Ye Cuo, carrying most of the herbs in the medicine basket, goes to Yunhai central hospital. He knew that the traditional Chinese Medicine Department of the central hospital would purchase the herbs collected by the farmers in the mountains, because the efficacy of wild herbs is generally better than that of cultivated herbs.

Ye CuO needs money now, so he is going to sell some herbs. And he was lucky enough to find a wild Polygonatum on Yunwu Mountain.

Maybe a lot of people have never seen or even heard of Huang Jing in reality. More is heard of ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, ganoderma and other precious medicinal materials.

But in fact, this humble herb is a very precious medicinal material with high medicinal value and much more expensive price than the three herbs. There is a saying that "one or two Huangjing, one or two gold". Huangjing with a certain age has the effect of prolonging life, which can be met but not sought.

It seems that the Huang Jing Ye CuO dug up this time is at least 50 years old. If he can sell it this time, his 5000 yuan deposit will be secure.

Yunhai city is the economic center of the country. Naturally, the central hospital is also a famous top hospital in the country. No matter when, it is always crowded.

However, since it is a large hospital, the medical staff naturally have a sense of superiority.

Looking at Ye Cuo, who was wearing a rustic clothes and carrying a medicine basket, a fat man in the Department of traditional Chinese medicine, with his eyes slanted, snorted a strange voice from his nose: "selling medicinal materials? Do you know the rules? " Finish saying to stretch out one's hand in front of the leaf mistake, made an action of counting money.

Ye CuO was stunned and said, "what rules?"

The fat man's face changed: "I don't know the rules. What medicine do you sell? It's so stupid. Keep your own medicine. "

Leaf wrong heart anger gradually rise, about also understand, this fat man is asking for kickback. I can't help but get angry: today's drug farmers are all making hard money. They are not easy to risk their lives to dig some medicine, and they have to be embezzled by these fat people.

Now the hospital, has become a dead money place. Ordinary people donate blood without compensation, and hospitals sell blood at a high price; The common people have serious and minor diseases, and they never dare to go to the hospital, because if they don't go to the hospital, they may be able to survive. When they go to the hospital, they have to suck up your blood and make you owe a large amount of foreign debt.

More people die in hospitals than killers. Sometimes the world is so strange.

Ye CuO said coldly, "I don't understand the rules. I just want to sell some medicine. If you don't accept it, let the person in charge of your department come out."

Fat man said: "I am the person in charge of this department. You want to sell medicine, right. Wait here first. Someone will come to collect your medicinal materials. I'm so busy. How can I take care of your broken medicinal materials? "

Then the fat man will go out.

Ye CuO said faintly, "how long do I have to wait?"

The fat man snorted coldly and said contemptuously, "if you can't wait, don't sell it. Take it back and eat it yourself. It's really sick! I look down on you poor country bumpkins most. I know that digging things in the soil, and you have to steal and sell the country's medicinal materials. People like you should be regarded as criminals. You'll be put in jail and sentenced to three or five years for the crime of stealing state property! "

Ye CuO narrowed his eyes slightly, covering the edge in his eyes. Ten years of killer career, let him gather a strong murderous.

The fat man originally pointed to Ye CuO and scolded him. Suddenly, he was startled by Ye CuO's eyes and stepped back in horror. I don't know why, in his brain, suddenly there is a scene as fierce as a battlefield. Among the countless corpses, a cold faced young man stands in it. He has a flying knife in his hand, and his eyes are sharper like a flying knife.

Fat man's forehead was in a cold sweat. When he looked at Ye CuO again, he found that his temperament was gone, and he became calm and introverted.

Because ye CuO died once, he cherished the present and didn't want to rely on his fists for everything.

It's only violent. It's a boor. A real man is calm, knows how to change, does not rely on violence, and is not afraid of violence.

Fat feel a little lose face, toward leaf wrong cold hum a, but dare not say what, left the Department.

Ye CuO is idle and bored. He looks around a few times. A bronze man in the corner of the room catches his eyes.

This bronze man is about the same size as a normal person. His body is full of small holes the size of a needle. Next to them are small characters on the head of a fly, indicating the names of those holes. It turns out that they are all acupoints of the human body.

This is a bronze man of acupuncture and moxibustion used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is not only a teaching aid for acupuncture and moxibustion teaching, but also a model for assessing acupuncturists. During the examination, wax was applied on the surface of the copper body and mercury was injected into the body. The subjects were asked to take the points and put them into the needle. If the location of the points was accurate, the needle would go out with mercury. If the acupoint selection is wrong, the needle cannot enter.

However, it was not the bronze man who attracted Ye CuO's eyes, but the silver needles on several acupoints on his waist.

These needles were punctured at the points of Dai Mai, Wu Shu and Wei Dao between waist and abdomen. These points belong to the Dai Mai of eight extra meridians.

The meridian system of the human body is not exactly the same. It is mainly divided into two systems: Twelve Meridians and eight extra meridians.

The twelve meridians are the main hubs of the human body. They communicate with the five viscera, the four limbs, and the head, just like a network all over the body. Basically, people are sick, and the main treatment is to start with the twelve meridians.

The eight extra meridians are different from the twelve meridians. The eight extra meridians are not directly related to the Zang Fu organs, and have no exterior interior coordination relationship. Therefore, they are called "extra meridians".

The most famous of the eight channels are Ren and Du, which are often referred to as Ren and Du in martial arts novels.

As a matter of fact, the whole system of eight channels is the support system of ancient Chinese martial arts. Because it is not interlinked, it is difficult for real Qi to operate. Only by connecting the venation and letting the Qi run in the body, can the martial arts progress.

Ye CuO was also a practitioner of ancient martial arts in his previous life, so he knew a lot. The silver needles on the bronze man are veined. The acupoints with pulse surround the waist and abdomen of the human body, which is like a belt, so it is called belt pulse.

This set of vein can't be used in the treatment of diseases unless there is something wrong with the cultivation of ancient martial arts. Ye CuO is very curious. Is there a Gu Wu expert in the central hospital?

However, there are many acupoints in the human body, which are called dead acupoints and cannot be touched. There are more points like this in the eight extra meridians, and one of these silver needles falls on such a point.

Ye CuO can't help frowning. This acupoint is located on the back spine, which is a key point of the human body. It's true that in a short period of time, acupuncture at this acupoint can communicate the relationship between Ren meridian and Du Meridian with external force, which can make people further in martial arts.

However, while connecting the meridians, the movement of Qi also has a huge test on the meridians, just like the flood impact on the levee. If the levee is not strong, the flood will break the levee.

If the needles on the bronze man are really used to treat diseases, I'm afraid that no matter how strong the body is, it won't last for a week and the person will die of visceral failure.

Ye CuO saw the mistake at a glance. He couldn't help shaking his head. The quack doctor mistakenly treated people. He didn't know how many people would die.

He reached out and pulled out one of the needles and inserted it into another acupoint.

Earlier, the fat man just came in and saw that ye CuO was moving the bronze man. He immediately went crazy and jumped on him: "Hey, what are you doing? Is this something you touched? You lowlife, there is something that no one teaches in life. Do you know whose it is? Random touch, I tell you, if it's damaged, you can't afford to buy your whole family into a brothel! "

A burst of anger in Ye CuO's heart. The most important thing for him is his family. Ye CuO can allow others to challenge him, but he will never allow others to insult his family.

Family is Ye CuO's inverse scale, once someone dares to offend, ye CuO will definitely make him regret.

"What are you looking at! If I don't kill you, even if you are fat, I have compassion today. Get out of here! You're such a poor and mean person. Standing here, you dirty the place here. " The fat man pointed to the door, "I really don't know if your parents died early, or if they were not educated. Their children are so dirty. They don't know if they are locked up at home and let them out to harm others. You are such inferior people. Your quality is really low."

In Ye CuO's eyes, the murderer flashed, walked forward and patted the fat man's shoulder, saying: "you're doing it yourself."

"Go away!" Fat man quickly patted his clothes by Ye mistakenly, as if the clothes were soiled.

Ye CuO gave a cold smile and turned to walk out of the room.

The fat man was still swearing. He didn't feel a slight pain on his neck, like he was bitten by a mosquito: "smelly boy, you want to die? Dirty hands and dirty things all over me. I have to disinfect them later. Get out of here, or I'll call the security guard to catch you and send you to the Public Security Bureau for the record, so that you can't get rid of the suspicion of being a thief for the rest of your life, and stay in prison for the rest of your life. "

Ye CuO gave a cold smile and left with his medicine basket.

Just now, he just needled a piece of silver into Fengchi point on the fat man's neck. Fengchi point is one of the 36 dead points of the human body. After being stabbed, he will not die immediately. Instead, in the following days, when it rains, he will itch all over his bones and viscera. No matter how he grasps it with his hand, he will not be relieved, just like being bitten by countless ants, Finally, I will scratch my skin and flesh and endure the pain that ordinary people can't bear.

Fat looking at the wrong leaves, just cold hum, like to treat the root of life, carefully check the bronze man, make sure nothing, just a sigh of relief.

At this time, but there was a slight sound of footsteps outside.

Fat man immediately angry: "Damn, little bastard, didn't let you go? Why are you back? It's easy to talk when you're fat, isn't it? "

"Director Sun is very angry!" An old voice came from the door.

The fat man's name is sun Dafu. He is the director of the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. However, when he hears this, he suddenly shakes all over. His fierce face immediately changes into a smile.

"Mr. Yun, is that you? Oh, what a misunderstanding. Just now, there was an ill bred little bastard who was fooling around here. But don't worry, Mr. Yun. I've tried my best to protect your bronze man, and I won't let him touch him. " Sun Dafu has a fat face and tries to squeeze out a disgusting smile. His face is greasy and flattering. Fortunately, human beings don't have tails, otherwise they can't be separated from dogs.

In front of him, yunlao, originally known as yunyehe, looks thin and unremarkable. His rustic goat beard presbyopic glasses look like a little old man in the countryside. However, if the top experts of Chinese medicine gather here, they will all call him a senior.

Yunyehe is the leader of the most famous family of traditional Chinese medicine in China. He is not a doctor in the central hospital. This time, he just came to the central hospital for an important person in the whole country. Therefore, sun Dafu also flattered him in every way.

Cloud wild crane heard sun Dafu's words, his face is still light, casual glance at the bronze man.

But after a careful look, yunyehe suddenly let out a burst of light in his eyes and grabbed sun Dafu: "who moved this needle?"

Sun Dafu's heart clapped, scolded Ye CuO for hundreds of times, and quickly waved his hand to clear his relationship: "it's not me, yunlao, it's nothing to do with me! It must be the boy just now. He was the only one who came in. It must be him. I can see that he is not a good thing. It must be him

Cloud wild crane face a joy: "do you still remember what he looks like? Can we find him? "

Sun Dafu nodded. This time yunyehe came to treat a big man. It's said that because the cause of disease is too strange, he has not made much progress. If he is not cured, the accident will spread on his head and he can't afford to pay for his own life. Fortunately, the boy just now can carry the pot.

Sun Dafu quickly patted his chest: "he can't run away! This little bastard with dirty hands and feet has been photographed. He can't run away! "

"Then go and invite him back!" Cloud wild crane even busy way.

"Well, Mr. Yun, don't worry about my work. I'll let him have a hard time!" Sun Dafu obviously didn't hear the word "please" used by Mr. Yun. He rolled his sleeve and went out of the traditional Chinese medicine department. He immediately called out more than a dozen male doctors and security guards, "brothers, copy this guy. There's a little bastard who dares to steal Mr. Yun's things. Let's go and catch him with me!"

At this time, ye CuO is carrying the medicine basket, staggering to the gate of the hospital.

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