On the sea outside Lingkong Island, there is a purple python with two heads. In the mouth of one head, a fireball the size of a football is ejected, and in the mouth of the other head, a hockey the size of a football is ejected.

Fireball and ice hockey are roaring from two directions towards the golden winged thunder Eagle who just flew out of Lingkong island. Where fireball passes, the high temperature evaporates the sea water, and where ice hockey passes, the sea surface freezes instantly.

The voice of the golden winged thunder Eagle sounded in Ye CuO's mind: "that's the ice fire purple Python!"

"Ice fire purple Python?"

Ye CuO's face changed slightly. He had heard of the ice fire purple python. He knew that the ice fire purple Python was also the peak cultivation of the Yuan Dynasty. He was a powerful monster in the west land. His strength was equal to that of the silver dragon.

As soon as ye CuO finds the ice fire purple python, he knows that the ice fire purple Python must have been here before, and there are insiders in the mansion. They are very familiar with what happened in the mansion, so they hide all the breath and lie in wait for the chance to attack him.

The golden winged thunder eagle, the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, greets the fireball and ice hockey with two thunderballs. Then it deviates and wants to make a detour from one side.

Boom, boom

The ball of thunder, fireball and ice hockey meet, collide and explode, roar in bursts, countless firelight, thunder and ice chips are shot away.

The golden winged leiying, the peak of Yuanying period, said to Ye CuO while flying: "although the speed of this ice fire purple Python is not as fast as me, it is not much slower. Moreover, in terms of its attack power, it is a bit stronger than me..."

"Want to run?"

The ice fire purple Python saw that the golden winged thunder Eagle wanted to change direction and escape. Its two heads made a sound at the same time. The next moment, a fireball and an ice ball shot at the golden winged thunder eagle.

Before flying out of Lingkong Island, Yinjiao found that the ice fire purple Python was ambushing the golden winged thunder eagle. He yelled: "double headed snake, you come here, stop the flat haired animal for me!"

"Damn it

By the ice fire purple Python so a sneak attack, ye CuO's anger can't help but soar up, want to tear the ice fire purple Python into pieces.

He was very clear that it was the instant delay that reduced the distance between the golden winged thunder eagle and the pursuers. As long as the ice fire purple Python stopped him a little more, it would be more difficult for him to get rid of the pursuers. How could he not be angry?

But ye CuO also knows that unless he can instantly arrange the infinite Xuankong array and give full play to the maximum power of the infinite Xuankong array, or he can give full play to the terrible power of the air xenon spirit flame and have the means to kill the ice fire purple python, otherwise, it's just an unrealistic idea, which can't be realized at all, On the contrary, they will put themselves in a very dangerous situation.

Ye CuO knew that time was pressing and he was not allowed to waste any time. He made a quick decision and said to the golden winged leiying, the peak of the Yuan Dynasty: "you just fly to the fireball. I'll deal with the fireball. You just need to deal with the ice hockey!"

The golden winged leiying, the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, was surprised. However, since Ye CuO said so, he thought Ye CuO should have the means to deal with the fireball. Otherwise, with Ye CuO's strength, it would be like seeking his own death.

Of course, it did not really dare to risk its own life, it spit out lightning light ball to stop the ice hockey, but also ready to deal with fireball.

The ice fire purple Python saw that the golden winged thunder Eagle didn't seem to want to avoid the fireball, and sneered in his heart. However, the next moment, it suddenly thought of something, staring at the red bottle in Ye CuO's hand.

"It's an empty xenon flame. It's said that the red bottle can collect all kinds of flames. Is he going to use it to collect my fireball? Hum! Even so, it's impossible for you to collect my fireball with that red vial... "

As soon as the ice fire purple Python thought of this, it saw that ye CuO aimed the mouth of the red bottle at the fireball. There was a huge suction in the bottle. The fireball the size of a football was instantly sucked into the red bottle.

"The empty xenon bottle is really a good treasure to deal with the fire! With it, I should be able to fear a lot of flames in the future... "

Seeing that the empty xenon bottle took away the fireball, ye CuO felt a trace of joy in his heart, but the situation was still very bad at the moment, and he immediately suppressed this trace of joy.


Golden winged thunder eagle's lightning light ball, instantly encounter with the ice hockey, boom, lightning light ball and ice hockey both burst, for a time, thunder snake dance, ice flakes everywhere.

"How could it be... How could it be so fast that it could not resist the suction of the red bottle at all!"

The ice fire purple Python has an incredible look in his eyes. Although he has known about lingkongzi's deeds before, those things are more than 1000 years ago. He thinks that there may be many exaggerations about the power of the red vial to absorb the fire.

Therefore, it just did not believe that the red vial could absorb fireballs. Even if it could, it should not be so fast.

Without a fireball, the speed of golden winged thunder eagle is not affected, and the leaf on its back is sneer: "double headed snake, your fireball tastes good, do you have any more?"

Hear ye CuO's words, ice fire purple Python seems very angry: "don't be proud too early!"

With the sound of the ice fire purple python, its tail suddenly whipped out from under the sea, and set off waves all over the sky. At the same time, there were dozens of hundreds of ice hockey balls, which covered the golden winged thunder eagle.

The ice hockey all over the sky made Ye CuO's face change again. In a moment, he thought that these ice hockey were prepared by ice fire purple Python long ago, and they also completely isolated the breath of ice hockey by some means, so that he could not detect the abnormality.

He can feel that every ice hockey contains extremely powerful power, although he feels that those ice hockey can't break the lightning shield of the golden winged thunder eagle, and can't hurt him in the lightning shield.

But what he can be sure is that because of the ice hockey blocking, the speed of the golden winged thunder eagle will be greatly reduced, giving the pursuers behind time to catch up.

When the golden winged thunder Eagle rushes out of the range of the ice hockey, the pursuers behind will also get close. At that time, even with the speed of the golden winged thunder eagle, they can't get rid of it for a while and a half.

The longer you drag on, the easier it will be. Since there are ice fire and purple Python ambush, it's hard to say that there will not be other strong men hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to kill him and grab the treasure.

Therefore, ye Cuo, of course, wants to leave here as soon as possible and go to a safe place. The best thing is to return to the Wanling sect, digest the harvest this time and turn it into his own strength.

Boom, boom

One by one, the ice hockey balls fell on the lightning shield of the golden winged thunder eagle, causing the lightning shield to shake and the silver snake to flee, but it didn't break the lightning shield.

Ice fire purple Python cold drink: "you can't run away!"

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