"It's too damn bad for children!" Ye CuO sighed, but he didn't mean to avoid it at all. "Fortunately, I'm not a child. Thank the party and the people for leaving this opportunity to make mistakes to me, and I will cherish it."

The woman in the huge ice coffin, as if asleep, lay there peacefully. Through the thick ice, ye CuO can see her long eyelashes covering her lower eyelids, and even with a little smile at the corner of her mouth, like a sweet dream.

Delicate appearance, ruddy mouth and a trace of luster, sexy clavicle, slender waist, two cherry like buds on the snow-white mountain, slender and tight legs are perfectly presented in front of Ye Cuo.

She is as like as two peas, but the difference is that the body of the beautiful child is full of beauty, though she is dressed, but she always wants to see her appearance when she is not dressed.

And the woman in the ice coffin, but with a trace of holy glory. Her carcass is perfectly displayed in front of Ye Cuo, but it will not arouse Ye CuO's feelings. She was sleeping in the ice, as delicate as a perfect work of art in amber.

Ye CuO looks at the sleeping beauty in front of him. He is surprised in his heart: what is it for?

He can see that this should be a mysterious way to seal a beautiful woman alive in the ice, but ye CuO doesn't know what it is.

However, in his previous life, he had heard that there was a cult in Japan that loved to sacrifice virgins' bodies to their evil gods.

But ye CuO was a little curious. She didn't know how long she had been sealed in the extremely cold ice. Why could she still have such a ruddy complexion? She seemed to be asleep, without a trace of death.

Just as ye CuO was about to observe, the door behind him suddenly creaked and closed.

"Damn it Ye CuO was shocked, and the whole room turned into darkness.

On the deck, a waiter like man came to meiyazi and whispered, "miss meiyazi, Mr. ITO is coming."

Beautiful Carisolv mouth slightly raised a smile: "ready to welcome."

On the ship, the Japanese people were busy.

On the surface, the well-dressed Chinese people on the ship looked like celebrities, but in fact, they were secretly colluding with these Japanese people, doing criminal activities such as selling drugs, arms and human organs.

A speedboat cut through the water and headed for the cruise ship. Many Japanese people surrounded the deck with a respectful face.

On top of the speedboat stood a middle-aged man, about 40 years old, with a thin face, wearing Japanese warrior clothes, two Japanese Swords, long and short, and clogs at his feet.

The speedboat seems to have lost half of its control, and it bumps into the cruise ship without looking back. When it is near the side of the cruise ship, the skinny man on the bow suddenly kicks his feet. Before the people on board could see what was going on, he had grown up and stood on the deck.

"Oh Many of the people on board were all in a cry of surprise.

Meiyazi and all the Japanese knelt down together and yelled in unison: "see you, Lord ITO

The thin man with a small beard, a flat mouth, mouth drooping, looks like a face of bitterness, a little appearance is not amazing.

The Japanese all knelt down, and several Chinese people standing in the middle immediately stood out.

The Lord ITO, who was called the sword demon, showed a trace of anger on his face and said in Chinese: "you guys, why don't you kneel down?"

A fat man who seems to have a lot of money said in a loud voice: "we are not from Japan. We just cooperate with you. Besides, what are you? How dare you make me kneel? "

Ito adult a pair of small eyes like a poisonous snake, staring at the fat man, step by step to his side.

Fat man looked around: "you... What do you want?"

Ito suddenly waved his hand, we only saw a flash of light in front of us, and then everything was as usual, nothing happened.

At the beginning, the fat man was startled and shivered. He found that ITO didn't do anything about himself. He thought ITO had counselled him. He couldn't help laughing: "hum, I'm a partner with you. If you ask for help, you're begging me, OK?"

At this moment, a woman with heavy makeup beside him suddenly covered the tip of her mouth and called out: "ah, your legs, your legs..."

The fat man looked down and saw that his legs were in good condition. At this time, the whole skin of his leg fell off, and none of them was still stuck to the bone, just like being cut clean with a knife.

"Ah! Ah The fat man howled like a pig, fell to the ground and rolled all over the ground. Several Chinese people around him were scared to death.

Ito used the indelex Chinese language way: "a group of lower Chinas people, relying on their own * *" to sell their motherland to gain benefits. In our Daiwa family, you are such a mean animal, you will die without a burial place. Throw him into the sea

Several Japanese warriors came up, picked up the fat man and threw him into the sea.

Fat man couldn't sink in the water for a while, and the blood dyed the Sea red. After a while, the smell of blood spread out. The people on the ship were frightened to find that they didn't know where the shark came from for a few days.

Sharks can smell blood from miles away and then come to hunt. The fat man was not dead for a moment. He was bitten by a shark in the water and made a horrible scream.

For a moment, all around a quiet, fat man's wailing sound gradually disappeared, leaving only the sound of shark bite.

The rest of the Chinese celebrities were so scared that their legs and feet softened. The last woman couldn't help but kneel on the ground. The rest of them knelt in a circle.

Ito disdained swept a week: "no hope nation!" He did not look at the group of shivering people who were shivering. They said to the American * * Zi: "are these people from China who are working with us?"

Meiyazi bowed her head cleverly: "yes, Mr. ITO, they are our partners!"

Ito said: "hold them, let their family work for us for free, or kill them. This humble race only deserves to be enslaved by us, not to be our partner. This time I'm here to enslave these people. "

With that, ITO looked at the people and said, "is that all?"

Meiyazi raised a smile at the corner of her mouth: "there is also one from harvest media."

Ito said: "where is he?"

Meiyazi said, "I was on the deck just now. Maybe I'm hiding somewhere now."

Ito nodded: "find a buckle together, do not cooperate to kill." With that, he strode toward the cabin and said, "my main task this time is to take the virgin back. I want you to answer me, Miss beauty, that you take good care of the virgin. "

Meiyazi quickly bowed: "Hi, back to ITO, the saint is in the secret room, and she is well taken care of."

"Very good!" Ito nodded heavily, "the saint is very holy. She is the future leader of yiheliu kendo. She can't be defiled. Miss meiyazi, you have done a good job in taking care of the saint, and you have made up for your mistakes. I won't care about your previous accusation of murdering the saint. "

"Thank you, Lord ITO." The beautiful child bowed her head and said.

She looked at ITO, who was walking towards the cabin, with a sneer on her lips: "is the saint holy? I want her to be no longer holy. Now it's my turn to be a saint

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