The golden winged leiying at the top of Yuanying's head received Ye CuO's message. It was surprised. It thought Ye CuO would urge it to escape even if it paid some price. It didn't expect that ye CuO didn't want to escape immediately, but wanted to kill Hong Chengju.

Of course, it also understood that ye CuO wanted to kill Hong Chengju in order to frighten other people and monsters from pursuing him.

Although it has just been trapped by the array and wasted a lot of time, it believes that with its own speed, as long as it takes more time, it can still get rid of the pursuers behind.

However, what he didn't understand and was curious about was that what ye CuO said would make him so confident that he could kill Hong Chengju with one blow.

Hong Chengju is not an ordinary person, but a strong man at the peak of Yuan Dynasty. Even if he is also at the peak of Yuan Dynasty, he is not sure that he can kill Hong Chengju with one blow.

Hearing Ye CuO's words, his first reaction is impossible, but he can tell from his tone that ye CuO is not joking. After all, ye CuO can't make fun of his own life.

At the peak of Yuanying period, the golden winged thunder Eagle did not slow down at all. It turned into golden lightning and flew over the sea. As it flew, it asked, "what's the skill?"

"I just said that I want to pass on your technique, which is called annihilating thunder, and what you cultivate is the power of thunder and lightning, which is just suitable for this technique!"

Ye CuO said: "annihilating thunder is very powerful. Although you can't fully understand this skill because of the rush of time, you can't give full play to the power of this skill with your current cultivation, but it's more than enough to deal with just a few peaks of Yuanying period!"

Although the golden winged leiying, the peak of Yuan Dynasty, still has a little doubt in his heart, he is more curious about ye CuO's technique when he hears Ye CuO's big tone.

If what ye CuO said is true, as long as ye CuO passes this skill to him, ye CuO can't take it back unless he dies, which means that he will have another mace in the future!

"This information is..."

The golden winged thunder eagle, the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, is just amazing. It suddenly finds some more information in its mind: "is this the annihilation thunder?"

"That's what I call annihilating thunder."

Ye CuO said: "this technique of annihilating thunder is not complicated at all. It's not hard to understand. You should be able to master it soon!"

This method of annihilating thunder is one of his moves in the big thunder when the earth breaks through to the mysterious realm.

He had just made an analysis. He knew very well that it would be difficult for him to get rid of the pursuers in a short time, so he began to think about other ways to deter the pursuers from coming again.

Then, with a flash of inspiration, he thought of the powerful and difficult method of annihilating thunder, which can make the golden winged thunder Eagle quickly complete, and can be used to deal with the current situation.

The golden winged thunder hawk, the peak of the Yuan Dynasty, realized the technique while doubting: "it's really not difficult to annihilate the thunder. Moreover, I've never heard of this technique before, and it should not belong to wanlingzong... How could he have such an exquisite move?"

He was puzzled in his heart, but he continued to study the method of annihilating thunder. After seeing it again, he still doubted: "this move needs me to pay such a high price before it can be used. Is it really as powerful as he said?"

Although the golden winged thunder Eagle did not show the doubt in his heart, ye CuO could guess what the golden winged thunder eagle was thinking.

But he didn't say much, because he was busy with the arrangements for Wu Xing and Du Lin of wanlingzong.

Ye CuO said: "I'll ask the golden winged thunder eagle to perform a big move in a moment. With one move, Hong Chengju will be killed, because this move is very powerful. After I remind you, you must step back as soon as possible!"

Du Lin received the message from ye Cuo, and he was very puzzled: "I also know the strength of the golden winged thunder eagle. How can I kill the strong one in Yuanying period?"

"A move to kill Hong Chengju?"

Wu Xing also doubts: "Hong Chengju can't stand still, and he doesn't defend at all. Let the golden winged thunder Eagle attack, how can the golden winged thunder Eagle kill them with one move?"

Ye CuO said: "I gave the golden winged thunder eagle's great move. I know the power of that move very well, so you don't have to doubt it.

After seeing the power of that move, those people and monsters in the strange demon hall will be shocked, and they should not dare to pursue me any more.

Moreover, even if the people and the monsters in the hall still want to kill me, they will surely hesitate for a while after they are shocked, and their hesitation will make them miss the chance!

When they make the decision to continue to chase, the golden winged thunder Eagle has taken me out of a long distance, they can't catch up with the golden winged thunder Eagle!

If the people of Yilin demon hall and those monsters unite to attack you, your situation will be very dangerous, so at that time, you should immediately take other people to leave here and return to Wanling sect.

You don't have to worry that the golden winged thunder eagle, the peak of Yuanying period, will be bad for me. As long as I get rid of the pursuit, I will return to wanlingzong immediately! "

Wu Xing doubted and worried: "are you sure?"

"Don't worry!"

Ye CuO said: "if I'm not sure, I won't do it. I cherish my life very much. I can't risk my life."

Du Lin said to Wu Xing: "Lao Wu, do you think what he said is true?

Wu Xingdao: "now, we can only trust him. After all, he has so many secrets. We know too little about him. He has shocked us a lot. This time, we should be shocked again, so I think we should do what he said..."

Durin thought for a moment, and said, "you have a point! That's what we've decided. If the situation is really what he said, we'll take the others away immediately! "

After getting along with Ye CuO during this period, they all know that ye CuO is not a kind of ungrateful person, otherwise they will not consider their safety at this time, and it is impossible to remind them.

Moreover, they know better that ye Cuo, who is so young and comes from the upper world, must cherish his life more than those old people who have lived for hundreds of years. Therefore, they know that ye CuO will not bury his life for the sake of the treasure of lingkongzi.

So, they soon made a decision, decided to act according to Ye CuO's plan, and began to make arrangements secretly. As soon as the time came, they left immediately.

Ye CuO received a reply from Wu Xing and others. He asked the golden winged Lei Ying, the peak of Yuanying period: "how do you understand this technique of annihilating thunder?"

The golden winged Lei Ying, the peak of Yuan infant period, said: "soon, I can do it right away!"

A few seconds later, the golden winged leiying, the peak of Yuanying, said, "OK

"I know you are also doubting the power of this magic method..."

Ye CuO's mouth was slightly crooked, and he said: "however, you will soon be like them, and you can see the power of this way with your own eyes!"

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