Antarctica is the southernmost continent on earth.

The whole Antarctic continent is almost completely covered by glaciers. The average thickness of the ice sheet is 1600 meters. Under the ice sheet are plateaus and mountains, with an altitude of more than 2000 meters, which is the highest continent in the world.

Due to the high altitude, thin air, and the reflection of solar radiation from the surface of ice and snow, the Antarctic continent has become the coldest region in the world.

The average annual temperature of the Antarctic continent is - 25 ℃. At such a low temperature, ordinary steel will become as brittle as glass.

Antarctica is not only the coldest place in the world, but also the most windy area in the world. It has the most frequent storms, and storms of force 12 or above are common.

After getting the instruction from Lin Yi and knowing the position of the three thousand chaos gods, Qin Fusu left the island in the Arctic Ocean and immediately gathered his hands to prepare to go to the other end of the earth.

After a few days of preparation, he took more than 20 men to this "white desert" known as the Antarctic continent.

It's summer in Antarctica.

In southwest Antarctica, a team of more than 20 people is marching forward in the wind and snow.

Although the temperature here is very low, these more than 20 people, except Qin Fusu, are all powerful warriors, powers or practitioners. They have good ability to resist the cold.

In particular, in this team, there is also a storm woman with Blizzard ability, and a fire power. The wind, snow and low temperature have a lower impact on them, so their speed is much faster than ordinary people.

Suddenly, Qin Fusu raised his hand and said, "stop!"

Hearing what Qin Fusu said, everyone stopped and looked at Qin Fusu one after another.

Qin Fusu did not speak, but looked around the vast expanse of ice and snow, and then carefully looked at the hand of the map, Lin Yi gave him.

After half a minute or so, Qin Fusu frowned and said, "no, this direction is wrong!"

Storm female doubt way: "we are not according to the map to go, how can go wrong, what's wrong with the map?"

Qin Fusu knew that there was no problem with the map. After all, as Lin Yi, he certainly disdained to tease him with a fake map.

Qin Fusu shook his head, took the map and compared the surrounding glacial landforms for a few minutes, and said: "according to the map, there should be an iceberg about 100 meters in front of us at this time."

All of us are suddenly surprised, because at this time, they only see a flat glacier, not to mention a hundred meter iceberg, and even ten meters of ice are very few.

Everyone looked at Qin Fusu. A white man with a sharp chin said, "now, which direction are we going to go?"

Qin Fusu thought for a moment, looked at the storm girl and said, "storm girl, wind fox, you can go in two directions and explore the road ahead to see where there is the iceberg I just said!"


Storm girl should be a, and then into a gust of snow disappeared.

Fenghu, a white man with a pale face and a height of only 1.6 meters, didn't speak. After a burst of white light on his body, his figure also disappeared in the snow.

"Let's have a rest on the spot and recover our strength. When they find out the direction, we'll start again!" Qin Fusu road.

Qin Fusu said, lost in thought: "Lin Yi said that the inheritance of the Great Dipper is located in a place that ordinary people can't reach, in an underground palace covered with thick ice and snow.

Moreover, the closer I get to that place, the more severe the storm and snow will be. The closer I get to that place, the easier I will lose my way... Am I not far away from that place now? "

Qin Fusu was a little excited, but then frowned: "Lin Yi once said that the closer to the location of the underground palace, the more dangerous it is. Moreover, entering the underground palace is more dangerous than outside..."

Others, however, began to whisper.

"You say, is storm female come back first, or wind fox come back first?"

"This Antarctic continent is full of glaciers. I don't know how long it will take to reach its destination..."

After more than ten minutes, the storm girl came back and said to Qin Fusu, "I went to the front and explored for more than ten kilometers, but I didn't find an iceberg about 100 meters."


Qin Fusu was puzzled, and then looked at the map: "since there is no, it should not be this direction."

"Could it be that the iceberg has melted?" The storm girl doubted.

"I'm not sure now. I'll wait until Fenghu comes back!" Qin Fusu road.

More than ten minutes later, the wind fox finally came back: "I explore the direction, there is a 100 meter iceberg, I don't know if it is the one we are looking for."

When Qin Fusu heard the words of Feng Hu, a happy look flashed in his eyes and asked, "what's the shape of that iceberg?"

Wind fox way: "roughly and triangle same iceberg."

"Triangle iceberg, that's it!"

Qin Fusu said, "keep going!"

Then, Qin Fusu and his more than 20 subordinates moved in the direction of Fenghu's exploration.

Nearly an hour later, the group finally came to the bottom of a triangle shaped iceberg about 100 meters away.

"The wind and snow here are much stronger than just now!"

"Yes, I feel colder and colder, too!"

Qin Fusu didn't seem to hear what he was saying. At this time, he was observing the iceberg and comparing the map in his hand to identify the direction.

After a minute or so, Qin Fusu said, "southwest direction!"

Two hours later, Qin Fusu and his party came to the entrance of a deep valley surrounded by icebergs.

The strong wind roared out from the entrance of the deep valley, and from time to time, pieces of crystal clear ice shot out from the entrance.

"In the deep valley, the wind is too strong, and ice is flying all over the sky. Everyone should be careful!"

Qin Fusu said to windstorm girl: "windstorm girl, you open the way ahead!"

Without saying a word, the storm girl moves into the entrance of the deep valley, displays her powers, controls the wind and ice, and opens up a safe road.

Others, seeing that the storm girl had opened up a way, followed the storm girl one after another and went into the deep valley.

At first, everyone felt relaxed, but after more than 200 meters, storm girl suddenly changed her face: "it's very dangerous ahead, and I'm not sure I can control all the ice. You should deal with it carefully!"

Hearing the words of storm girl, all people's faces changed. With storm girl's strength, they couldn't ensure their safety, which surprised them.

"Storm girl, are you kidding?"

Storm woman sneered: "if you don't believe it, you can try to see how powerful the ice is!"

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