
Ye CuO suddenly drank, and tried his best to run the Dragon skill. The blood in his body was boiling wildly.

At that time, endless Zhenyuan poured into the night magic sword in his hand.

Dang Dang Dang!

Ye CuO wields the night devil's sword with all his strength. He is invulnerable to fire and water. When he looks around, he can see the light and shadow of the sword all over the sky.

After a sharp sound, ye CuO made a sudden effort to split Huashan Mountain. He directly broke through the overwhelming attack. He chopped off one of the claws of the spider and drove it back.


Yin Yang blood spider retreats rapidly, the face on its back becomes more and more ferocious and terrifying, and the hissing sound in its mouth makes people feel creepy.

"Ha ha, you dare to fight me hand to hand. It's too much for you!"

Ye CuO holds the night devil sword and gains the upper hand. With a sneer, he still doesn't dare to take it lightly when he looks at the blood spider.


All of a sudden, the blood spider of yin and Yang burst out blood red spider silk in its big mouth. Each silk seems to have spirituality. It turns into a spirit snake and comes straight to Ye Cuo.

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Ye CuO wields the night magic knife with all his strength, chopping the ubiquitous spider silk.

However, the spider silk is very strange. Even if it is split by the night devil's knife, it still rushes to yecuo and binds yecuo's hands and feet like an octopus.

Ye CuO struggled desperately, feeling more and more cobwebs entangled in his hands and feet, and his action gradually became dull, as if he had fallen into a quagmire.

"No, ye Cuo, you've fallen in the trap!"

Suddenly, the bad old man's words rang out from ye CuO's mind: "this is the original life spider silk of Yin Yang blood spider, which is invisible and colorless. The blood spider silk you see is just a kind of magic. This kind of original life spider silk is constantly disordered. If you want to get rid of it, you have to leave it behind from the bottom of your heart!"

"What!? Is this spider silk fake

Ye CuO was startled.

For a moment, ye CuO felt confused.

After all, the blood colored silk spurted by the Yin Yang blood spider really bound his hands and feet. He really felt the bondage, and his action became much slower.

However, the bad old man said, all these are illusions, are false!

Jie Jie

At the moment of Ye CuO's consternation and doubt, the blood spider of yin and Yang suddenly leaps, sends out a frightening laugh in his mouth, and pours directly on Ye CuO's body. The two sharp tusks with black fur in their mouth light up and go straight to Ye CuO's neck. It seems that they want to plunge deeply into Ye CuO's neck and absorb the blood essence in his body.

At the critical moment, ye CuO clenched his teeth and stamped his feet, and even closed his eyes at the critical moment of life and death.


As soon as ye CuO closed his eyes, he threw out all the thoughts in his mind, forced him to suppress his eagerness to win, and tried his best to run the Dragon skill. He recited the mental formula of the Dragon skill in his mouth to keep the Lingtai clear.

Slowly, ye CuO felt his mood more and more stable, and his confused mind gradually became clear.

At the same time, ye Cuo, who runs the dragon's magic skill with all his strength, has bulging muscles all over his body, and a dark golden Zhenyuan envelops his whole body, guarding him like gold.

"Breathe, breathe..."

Finally, ye CuO slowly opened his eyes.

Appears in front of its scene, lets the leaf mistake slightly a Leng.

Originally imagined that he was bound by the cobweb scene did not appear, flying to his body ready to suck his blood, the blood spider of yin and Yang, also did not appear.

On the contrary, Yin Yang blood spider is tens of meters away, desperately breathing the blood mist, exposing the strange face on his back to Ye CuO's sight.

"It turns out that all that happened just now is the illusion created by the blood spider of yin and Yang!"

Ye CuO's eyes brightened, and his heart was filled with emotion.

This kind of feeling is very magical. The illusion created by Yin Yang blood spider makes people feel lifelike. Ye CuO is personally on the scene and can't tell the true from the false.

If the bad old man didn't remind him in time, he would be trapped in the illusion and bitten to death by the real blood spider of yin and Yang.

"Ye Cuo, thanks to your bravery and meticulousness, you made the most correct choice at the critical moment and successfully got rid of the comfort of illusion. Otherwise, once you are killed in the illusion, your subconscious will think that you are dead. At that time, even if you are not dead, your body will stop living and die

The words of the bad old man resounded through his mind, as if to awaken the dreamer.

"Tut Tut, that's dangerous!"

Ye CuO clenched the night demon sword in his hand, and then looked at the eyes of the blood spider, which became erratic and profound.

This kind of eyes is very ethereal. On the surface, ye CuO is gazing at the strange face of Yin Yang blood spider. In fact, ye CuO only uses a wisp of consciousness to capture the body of Yin Yang blood spider, and does not really use his vision.

Since there is no use of vision, it is impossible to fall into a dreamland and be manipulated by the blood spider of yin and Yang.


Ye CuO suddenly burst out to drink, and the dark golden real yuan, which covered his whole body, instantly condensed, and burst out an earth shaking murderous gas, and went towards the oppression of the blood spider of yin and Yang.


Yin Yang blood spider did not expect that ye CuO could easily break free from the shackles of magic. Feeling the horror of the shop, he instinctively vomited his cobweb. If he wanted to trap Ye Cuo, he would turn around and escape.

However, the spider webs it spewed out, even though they were extremely tough and overwhelming, were still hard to get close to the Dragon Zhenyuan, who was able to destroy everything.


Ye CuO has several beautiful dodges and successfully evades the shackles of the spider web. He cuts the Yin Yang blood spider into two sections with one knife.

There was a strong wind and a shower of blood.

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The face on the back of Yin Yang blood spider is half laughing and half crying, but when the magic knife falls at night, it all turns into a bubble, and the monstrous face turns into a pool of rotten meat, lifeless.

"It's done!"

Ye CuO gets a good blow. He picks up the night magic sword, and his chest is up and down, like a broken blower, breathing heavily.

It can be said that this battle is the most dangerous and exciting one since Ye CuO entered the Kunlun ruins.

Almost, ye CuO died and lost his life.

"Yecuo, hurry up, dig out the silk sac of Yin Yang blood spider. The original silk contained in its silk sac is very precious and is a rare treasure."

The old man's excited voice rang out.


When ye CuO heard that Yan's eyes were bright, he bent down, took out the night magic knife and dug out the silk sac of Yin Yang blood spider.

After the spider silk sac was put into the Danhuang Ding, ye CuO walked into the underground palace with a big step.

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