"Whether you go up or down, you'll be shot!" The corner of Andre's mouth showed a sneer at his success.

"Hey, pretty smart!"

When ye CuO saw this, he didn't have fear on his face. He threw it away, and the golden knives shot out in unison, chopping toward the red beams.

Golden blade and those red beams encounter, there is no huge roar, the energy contained in the two consume each other.

"It's much more powerful than those before!" Ye CuO was a little surprised. He thought his sword could easily destroy the red light beam, but he didn't think that the red light beam was as good as his sword.

According to his judgment, it's absolutely hard for ordinary Shenbang masters to stop such attacks. If they can't escape quickly, they will be killed soon.

Even if he is a long-time famous and powerful Shenbang strongman, if he is hit by such attacks for many times, he will not be seriously injured, but slight injury is inevitable.

The dense red light beam is like a big net, and ye CuO's golden light knife can't stop it completely.

Ye CuO had to be serious. After he protected himself with a protective shield, he sent out a golden sword to the red light beam in front of him. Then he shook his figure and took the initiative to meet a light beam.

The right hand clenched into a fist, the fist lit up a golden light, and then a blow to the red beam.

"How dare you resist? Even if you are the first strength in the list of gods, you will not feel well! " General Andre sneered.

"Break it for me!" Ye CuO yelled.

The golden fist hit the red beam. Although the power of the red beam was good, it made Ye CuO feel a little pain, but it was scattered by the golden fist in less than a second.

Just at this time, a red light beam hit Ye CuO's back, hit Ye CuO's body protecting shield, and the shield was concave, but ye CuO was not hurt.

"Can't even break his defense?" Andre's eyes sparkled with shock.

"No.1 on the list of gods, you'll be hurt as well!"

"Well... Why did he block it so easily?"


The other warriors of angel spear thought Ye CuO would kill them, but at this moment, they, like Andre, couldn't believe it.

"Attack! Keep on attacking Cried general Andre.

Without Andre's command, the angel spear warrior's attack has been continuously shooting at yecuo.

The White House.

"Can this... New weapon hurt that Chinese?"

When seeing the red light beam all over the sky, many people's minds are in waves.

"This is our newly developed metamagnetic gun. Its power is more powerful than you think! Its killing range is not large, but its power is quite concentrated, which is enough to threaten those powerful Shenbang strongmen! "

The president of the United States explained, but when he explained, his eyes did not leave the screen, and his eyes flashed with expectation, hoping that the cooperation of angel spear special forces and new weapons would surprise him.

"Is the power of yuanci gun really so great?"

"Is the yuanci gun more powerful than the small missiles before?"

After listening to the president's explanation, some people still have doubts about the power of yuanci gun. After all, none of them has ever seen the power of yuanci gun.

"Good! He's hit A councillor saw Ye CuO hit by the red beam and exclaimed in surprise.

No need for him to remind, all the people present saw it, but to their disappointment, the red beam didn't hurt Ye Cuo.

"It's his luck! If you can shoot him once, you can shoot him twice! As long as he keeps attacking, he can't stop it! " The president of the United States said in secret.

Then, everyone saw that a huge golden light knife appeared in front of Ye CuO on the screen, and then the huge light knife flashed away.

This knife, with an astonishing momentum, seemed to split towards a small team of angel Spears on the ground with the boundless anger of death.

Looking at the huge golden light knife, I felt the terrible power contained in the knife. The leader of the team changed his face rapidly and yelled: "attack it collectively!"

The yuanci gun in the hands of ten members of the team shot a red beam at almost the same second, trying to stop the terrible golden sword.

Although the red light continuously blocked, consumed some of the power of the golden giant knife, it could not stop the momentum of the golden giant knife.


At the moment when the huge golden knife struck the earth, the thundering sound sounded. The earth seemed to have a strong earthquake, shaking violently.

The place where the golden sword struck has now become a gully of tens of meters. Most of the ten members of the angel spear team are incomplete and fall in the ruins covered with rubble and dust. Although a few lucky people did not die on the spot, they are on the verge of death.

All the people of the angel spear were shocked by the damage caused by Ye CuO's knife. Then they thought that if the knife struck them, their fate would be terrible.

"Too strong!"

"Concentrate General Andre didn't have the heart to think about the casualties of that team. He just opened his mouth with a roar.

Hearing the general's roar, the shocked Angel spear team quickly recovered, and then continued to fire at yecuo.

But another team had bad luck, because after ye CuO's first golden giant split, the second golden giant split to another team.

Ten people in this team are more concentrated than the one just now, and they are in shock. When they come back and just want to stop them, the golden sword with the breath of death has mercilessly struck them.


The next second, there was a loud bang. Countless pieces of gravel flew away like a crossbow. The dust rose up and almost covered the sky.

"The weapon is not bad, but you are not qualified to kill me! Next, I'll show you what is the sword of death... "Ye CuO's faint voice spread to the ears of all Angel spear soldiers.

This voice is very light, but in the ears of angel spear soldiers, it is like death from hell, with a Soul-catching sound, so that they can't contain a trace of fear.

"Damn it

Andre, like an angry Beast, roared: "attack!"

Although the warriors of angel spear have a little fear in their hearts, they all know that only attack is the best choice. If they give up counterattack, they will die faster.

In less than a second, they overcame their fear. The yuanci gun aimed at Ye CuO and launched an attack without hesitation.

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