Then, the vibration became more and more intense, and other ice cones above seemed to break down, and people's hearts became more and more uneasy.

If it is really an earthquake, everyone will be buried in this ice cave hundreds of meters deep. Even the great master's peak strength will not survive.

Seeing that many people were worried, Qin Fusu said with a calm smile: "don't worry, it should be just the movement of opening the door. It won't collapse here, but we must be prepared for the battle!"

He doesn't think the shaking will collapse the iceberg, but if it really opens the door to the inheritance place, he can't be sure what the next danger will be, so he will remind everyone to be ready for battle.

After two or three minutes, the vibration didn't stop. Suddenly, there was a click on the top of the ice cone. Cracks appeared on many ice cones.

After a while, the ice cones above broke one after another, and then fell down.

Bang bang!

Although the ice cones fall down one by one, all the people here are not ordinary people, and the falling ice is not a threat to them.

Although Qin Fusu was just an ordinary man, he had two top masters around him, the ice cone. They broke into countless pieces of ice. Qin Fusu didn't even drop a hair.

After a few minutes, all the ice cones at the top fell, and the vibration stopped. But just then, the icicle in the center suddenly turned.

As the icicle in the center rotates, the place where the seven icicles fall lights up seven lights at the same time, directly on the top of the ice wall.

Then, the seven rays turned into seven white balls of basketball size, spinning around the icicle in the middle.

Seven white balls of light, after a few circles around the icicle, disappeared into the place where the seven ice cones had broken.


A huge sound came from everyone's feet.

"What's the matter? How can there be sound underground?"

"Is the bottom empty?"

"Is this our final destination?"

In the voice of everyone's surprise, the rotating icicle, like an iron pillar in the water, suddenly sank down rapidly.

The icicle turned faster and faster, but Qin Fusu was staring at the icicle: "this is the means of the Great Dipper?"

Immediately, Qin Fusu thought of the potential danger here, and immediately reminded him, "everyone should be alert!"

Hearing Qin Fusu's words, everyone was awe struck. They realized that there would be danger next, and they were all on guard.

Two minutes later, when all the icicles disappeared, the crowd did not find any danger, but they did not relax.

At the next moment, the hole left by the disappearance of the icicle, as well as the previous seven holes in the area, instantly subsided.

A dazzling white light, lit up from there, lit up the whole space, people can not help but squint.

At the same time, everyone felt that a huge force burst out of the white light, drawing their bodies into the white light.


"Ah! Help me

"Help me

A cry for help sounded, no one paid attention to these calls for help, because all people are the same, are pulled by a force, involuntarily flying into the white light.

This power is so powerful that even the two great masters at the top of the mountain, after they used all their strength, they didn't have the slightest resistance. In the blink of an eye, they were absorbed by the white light.

When everyone was absorbed into the white light, a few seconds later, the white light disappeared, and the space fell into silence.

Although inhaled in the white light, under the protection of the two great masters, Qin Fusu found that the white light had no attack power.

He was thinking, suddenly felt a whirl, couldn't help but close his eyes, there was a brief blank in his mind.

It seems that after a long time, it seems that it was just a moment. Qin Fusu suddenly heard a scream. He opened his eyes and found that the screams came from his subordinates.



Qin Fusu saw that three stone men more than two meters high were constantly attacking the people he had brought with him. Almost in the blink of an eye, four or five people were killed by the stone men, including one with half step master power.

Because of the protection of the two great masters, Qin Fusu is safe here for the time being.

After the initial panic, several great masters immediately launched a siege on the three stone men, which did not continue to cause casualties.

A middle-aged man beside Qin Fusu said: "the three stone men have reached the strength of the great master, but they seem to have no wisdom. They only know brute force attack. They should be able to deal with it!"

"The strength of a great master?"

Qin Fusu frowned and found that the three stone men were restrained by several great masters. He was a little relieved. Then he had the heart to observe the situation around him.

He found that this is a palace full of vicissitudes, and their location at this time should be a square of the palace.

"Here is the palace of the Great Dipper!"

When Qin Fusu saw the palace gate, he looked at the four gilded characters on it, the palace of the Great Dipper.

Determined that this is the palace of the Great Dipper, Qin Fusu couldn't help feeling excited: "the inheritance of the Great Dipper must be in the palace!"

Although he knew that the inheritance of the Great Dipper was in the palace, Qin Fusu didn't lose his cool because of his excitement.

"Can we find out what's going on in the palace?" Asked Qin Fusu.

The middle-aged people also look at the four words "Beidou emperor palace". It's unnecessary for Qin Fusu to say that he knows that what Qin Fusu wants must be in this palace.

Hearing Qin Fusu's words, he shook his head: "this palace is shrouded in inexplicable power. I can't find out the situation inside."

Another great master, who was also a strong one, shook his head and said, "I can't find out what's going on inside."

Qin Fusu thought about it, and then said, "since we don't know what's going on inside, let's see if there is any hidden danger in this square."


So, the two great masters, the top strong, protected Qin Fusu and looked around in the square.

On the other side, several big masters and those half step masters divided into three small teams and kept attacking the three stone men.

Stone man's attack power is also at the level of great master, but they have no wisdom, only know brute force attack, slow reaction, but their body defense is very strong.

Even the attacks of the great masters fell on the stone man, which was no different from scratching them. They could not do any serious harm to the stone man.

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