"However, even if you want to return to the previous position, you have to understand the mystery of this spatial vortex first!"

With that, ye CuO didn't waste any more time. He began to observe the previous vortex, which fortunately wasn't destroyed by the giant blade of space.

"I see!"

Not long after that, ye Cuo, sitting cross knee in the space of the danhuangding, suddenly opened his eyes. In his eyes, he burst out two golden lights like lightning.

"The power of this spatial vortex is relatively soft, while the power of spatial cracks is incomparable. The two forms of space power, one rigid and the other flexible, have the possibility of a fit

Ye CuO's eyes are more and more bright, he finally wants to understand, at this moment, he finally found a way to pierce that layer of membrane!

"There is a balance between hardness and softness, chaos and calmness! And this balance point is the key to my deeper understanding of the power of space! "

After a while, the spatial vortex began to decrease, and the fluctuation of spatial forces became weaker and weaker, and soon disappeared.

However, when ye CuO saw the whole process in his eyes, he realized the mystery of space power.

At the same time, he stayed in the golden light spot space, and his body, which was condensed by the power of space controlled by the mind, was also observing the cracks in the space inside the golden light spot.

"Although I have absorbed a lot of space power from outside before, the space power of this golden light spot is far from comparable with the space power of turbulence outside, but it is just suitable for me to understand the space power!"

At the next moment, ye CuO's mind was condensed by the force of space. His almost transparent body, only the size of his fist, flew towards a small space crack, and took the initiative to fly into the space crack.

However, the space crack did not suck in his body, and his body stopped between the cracks of this space crack.

His body, the force of space on the surface, vibrates with a special frequency, and after a moment, it coincides with the wave frequency of space force of space crack.

"Close... For me!"

In Ye CuO's heart, he drank violently, just like what he said. In the next moment, this small space crack actually began to close.

Although this space crack closed slowly, ye CuO still couldn't suppress his joy. He knew that he had succeeded, and his understanding of the power of space finally rose to a higher level.

However, although he was happy and even excited, he didn't get carried away. Under his control, this space crack continued to close.

After a while, there was no accident. This space crack completely closed and disappeared.

And with the space cracks disappear at the same time, there is Ye CuO with the power of space condensed out of this transparent body, it seems that this wisp of his mind also disappeared.

However, the next moment, just where he disappeared, there was a strange wave in the space. It was like a calm lake falling into a stone, creating a circle of ripples.

Circle after circle of spatial ripples spread outwards, but at the center of the ripples, a vortex is formed, which slowly grows larger. When it becomes the size of a basketball, it will not expand, but the force of space is still like the vortex of the vortex.

Suddenly, the figure of Ye Cuo, who had disappeared before, appeared from the center of the vortex, and then flew out of the space vortex.

"Ha ha ha..."

In the space of danhuangding, ye CuO's smile and laughter echoed endlessly, and his smile became more and more prosperous and more brilliant.

"It's a success!"

After being excited for a while, he pressed down his emotion, because he knew that although his understanding of the power of space had been promoted to a new level, it was still not so easy to return to the realm of Linglan.

The power of the outer space is much stronger than that of the golden light spot. It is impossible for him to tear the space and return directly to the realm of Linglan.

"Now, go back to the place before, and think about it slowly!"

Ye CuO thought, and no longer hesitated, he immediately controlled the danhuangding and flew to the place where he had just been sucked in.

At this time, he has a deeper understanding of the power of space. He can fully use the power of space in the turbulent flow of space to wrap the Danhuang tripod, which greatly improves the speed of Danhuang tripod and makes it easier to avoid danger than before.

More than an hour later, under the control of Ye Cuo, danhuangding had already returned to the place where he had just been absorbed by the space crack.

"Since I was sucked here by the cracks in the space before, the possibility of returning to the green blade space from here is also the biggest!"

At this time, the vicinity of this location is safe, the space force is not violent, there is no space crack, no space vortex, and no space collapse point.

But ye CuO didn't dare to relax his vigilance. Maybe the next moment, the space next to the Danhuang cauldron will crack and collapse, and a space crack or space vortex will appear. If he is sucked in, he doesn't know where he will go.

However, this result is not what he wanted. There is no space crack and vortex. He is safe for the time being, but there is no way to return to the realm of Linglan.

"It seems that we have to wait patiently!"

Ye CuO has no good way to deal with this. He can only watch out for the danger at any time and wait for the opportunity.

After all, from time to time, there will be all kinds of attacks formed by the power of space, which will hit Zhongdan Huangding. Once it is hit, I don't know how far it will fly, or even appear in extremely dangerous areas. Even if there is no danger, I don't know how much effort it will take to get back here again.

But what he didn't expect was that his waiting time soon passed for four days, which was the fifth day when he was sucked in by the space crack.

This period of waiting time, although he also encountered danger again and again, but in the end, they were successfully resolved, and did not encounter too bad situation, but the luck is not very good.

During this period of time, he couldn't see the situation at the other end of the space cracks and vortices. He couldn't determine where there was and whether there was any danger, so he didn't dare to rush into them.

"It's the fifth day. I don't know what's going on in the green blade space... When do I have to wait?"

Similar idea, don't know in Ye CuO's heart came out several times, but he also knew that he couldn't come in a hurry, no matter how much he wanted, he could only wait and continue to understand the power of space.

At this time, a gap suddenly opened 20 or 30 meters away from the danhuangding, and the space crack grew rapidly as soon as it appeared.

Ye CuO found this space crack at the first time, and a ray of joy appeared between his eyebrows, because through this space crack, he could see the situation on the other side of the space crack and the familiar scene.

"Green blade space!"

Without any hesitation, ye CuO immediately took control of the danhuangding and flew to this space crack. Without any accident, he smoothly flew into the space crack and returned to the changed green blade space again.

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