person family looks very tall, the growing Spiritual Consciousness is also very interesting.

Qin Xuan got up and under the foot jumped. Suddenly, as soon as he patted his waist, Xuanguang 斩 葫 。 appeared.

“Human Race!” This time, the ice lotus girl was completely angry.

In its eyes, Qin Xuan is a thing that takes it, occupying its house, and now even intends to demolish the tiles of her home.

Qin Xuan is calm, he collects a small amount of pool water in the Kanmo ice pool.

The pool water of this Kanmo ice pool is useful to him, helping him to refining Na Shenyu and warming up his soldiers.

Qin Xuan disapproved of the anger of the ice lotus girl. After collecting the water, he turned and suddenly, foot paused.

“There are many harassment, do you have anything you need?”

Qin Xuan turned his head and looked at the thumb-sized ice lotus girl on the ice lotus, who was obviously dissatisfied with him, but he was helpless to his supreme being.


Ice lotus son-in-law, finally shook his head, “quickly go!”

What it needs most, I am afraid I want to drive this robber away.

Qin Xuan smiled and said: “You are in the northern Forbidden Ground for millions of years, but it is difficult to get out of the wild. Next time I come again, I will bring you a gift!”


The ice lotus girl looked at Qin Xuan stunnedly, and Qin Xuan did not care. She moved Jin Peng and went directly to the Forbidden Ground in the north.

After the disappearance of Qin Xuan’s figure, the ice lotus woman swayed in the ice pool with bare feet and spit out a word.

“it is good!”

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