Old rivers is a hero, at this time, he watched his son in Ye CuO's hands, but directly ordered the driver: "back up."

Hummer goes straight backwards, moving out of the slums.

At the same time, old rivers faced the following humanity: "attack!"

He has seen that ye CuO is not an ordinary person. With Ye CuO's strength, it is impossible for him to rescue his son intact from his hands.

And he was not willing to negotiate, because since the other side was so blatant, what he asked for must be very amazing.

He has been in the underground world of New York for so many years. The first thing he can't do is compromise.

Because no one will continue to threaten him if he doesn't compromise. Once he starts to compromise, someone else will do the same thing in the future.

Little rivers watched his father's car back, and immediately understood his father's mind.

He did not expect, leaf wrong just a move, let his father, give up directly.

"No! Father! Father, help me Little rivers was in tears.

Ye CuO didn't expect that old rivers was such a cruel person. In order to keep his status and life, he could not even take his son's life.

There was a sneer in the corner of his mouth: do you think you can run away like this? It's so naive. I came here to find the lifeline of the underground world and let it become the world I control. It's too small of you to go like this.

"Up A leader of the fire snake society, directly facing the people.

Suddenly a group of young men with various tattoos and guns rushed up.

Ye CuO had never been afraid of such a person, even if he was a great master. Besides, he had already stepped into the list of gods.

"Bang Dang."

In the face of them, ye CuO just flicked his fingers, and a bright golden sword awn shot out of his hand. Under the urge of the huge real yuan, the golden light soared and suddenly turned into a long sword light.

Ye CuO points to the sword and makes a volley stroke.

The golden knife awn in the void, draw a ten meter long semicircle.

Ye CuO's metal strength is so sharp that it can cut off the gold and iron. It means that the wild and the alien can't resist a blow. What's more, these ordinary people, twenty or thirty people in the half circle, were cut in two from the waist at the same time.

"Ah, ah!"

There was a howl.

Although these members of the fire snake society were cut into two sections, they were not dead for a while, and they were all crying bitterly.

Those thugs, who rushed behind and moved slowly, suddenly froze in the same place, and the cold sweat soaked the whole back, with a look of fear on their faces.

Can you shine from your hands, just like the Jedi in Star Wars, killing 20 or 30 people with one knife, is that still human? It's like the super power in the movie.

Although the fire snake club is the leader of the underground world in New York, it's not that I've never met a super power and a Kendo expert, but it's the first time I've seen such a terrible one as ye Cuo.

"Boss, what should we do?"

The remaining thugs, and others waiting around, all looked at old rivers.

Old rivers is sweating on his forehead. He is indeed the leader of the underground world in New York, but even he has never seen a terrorist like yecuo.

"Bang Dang."

When they hesitated, ye CuO stepped forward and slashed again.

The bright air of the sword is like a giant god waving a long sword. The golden light brings up residual shadows in the air. The whole air is split into two parts by the sword, and there is a violent explosion. The remaining thugs in the range of more than ten meters, just like being cut butter by a knife, all of them cut off.


Ye CuO killed nearly 40 elite thugs of the fire snake society just after two times of command.

These people can be regarded as masters among ordinary people. Usually they even fight a few with bare hands. But under Ye CuO's golden sword, they are as vulnerable as scarecrows!

After waving two knives in succession, the awn of the sword didn't weaken at all, and it was still bright.

"Shoot! Shoot

The members of the fire snake Club couldn't bear it any longer. Without waiting for old rivers to tell them, they screamed and pulled the trigger.

All of a sudden, bullets came like a shower.

Around at least dozens of guns, in addition to pistols, there are many submachine guns, automatic weapons and semi-automatic rifles.

Many of them are standard weapons of American style. The power of bullets is extremely huge, far from being comparable to ordinary police pistols.

American rifles are powerful enough to break through tree trunks, shoot at close range, and even cut people into two. It's a common martial arts master. With so many weapons, he will die in hatred.


Qiu lingyao in the room, seeing this scene, nervously closed her eyes.

The power of modern weapons is deeply engraved in everyone's heart.

No matter how powerful Ye CuO is, she doesn't believe Ye CuO can resist so many guns at the same time.

It was the people of the fire snake club who also didn't believe it. They pulled the trigger and their eyes were shining with a crazy look.

"Go to hell, you monster!"

I don't know how many people want to see ye CuO beaten into a beehive.

But in a flash, a scene that shocked everyone appeared.

I saw a golden light blooming from ye Cuo, just like a golden umbrella, directly covering the whole house.

Countless bullets hit the golden mask, but the huge impact just made the mask shake slightly. The light shield is a finger thick. These bullets can't break it. They can't even go deep for half a minute.

"How is that possible?"

Not only the members of the fire snake club, but also old rivers was shocked.

Qiu lingyao quietly opened her eyes, and when she saw this scene, she was stunned on the spot.

Countless brass warheads were embedded in the light shield. It's like a little yellow spot on the golden umbrella.

"Who is he? Are they gods? "

Qiu lingyao was shocked, and then a feeling of incomparable reverence came to her heart.

The other members of the fire snake club were all stunned. Many even forgot to pull the trigger in their hands. They just stood there, numb as a picture,


At this time, ye CuO raised his foot and took the first step.

All of a sudden, like a trumpet, the whole scene was alive. In the scream of a "monster", everyone was glad to come over from the shock. Countless people threw down their weapons and turned around to run away. No matter how old rivers called, he could not stop them.

You can't even kill a bullet. It's not a monster. What is it?

Unfortunately, how can they escape from ye CuO? Every step Ye CuO took, he would bend his fingers. A concise golden light shot out of his hand, pulled out the "hissing" sound, instantly crossed the distance of tens of meters and chopped at those people.

These golden lights are all made by his skill. They are powerful enough to cut gold and iron.

Each golden light flew through the bodies of several or even ten people, cutting them into two.

One step, two steps, three steps

Ye CuO took seven steps in a row, released seven golden lights, and pulled out seven blood routes in the crowd.

At least nearly 100 people were killed by him.

The remaining members of the fire snake club are just like scared rabbits. At this time, they just wish their feet were too slow and they didn't have the courage to look back.

The firepower that crisscross the underground world of New York is as fragile as tofu in front of Ye Cuo.

As soon as old rivers saw such a scene, his pupils shrank and he looked at the handsome young man like a big enemy. He felt remorse in his heart and knew that he had offended someone who could not be offended.

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