The pulling power of the seven color light door disappeared, and ye CuO's speed suddenly soared. But before he could be happy, he found that the black claws flew out of the seven color light door, and his face changed in a moment.

"This black claw has the same breath as the black claw that appeared in the space crack of Nanhuang mountain last time!"

For this, ye CuO can be 100% sure that the owner of the black paw last time was the alien demon God, so the black paw this time must have been made by the alien demon God.

Now, he has been able to conclude that the seven color light door was also made by a strange demon, otherwise the black claw would not have been able to fly out of the seven color light door.

"So in the past long years, every time the seven color light gate appeared, it was actually made by a strange demon!

This seven color light gate is not a gate that can let people fly to the upper world, but a conspiracy of strange gods!

No matter before, or just now, those people and monsters who were at the peak of the Yuan Dynasty entered the seven color gate. They didn't fly to the upper boundary at all, but were caught in the seal space by the alien demon God!

Yilin demon God destroyed two weak points of the seal before. Last time, he wanted to escape from the cracks in the space. Now he has captured so many peaks of Yuanying period. He must want to use their strength to break the seal!

From this, we can completely judge that the power of the seal space can no longer trap the alien demon God, and it will soon get out of trouble! "

With Ye CuO's current spirit strength, the speed of his mind's rotation is many times faster than that of ordinary people. In a flash, he wanted to understand many things.

For those who were caught in the seal space, he didn't care about the life and death of yuanyingqi peak. He can imagine that the alien demon God caught so many yuanyingqi peaks and was likely to get out of trouble soon.

Once the seal is broken, his previous plan to leave Linglan world is likely to have unpredictable changes.

However, these are not the main reasons why Ye CuO's face changed. What he is most worried about now is the black claws flying out of the seven color light door.

"The black claw, with its breath, is more powerful than that of the pseudo Mahayana period. Its power is absolutely comparable to that of the real Mahayana period!

Before the seal is completely broken, the strength is so strong. If the alien demon God completely breaks the seal, isn't it stronger than the Mahayana period? "

When the black claw first appeared, it was only about one meter in size, but as soon as it flew out of the seven color light gate, it grew at an amazing speed, and in an instant it became several feet in size.

The silver dragon dares to be affected by the strong breath of the black claws. Although the black claws are only a few feet in size, they give it the same feeling as blocking the sky and the sun. Its eyes are full of fear.

Yinjiao was worried that the black claw would come to him. His speed soared to the extreme and he wanted to leave the dangerous place immediately.

"The target of black claw, it seems not me?"

Silver Jiao found that the black claw was grabbing at Ye Cuo. His heart was greatly relieved. Schadenfreude flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing: "ha ha! The target of the black claw is you. You're dead! "

Although the silver dragon was very proud and wanted to stop and watch ye CuO caught by the black claws, its speed didn't slow down at all. As far as it is concerned, the seven color light gate is full of strangeness. It doesn't want to stay here any longer.

However, what made Yinjiao want to curse her was that she would come whatever she worried about. Almost as soon as her voice fell, she found another black paw in the seven color light gate. This time, she was sure that the black paw was coming to her.

"Damn it

Ye CuO's face is ugly: "the target of this black claw is me, and the alien demon God wants to catch me in the seal space!"

At the same time, he also found a second one, the black paw of Yinjiao. But now he is too busy to laugh at Yinjiao.

Because the speed of the black claw is very fast, much faster than his speed, and no matter how he changes direction, the black claw will follow him like a shadow, with a momentum of never giving up if he doesn't catch him.

"Damn it! How can the speed of black claws be so fast... "

Ye CuO's face became more ugly. At this time, he was less than 500 meters away from him. With the speed of black claws, the distance of 500 meters was not the distance at all. In an instant, he would appear behind him.

Ye CuO couldn't catch him without a hand. He let his black claws catch him. His speed didn't slow down at all. He still flew away at full speed.

Although Ye CuO didn't look back, he didn't know when he appeared on the magic sword in his hand. At this time, he was completely covered by the dazzling golden light, and the golden blade blasted away at the black claw, trying to stop the black claw.

However, although the golden sword shot at the black claw and penetrated through it, it couldn't stop the black claw. The black claw immediately came behind yecuo. The black claw closed and caught yecuo.

After the black claws closed, ye CuO was trapped in a completely closed, dark cage.

Even if the seven color light gate is really the gate of ascension, which can let him fly to a higher world than Linglan realm, ye CuO has no idea to enter the seven color light gate now.

What's more, now he has determined that behind the seven color light door is not the upper boundary, but the seal space of the alien demon God. How dare he let the black claws seize him and take him to the seal space of the alien demon God?

Therefore, ye CuO will not wait to die, of course, he will fight with all his strength. However, he just wanted to mobilize his strength to smash the black claw, but then his face suddenly changed.

He found the power in his body, but he didn't listen. The next moment, he found the problem, and knew that it was caused by black claws.

He found that the power of the black claw completely ignored his defense, even quietly, instantly invaded his body, appeared in his Dantian.

At the moment, his golden elixir is completely wrapped by a mass of black Qi, and his power is completely blocked. Although he can still sense the existence of the golden elixir, he can't even use the power of the golden elixir. He even wants to disperse the black Qi and force it out of his body, but he can't do it.

The power of Jindan can't be used, and ye CuO doesn't despair. He can't give up so easily. Without the power of Jindan, he still has the power of physical body to use.

The next moment, the fist, which almost gathered Ye CuO's whole strength, suddenly bombarded the inner wall of the black claw cage. The powerful force in the fist burst out, but the result still let him down. With his full fist, he could not open the black claw cage at all.

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