"I..." ah Li's forehead exuded fine sweat, "everyone has different looks, clothes, words and smell. I'm so tired..."

With a wave of his hand, the world around him changed dramatically.

This time, the speed is much faster, the high-rise buildings directly collapsed, all the people have become fruit trees, full of all kinds of fruit.

And the bench that two people sat on turned into a branch full of fruit.

Lin Yi reached out to pick a fruit, handed it to a Li and said, "eat something and have a rest."

"Can I have it?" Ah Li was a little surprised and reached for the fruit.

The feeling of starting, like in reality, is cool, heavy, with a hint of fruit fragrance.

A Li couldn't help biting, a crisp taste, spread in the mouth, sweet juice flowing into the mouth along the tongue.

"How sweet!" A Li smiles at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi smiles.

Ah Li said, "why can I eat it?"

"The most real effect of dreams is that, as in reality, no matter what the trapped people do, they can give them the same feedback as in reality. Only in this way can you trap the people you want to trap forever. " Lin Yidao.

Ah Li nodded, happily gnawed the fruit in his hand, happily ran everywhere, to pick the fruit he had never eaten.

Lin Yizheng looked at her with a smile. Suddenly, his brow wrinkled and disappeared from his dream.

Among the islands in the real world, a man came over in a hurry, knelt down in front of Lin Yi and said: "blood Lord, our people were killed two more when they were on the mission.

This time, near Spain, he was beheaded with a sword.

Both of them are at the level of great masters. They are killed by one move. "

"Did you find out who did it?" Lin Yi's face is constantly changing. Even if the person kneeling below raises his head, he can't remember what he looks like.

The key is that he changes all the time. In other people's eyes, he feels normal without any surprise.

"I have found out. It was made by a Chinese named Nangong Qianqiu. He has been killing blood killers for more than 20 times in the past year.

Now the killers of blood killing are all in a state of apprehension. They dare not relax their vigilance.

Because Nangong Qianqiu is already a master of Shenbang, ordinary killers can't avoid him. "

Lin Yi thought for a moment and said, "is it a god list? It's a pity that I don't have the talent to practice daydream Sutra. Otherwise, I can catch it.

Have you found out why he wanted to kill people killed by blood? "

"Find out, Nangong Qianqiu revealed the purpose is to find people." The killer way kneeling below.

"Looking for someone? Who is it? "

"A girl named nangongli, who means she was taken away by our blood killing, has to ask the blood killing people how to find nangongli." The man on his knees.

"So it is. I see. Go back." Lin nodded, and his body disappeared again.

In a Li's dream world, there are many peaks, which are covered with bamboo forests. From a distance, they stretch for hundreds of miles, like a green ocean.

The ups and downs are mountain haze, which are huge green waves, like the bamboo sea in southern Sichuan where Nangong family is located.

Lin Yi stands in the bamboo building at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, the bamboo building begins to grow. Like an elevator, it rises higher and higher. Finally, at the top of a mountain, Ali is closing his eyes and trying to make the bamboo sea clear and real.

"Ah Li, come with me. It's time to test the effect of your dreams." Lin Yi said.

"Uncle of my dreams?" Ah Li jumped up and said happily.

"Well!" Lin Yi grabs ah Li and stands in his own bamboo building. The bamboo building soars up into the sky and stretches upward. He feels like it's going to break through the atmosphere.

Then the bamboo building suddenly disappeared and two people fell from the sky.

The whirring wind blows ah Li's face aches. She can't tell whether it's the real world or the dream world.

Nangong Qianqiu, a small city in Spain, is a slovenly looking man. He is drinking in a dirty pub. Suddenly he feels something is wrong. He looks up at the ceiling as if he wants to see through something.

A few seconds later, without feeling anything wrong, Nangong Qianqiu lowered his head and continued to drink.

But he was surprised to find that his glass of black beer turned into a small wine cup, in which was clear bamboo leaf green wine, which looked very attractive.

In Nangong, the first mock exam was held in the autumn.

Originally dirty bar, turned into a chessboard, a small girl, sitting opposite him, smiling at him.

In front of them was a stone chessboard dotted with black and white pieces.

Nangong Qianqiu looks around in surprise and sees that what he is sitting on is a withered root.

Around the chessboard where two people play chess, there is a light grass. The wind is blowing gently. A small stream flows by. The water is clear.

On the other side, there is a dense sea of bamboo. Next day, the green bamboo waves roll and clatter, making Nangong Qianqiu feel as if he had returned to his hometown in southern Sichuan.

Nangong Qianqiu gawked around and looked at the chessboard in front of him. He gave a "ha" smile and looked at the wine glass in his hand suspiciously.

"Uncle, this is good wine. Don't you drink it?" The little girl looked at him with big round eyes.

Nangong Qianqiu feels that the little girl seems to have seen her somewhere and is very familiar with her.

He drank all the wine in his hand, and the doubts in his eyes had become very few. He said, "whose baby are you? Are you not afraid to be cheated out of this wilderness?"

The little girl wrinkled her little nose and said, "I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid to have my uncle playing chess with me."

"Good!" Nangong Qianqiu reaches out his hand, picks up a black chess piece from the side, looks at the situation on the field, and puts a black piece in one of the seats.

The chess piece landed on the chessboard. The chessboard fluctuated and turned into a huge fish tank full of water and grass.

The little girl said, "where's the goldfish in it? Uncle

Nangong Qianqiu was a little confused and said to himself: goldfish, did I take this little sister to see goldfish?

As soon as he looked up, he saw a temple surrounded by yellow walls and black tiles. There were several large tanks in the yard, in which there were lotus and goldfish.

Nangong Qianqiu said, "we came to see goldfish."

With that, he looked down. The water was sparkling, only reflecting his appearance.

Nangong Qianqiu couldn't help being stunned when she saw her thin face and disheveled beard.

At this time, the little girl pressed on his head, Nangong Qianqiu couldn't help but plunge into the jar.

The big jar turned into a small bottle. In the little girl's hand, you can see a small Nangong Qianqiu wandering in it.

The little girl looked at Lin Yi happily: "got it."

"Well." Lin Yi doesn't like it or feel sad. He says, "be careful, you'll run out right away."

PS: This is today's Chapter 9. I owe you the fifth shift. It's all updated. Don't scold me.

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