Hearing the worried voice of butterfly and ah Li, the old man said, "I'm not sure when he will wake up. However, his injury is recovering rapidly, and the spirit is not injured. The reason why he didn't wake up is that his consciousness is trapped in the spirit space. "

"Is consciousness trapped in the spiritual space?"

Butterfly and a Li are both practitioners. Of course, they know that if ye CuO's consciousness is trapped in the spirit space all the time, even if ye CuO's body injury is completely recovered, ye CuO will still be like a vegetable. As long as the consciousness doesn't get out of the spirit space one day, ye CuO will be in a coma all the time.

Butterfly with hope asked: "master Bai, do you have any way to recover his consciousness?"

The old man with white eyebrows shook his head and said, "there is a strong force outside his spirit space. I think it is this force that trapped his consciousness inside. Unfortunately, as soon as my mind gets close, that force will produce a strong repulsive force, so I can't help it. Now I have to rely on him."


In the west land, far west, there is a huge mountain that rises into the clouds.

This mountain, called the magic mountain, is built on this huge mountain.

Somewhere inside the mountain, there is a pool several hundred meters in size. In the middle of the pool, there is a round stone platform about ten meters in diameter, suspended above the water.

On the top of the round stone platform, a half meter black finger was suspended, emitting a thick black fog.

The black fog emanates from the upper end of the severed finger and diffuses around the pool. At the lower end of the severed finger, there is a suction force, which sucks the black fog on the water back to the severed finger and circulates like this.

At this time, an old man in black stood on the edge of the pool, looking at the broken finger above the stone platform in the middle of the pool, waiting respectfully, not daring to make a sound.

After a while, the black fog above the pool began to surge quickly, and gathered towards the broken finger in the middle of the pool.

After a while, all the black fog gathered around the broken finger and covered it completely.

Then, a figure, which was completely condensed by black fog and could not see clearly, came into the eyes of the old man in black.

When the shadow of the black fog condensed, the old man in black immediately bowed and said respectfully, "Lord demon!"

The shadow of the black fog nodded, his voice was cold, without any emotion: "now, the first weak point of the seal space has been opened.

When I got through this weak point, although I used the strength of Xilan city protection array, I accumulated a lot of strength and consumed a lot. I had to recover my strength before I could continue to get through other weak points.

Next, during the period when I recover my strength, you must send someone to Donglu to find other weak points as soon as possible. I don't want to see that when I accumulate enough strength to get through the second weak point, you haven't found the position of the second weak point yet! "


The old man in black answered respectfully, and then asked, "Lord demon, now we have got through the first weak point. The people of all souls have been shocked. They will pay close attention to us. I'm afraid they may have guessed Lord demon's plan at this time..."


The shadow of the black fog hummed coldly: "even if they guessed it, what! Anyone who dares to stop me from getting out of trouble is your enemy! For the enemy, do you want me to teach you how to do it?

I don't care what method you use, you must find the second weakness with the fastest speed! Even if the second weak point is in wanlingzong, you will destroy wanlingzong for me! "

The old man in black felt a trace of anger in the voice of the shadow of the black fog, and said in a hurry: "Lord demon, I don't mean that!"


"You can go out," said the figure in the black fog


The old man in black replied, then did not dare to hesitate and left immediately.

After the old man in black left, after a while, the figure of the black fog slowly dissipated and turned into a black fog again, and the broken finger suspended above the round stone platform showed up again.


"Where is this?"

Ye CuO found himself in a strange space. His eyes were confused, but his heart was very calm. Then he began to observe the situation of his whole body.

However, ye CuO hasn't got a clue yet. He suddenly finds a small crack in front of him more than ten meters away.

When that crack first appeared, it was only the size of hair, but it expanded rapidly with the speed visible to the naked eye.

"That's a crack in space!"

As soon as ye CuO's face changed, a space crack appeared when tongtianteng grew on the earth, in the Kunlun Mountains.

Moreover, when he left the earth and climbed the tongtianteng, he was also involved in the turbulence of space, and finally came to the outside of Linglan realm.

Now he is very familiar with the space cracks. He knows that within the space cracks, there is a terrible space turbulence.

If he is involved in the turbulence of space, he is not sure that his luck will be as good as last time. Maybe he will be twisted by the turbulence of space so that there is no residue left.

Therefore, ye CuO did not dare to hesitate at the moment when he found the space crack, and his figure flew to the distance.

However, he just flew out of a distance, he found himself in front of another space crack appeared.

"How come there are cracks in space?"

Ye CuO's face changed again. Without hesitation, he changed his direction and fled quickly.

After more than ten seconds, ye CuO found that the two cracks disappeared before he found them. He could not help but feel relieved: "fortunately, I ran fast. If I was inhaled into the cracks, it would be too dangerous..."

Ye CuO's words did not finish, he saw not far away at the same time appeared several space cracks, and quickly spread to his location.

"What the hell is this place? How can there be so many cracks in space?"

Ye CuO was shocked and puzzled, but his figure didn't dare to stop for a moment, because the space cracks spread so fast that he was afraid that if he slowed down for a second, he might be swept in by the space cracks.

This time, several cracks in space did not disappear as quickly as before, and the speed of expansion was amazing.

"How can this happen? The speed of these cracks is so fast!"

Ye CuO found that his speed was much slower than the speed of the space crack, and he was expected to be involved in the space crack soon, so he began to worry.

"This damned place is full of cracks. What should I do..."

"Am I going to die here? no I won't die, I can't die here! "

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