In an official residence in Tokyo, Yunni sits fidgetily at a dining table with a trace of vigilance.

Opposite him is Prince Youren.

Prince Youren is not very good-looking. He has small eyes and nose. He looks a little ordinary, but his temperament is pretty good.

Yunni doesn't have a bad impression on him. In addition, although she looks down on Ren Jun, Yunni is not the killer nature of Ye CuO butterfly, and she can't do nothing to save her.

Therefore, he received Prince Youren's invitation, and in order to save Ren Jun, he had to harden his head.

Prince Youren saw Yunni's nervousness and said with a smile, "miss Yunni, I didn't mean any harm. I just invited you here out of my admiration for you. If you feel embarrassed and nervous, I'm sorry. If you want to leave, you can leave at any time. Of course, I still hope you can have dinner with me. "

After hearing the translation, Yunni's face softened a little, but she was still on guard. She said to the translator, "Ren Jun, who was detained in the police station with me, didn't commit any crime. He may really want to, but he didn't do anything. If he can, please let him go."

The translator said it to Prince Youren again. Prince Youren said with a smile, "OK, I'll deal with it, but as you know, the emperor of Japan has no real power. Even my grandfather can't do too many things, let alone me. Therefore, I can only say that we should try our best to let the truth be restored, but we can't force anything to change. "

Yunni nodded: "if only you could help me, if he really did something, he deserves it. You can handle it at will."

Prince Youren said with a smile, "OK."

Yunni was a little more stable, but she still didn't dare to eat the food on the table.

Prince Youren saw Yunni's Dilemma and said to the people around him, "take away the food. I have no appetite."

Two people facing the table, Prince Youren lightly explained: "miss Yunni, in fact, I invite you to come today. First, I really want to know a beautiful and kind Chinese girl like you, because I really like Chinese; 2、 I hope to know something about ye CuO through you.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to deal with him. I really hope to have an opportunity to have an interview with him.

I don't know if you know. Ye CuO is now in the territory of Japan and has caused great damage. He has killed countless of our soldiers and is now heading towards Tokyo. He may appear here at any time. "

Yunni was surprised and said to herself: did ye CuO kill many soldiers in Japan alone? How can it be? If he's so powerful, isn't he Superman? After all, the little devil still wants to harm people.

Cloud Ni's face a cold, way: "I don't know him."

Prince Youren was stunned, rubbed his hands and said, "ah! It's really hard to prove that I'm not a bad person, especially when the two countries are in opposition. But, miss Yunni, please believe me once. "

With that, Prince Youren took out a stack of photos from the civilian's bag and said to Yunni, "this is the result of the war caused by Ye Cuo. I chose some pictures that are not very bloody, but they still look terrible.

I don't know if you know. Ye CuO is a martial arts expert. He is very powerful. He can kill a lot of people. "

Yunni took the picture suspiciously, took a look at it, startled and said: "how can it be? Even if you know martial arts, you can't beat soldiers with guns, can you

"I think it's incredible, but it's happening."

Yunni pouted: "why did ye CuO come to Japan to kill people? Is he crazy? "

"This... Is actually our fault. Our people kidnapped a girl to coerce Ye Cuo, hoping that ye CuO could come to Japan, and then take the opportunity to kill him." Prince Youren said frankly.

Cloud Ni in the heart a cold, can't help clenching a fist.

"It's really our fault. It is also an honor for these soldiers to die on the battlefield. But what worries me is that ye CuO has come to Tokyo. " Prince Youren said, "in fact, we have failed in this war, but no one is willing to admit it.

I can understand Prime Minister Watanabe's mood. In your Chinese words, it's hard to ride a tiger.

On behalf of a country, it is impossible for Japan to be on the losing side in a war, not to mention that our opponent is a person, not a country.

But now I have no choice but to admit defeat, otherwise the army and ye CuO will fight in Tokyo, and many civilians will be killed and injured.

I hope Miss Yunni can see ye CuO once and persuade him not to kill again. We will let him go. "

Yunni was surprised: can ye CuO beat down a country by himself? How can this be? The little devil must be lying to me. You must want me to find Ye Cuo, then follow me and take the opportunity to kill him.

Yunni said, "I don't know where he is."

"He has just killed dozens of our God's apostles. Now he should be heading for Tokyo. We hope to make peace, but there is no heavyweight to come out and discuss with Ye Cuo.

Now the only hope lies in you. That's what I mean, and that's what Prime Minister Watanabe means

With that, Prince Youren winked at the people around him. From one side of the room, a man in his fifties came out. It was Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Watanabe.

Junichiro Watanabe looked very dignified and said: "the apostles of God are our last hope. Now all of them have been destroyed by yecuo. We really have no way to go.

Miss Yunni, we are willing to surrender, but only if ye CuO can stop the killing. Otherwise, civilians in Tokyo will be killed and injured.

We have investigated the relationship between you and ye Cuo, and we know that you have deep feelings, so -- "

Yunni said strangely, "when did I have a deep relationship with him? We've only met twice. "

"Miss Yunni, this is not the time to joke." Watanabe Chun more wry smile, "I and Prince Youren, two personal identity, not to cheat you a little girl, so this time we are sincerely looking for a messenger of peace."

The more Yunni listens, the more mysterious she feels. How could ye CuO be alone and let the Japanese surrender? Is he a fairy?

But think about it, Watanabe Chunyue and Prince Youren, as for the two big guys together, cheat themselves a foreign student?

Cloud Ni grasps ear, way: "I... I go back to consider first."

"Yes, but please don't be too long. War is imminent. We don't have much time."

"Oh." He walked out of the prime minister's residence in a daze.

Prince Youren and Junichiro Watanabe are looking at Yunni's back. They can't help but sigh a sigh of relief and say, "I didn't expect that we would ask for a girl in the end."

Prince Youren felt helpless, but when he thought that he could save the lives of many civilians, he immediately felt that it was OK to sacrifice part of his dignity. After all, life was more important.

Watanabe Chunyue let out a sound, but he said to himself: as long as this girl can lead Ye CuO into the mini nuclear bomb area that we set up, it is hopeful that the ambush will succeed.

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