If ye CuO hears Lin Yi's indistinguishable words, he will be stunned for a while.

No one knows what this ten thousand year old monster is busy living on earth. He is always so mysterious that no one knows his purpose and no one has seen his means.

In the Kunlun ruins, ye CuO was finally able to manipulate the Star River ant colony skillfully, and then he began to practice his dragon skill.

After the Kunlun ruins are transformed into a bead, they are not floating in the cracks of space, and the power of Shenbang level is not enough to cause vibration, which can make ye CuO feel at ease in the Kunlun ruins.

He turned into a golden dragon tens of meters long. The scales of his whole body were glittering with gilding brilliance. It was really as bright as pure gold.

The great dragon power diffuses in the land of Kunlun ruins. This invisible pressure has caused great pressure on the surrounding wild and alien species.

Immediately there were many wild animals, running around, or creeping in place, shivering.

According to legend, in the first stage after the founding of Pangu, when there was no human race in the flood and wasteland, the dragon, Phoenix and Qilin were the masters of the whole flood and wasteland.

Therefore, all species have a natural fear of these three races, which comes from the genetic memory. Every creature is born, and the genetic species contains the fear of these three races, which can not be avoided.

While ye CuO was improving his cultivation, foreign forces were also changing.

Huaxia has won the first place in the list of gods, which is a great threat and pressure to many countries. Although Ye CuO didn't show the intention of going abroad for a short time, as long as he is still alive, many people can't sleep at night.

After all, the lesson of the Japanese nation is in front of us. A modern Corps failed to stop ye Cuosha's steps to Tokyo. How can the leaders of other countries sleep soundly?

Even a country like the United States, which also has five God list levels, is fidgety when it hears that ye CuO even cuts the God list level experts.

Their hostile attitude towards Huaxia has always made them think that Huaxia is the biggest threat in the world.

And now, at this point of threat, a thorn has finally grown, and this thorn goes straight into their hearts.

Silicon Valley near Auckland, USA, is the holy land of global technology. There are countless top technology companies here, and Smith's research laboratory, the master of American God list and doctor of science, is also here.

The doctor of science has white hair, even a big beard, which is snow-white. He has Einstein's disheveled hair, but his white work clothes are very neat.

His scientific laboratory is not far from Auckland, but no one knows about it, so this laboratory is built on the bottom of the sea.

From the entrance to the core area of the laboratory, we need to go through 13 safety doors, involving pupil, fingerprint, saliva, hair, breathing gas and other tests. If there is any problem in any test, we can't enter.

Inside the laboratory, there are all kinds of precise scientific instruments, which are constantly running.

The hall is filled with all kinds of instruments, and the ground is covered with cobweb like wires, just like the inner cabin of a giant spaceship.

In the central area of the laboratory, there are nearly 50 huge glass cylinders more than one person high, which are filled with green liquid and soaked with human bodies.

All the people are naked. Their bodies are full of tubes, big and small. They don't know whether they are alive or dead. There is no sign of any activity, but with the dark green liquid floating slightly, there are large bubbles from time to time.

Each glass cylinder has its own number in front of it.

At this time, the entire laboratory, Dr. Smith's assistant, all gathered in the Central District, nervous looking at the rows of huge glass tube.

"Doctor, can we make it this time?" A man in a suit, a bit out of place with the surrounding environment, looks more like a person in a high position, came to accept the experimental results.

In fact, it is.

At present, the liquid medicine developed in the United States has been able to mass produce great masters.

Dr. Smith's research project, known as the "human weapons" project in the United States, focuses on the mass production of experts at the divine list level.

The United States has invested a lot of human, material and financial resources.

When Smith's undersea laboratory was built, it cost tens of billions of dollars. It not only has all kinds of powerful hardware, the most advanced and sophisticated instruments in the world, but also attracts world-famous biologists.

They cultivate the top killers in the killer organization, and then transport them here for scientific practice. They inject the developed medicine into the killers' bodies, and record and observe their body changes every day.

At this time, a large group of scholars, holding laptops, stood behind Smith, constantly reporting the heart rate, blood flow rate, body strengthening degree and other data of the subjects.

Dr. Smith had white hair, and there was a little tension in his eyes.

"Mr. jeros, we have been working on this project for nearly 20 years. We have invested enough assets to buy half of Los Angeles. This is the country's trust in me. I hope you can trust me too. At present, the whole project has reached the most dangerous stage of awakening. I hope you can observe in the observation room instead of standing here.

After all, if you really create a god list level master, he attacks, here only I can resist

Jeros waved: "no, it's because this plan is so important that I'm here. I want to see with my own eyes that the master of Shenbang level has been made. You know, the president can't wait. Now the master of Huaxia is like a time bomb placed on our pillow. If we can't get rid of him quickly, we'll have trouble sleeping and eating. "

Dr. Smith looked at him coldly: "I hope you don't regret it."

With that, he said to the assistants around him, "awakening begins!"

One by one, the assistants slowly press the button. The blue liquid flowing out of the transparent tube inserted on the subject's body looks as beautiful as the solution of copper sulfate.

As a master of Shenbang level, Dr. Smith is a little nervous and sweaty. After 20 years of scientific research, the results will come out today.

"Warning! Warning! The heart rate of No.1 experimental body was too fast, and the body appeared rejection... "With a sound of alarm, I saw the experimental body in the first glass tube, and the musculoskeletal of the whole body was twisted.

In the green liquid, he opened his eyes and roared silently, like a zombie. His whole body was twisted, and there seemed to be countless insects drilling around under his muscles——


The first experimental body exploded directly, blood and flesh blurred. Although it didn't blow up the special glass tube, the green liquid in it instantly turned into rolling blood and flesh, which made people feel sick.

"The first experiment failed. The second one adjusted the injection rate of strengthening liquid to 50 percent." Dr. Smith said without expression.

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