The outskirts of Tokyo, a vast plain, usually very desolate, almost no one will come here, but at this time, it gathered countless soldiers.

In fact, the whole of Tokyo has been surrounded by these soldiers.

The Japanese are defeated countries, and they are not allowed to have military forces. The number of self-defense forces is very small and it is impossible to transfer them all. Therefore, there are many mercenaries in this country.

This time, in order to deal with Ye Cuo, the Japanese paid a lot of money and bought a lot of mercenaries.

These soldiers lay in ambush in the surrounding mountains, forests, valleys and other places, ready to give a fatal blow to yecuo who tried to break into Tokyo.

In the wilderness of the eastern suburbs, in the stronghold of a small detachment of the self defense forces, several soldiers were cooking the food in the lunch box with firewood. Suddenly, a soldier saw a figure in the distance and came leisurely.

The figure seemed to be shaking slowly, but who knew it was extremely fast. It took only a few seconds to get to the front.

The soldier was startled. He was so flustered that he yelled at the figure: "stop, this is the garrison area. You are not allowed to get close. Please stop at once, or I will shoot."

The figure on the opposite side, thinking without stopping, continues to move forward.

"Baga!" The soldier took up his gun and fired at the figure opposite him. However, the figure seemed to be faster than a bullet. He searched the ground for a moment, reached out to him, held out a golden palm, grasped his neck and twisted it gently.

With a click, the soldier's neck was broken.

The remaining ten soldiers immediately jumped up in horror, and a dozen machine guns shot at Ye Cuo.

However, the bullet of the machine gun, beside yecuo, slowed down obviously as if it was hitting in the water. Then it turned a little and flew close to yecuo's body.

A golden sword, only the size of a finger, flies back and forth in the air like a spirit snake, and the sound of piercing into the body is constantly ringing.

Every soldier felt a chill in his chest. Then he looked down and saw a small hole in his heart, spurting blood back and forth.

"Er..." the dozen people fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief.

And the figure, with golden light flashing in his eyes, bathed in a layer of golden light all over his body, was like a golden God of war, moving forward very quickly with slow steps, and disappeared in the vast land after a few seconds.

Not far away, another group of about 1500 people was equipped with the best weapons of the Japanese nation.

After several days of silence, suddenly a terrible sound broke out.

A man yelled in Japanese: "enemy attack!"

Then the sound quickly disappeared, as if he had been cut off with scissors.

But the whole brigade had a quick response. The machine guns turned their muzzle, Tan Ke turned the main guns, and all kinds of howitzers and rocket cars quickly began to set up.

Incendiary bombs, white phosphorus bombs and other weapons of mass destruction have even been mobilized. An f-15j fighter is roaring in the air.

Countless Japanese soldiers, with ferocious faces, roared and fired at the figure.

In the distance between yecuo and the army, countless bullets, almost without any gap, came towards yecuo. The bullets made up a huge blade, tearing the air like mowing grass.

Ye CuO's body surface is full of golden light, forming a golden mask like a soap bubble.

Countless bullets hit Ye CuO in front of him as if he had fallen into the mire. Even if there were a few golden light masks occasionally, they hit Ye CuO on the surface of his body and were stopped by scales.

"Rocket, prepare, release!" A commander yelled at the walkie talkie in front of him.

Whoosh, whoosh!

More than a dozen rockets, penetrating the air, dragging a long tail of fire, flew in the wrong direction of the leaf.

Boom, countless fireballs exploded on the ground, lifting more than ten tons of soil, everywhere is filled with smoke, flame burning, shrapnel.

In the distance, the ground was almost directly overturned. Ye CuO's figure was instantly buried in the fire.

In front of powerful modern weapons, his voice and shadow look so thin and vulnerable.

The Japanese soldiers here burst into thunderous cheers, and some even felt that it was too wasteful to kill a person with so many weapons.

However, before they were happy for a few seconds, a golden figure came slowly from the fire.

"Baga, how is that possible? Is he the devil The commander almost collapsed to the ground.

"Keep shooting, all weapons will not stop. Your majesty has given an order to kill him at all costs! All the people are very good. Your majesty will reward you with the highest honor if you kill this person! " The commander roared.


A sound that made countless people feel very dull, a tank bombarded out, strong recoil, so that the tank's tracks are deep down toward the ground.

Like the thunder hammer, the huge shell in the air because of the speed is too fast, out of a white line, toward Ye CuO fly.

At the same time, the remaining tanks also started the first round of salvo fire together. In the sky, fighter planes roared, two heavy machine guns hung outside, dragging two bullet lines from the sky, like plowing, and making two deep ditches from one side to the other.

As if the sky was falling apart, the mountains around yecuo were flattened by the powerful firepower.

After a round of volley, it entered a short loading period, all the weapons were reloaded with elixir, and then the second bombing was carried out nonstop.

In just five minutes or so, the shells have reached the highest density in the international battlefield, and the shells are consumed at an amazing speed.

After three rounds of salvo fire, all the gun tubes of the tanks were overheated and the alarm sounded.

Where ye CuO stood before, there was a huge pit. The soil inside had turned into pottery. The high temperature melted the soil.

The commander looked at that piece of scorched earth and said to himself: this should be dead. Even the devil will die here.

However, before he finished thinking about it, there was a sudden shock in the camp here. Then, with a loud bang, a very thick golden light rushed out of the ground and killed dozens of soldiers on the ground.

A figure jumped out of the ground.

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