"The most urgent task now is to find the body of Taigu Tianmo and stop him from resurrecting. Huaxue city is just a small shrimp. It's OK to let him go for a while."

Ye CuO did not pursue Huaxue City, but turned and stepped into the right most transmission array.

He is an understanding person and knows the priorities of things. He didn't go into the fantasy to pursue huaxue city.

After a whirl of heaven and earth, ye CuO came to a deep corridor, surrounded by nothing but a deep passage.

"This should be the Jiuqu corridor recorded on the map. Through the Jiuqu corridor, you can reach the core of the underground palace, which is the main tomb for the ancient demons."

Ye CuO took out the map from his arms, carefully opened it, and showed a bright smile on his face.

"The Jiuqu corridor is a labyrinth, in which ordinary people are trapped. It's like a ghost hitting a wall, and they can never go out. Fortunately, I have a map of the Bai Miao people, otherwise, I'm afraid they will be trapped here."

With a little smile, ye CuO silently wrote down the route on the map. There was a wind at his feet and he began to run fast. In a few ups and downs, he swept hundreds of feet.

"Will you finally see the legendary archaic demon?"

Bad old man's voice rang out in Ye CuO's mind, and seemed to be quite sad.

After a full hour, ye CuO Khan stopped and looked around. His eyes were suspicious: "Damn, I've walked a circle according to the route indicated on the map. Why didn't I walk out of the corridor?"

"Ye Cuo, do you remember wrong?"

Asked the old man curiously.

"It's impossible. I definitely remember the right route."

Ye CuO bit his teeth and took out the map in his arms again. When he looked at it carefully, his doubts became more and more serious.

"Maybe you walk too fast and miss which intersection. This time you slow down and walk again. I believe you won't make a mistake."

The old man comforted him.


Ye CuO nodded, memorized the route bit by bit, and then began to walk step by step.

This time, he walked for a whole day. When he finished all the routes, he suddenly found that he was back to the original starting point.

"What's the situation? Is this map of the Bai Miao people fake? "

Ye CuO scratched his head and stamped his feet.

"Ye Cuo, it seems that the route indicated on the map is not the right one. Next, you abandon the map and try to walk out of the corridor with your own ability. "

The bad old man said solemnly: "since this nine curve corridor is a labyrinth, there must be a way out. If you stick to the heart of Tao and draw a picture in your heart, you will always find the way out."

"I'll try."

Ye CuO nodded, astringed his breath, closed his six senses, and began to follow his own heart, step by step.

Every step, ye CuO will draw a road map in his mind. One day, he will be able to simulate the panoramic view of the Jiuqu corridor in his mind, and then find out the way out.

In a flash, three days and three nights passed.

Ye CuO is still trapped in the zigzag corridor. Fortunately, after three days and three nights of hard work, he has simulated more than half of the road map. It is only a matter of time before he can break through this huge maze.

"It's Taigu's demon. I'm Zihua snow city from Chunyang palace. I've been ordered to come here to revive my master. I beg you to show me the way and let me walk out of this corridor..."

All of a sudden, a voice came from the front.

"Well? Someone's coming

Ye CuO opened his eyes and stepped forward quickly. From a distance, he saw a figure prostrate on the ground respectfully, kneeling on three knees and kowtowing nine times, reciting some words in his mouth.

Ye CuO recognized this person's identity at a glance. It was Hua Xuecheng!

"It's huaxuecheng. It seems that he has passed the dreamland and come to Jiuqu corridor! What's this guy doing? Kneel down and beg the archaic demon to guide the way? "

Ye CuO's brow twisted, and he looked at Hua Xuecheng's action in dismay, and laughed coldly.

Archaic demon has been dead for many years. How can he show him the way?

It seems that huaxue city is also trapped in the zigzag corridor, confused in consciousness, and begins to talk madly.

"Ha ha, it's really easy to find a place without breaking the iron shoes. It's just the right time to kill huaxuecheng and seize the eight sceneries palace lantern to get rid of the future trouble."

Ye CuO thought about this, reached for a move, summoned the night devil sword directly, and rushed to huaxuecheng with great strides.

However, the next moment, a scene appeared in front of Ye CuO's eyes, which made him step and stare in amazement.


A light gate with colorful treasure light appears in front of huaxue city out of thin air. It is full of terror and pressure. People can't help but look at it and worship it.

"Thank you, master Taigu Tianmo. I'll revive your body for you..."

Huaxuecheng is kneeling on the ground. As soon as he looks up and sees the light gate in front of him, he climbs up and jumps into it.

"What's the situation?"

Ye CuO stares at it.

He never expected that he could leave the maze in this way after groping for several days.

"Yecuo, if I'm not wrong, this nine winding corridor is not a labyrinth, but the space of consciousness of archaic demons!"

Suddenly, the old man's voice rang through his mind.

"Master, what do you mean?"

Ye CuO scratched his head and saw that the light door was shrinking and stepped forward in a hurry.

"In other words, we have entered the consciousness space of Taigu Tianmo. On the surface, we seem to be trapped in a maze. In fact, we just can't get out of his consciousness space without Taigu Tianmo's permission. This nine winding corridor is not a labyrinth at all, and there is no exit. Therefore, your previous efforts are in vain! "

Said the old man in a deep voice.

"So it is! Fortunately, I met huaxue city and opened the gate of light. Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll never be able to get out of here for my whole life. "

Ye CuO's steps are quickened. Seeing that the gate of light is about to disappear, he jumps into the gate of light.


The next moment, the consciousness is fuzzy and the world is spinning.

When ye CuO's consciousness was clear and he slowly opened his eyes, he found himself in a huge tomb.

Inside the tomb, there are all kinds of statues, including ferocious beasts, beautiful heavenly daughters, and night forks with sharp blades. They are surrounded by a lot of statues. It seems that they are all stone figurines buried with them.

In the center of the stone FIGURINE is a coffin. What's frightening is that the coffin has been lifted. In the coffin lies a ferocious devil. It looks very fresh, just like a living person.

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