"Ah?" Ye CuO didn't expect that Suya would rebel to qiulingyao in a few minutes.

Su Ya looks at Ye Cuo, her eyes are a little red: "her mother is seriously ill and needs money very much. Please help her."

Ye CuO looks at Qiu lingyao.

Zhang Xiaohao said eagerly: "Yao Yao, if you need money, you can get it from me first. Even if you can't win the championship this time, it doesn't matter. I'll help you with your aunt's medical expenses. "

"No more." Qiulingyao's face is cold. She looks at Ye CuO in the twinkling of an eye, with a trace of hope in her eyes.

Ye mistakenly looks at Su Ya and says to Qiu lingyao, "what competition? For the first time, I heard about racing and double racing

Qiu lingyao looks happy: "you agreed?"

Ye CuO put out his hand: "you both said so, can I refuse?"

Qiu lingyao couldn't help laughing. Zhang Xiaohao said: "I haven't agreed yet. The team won't take him in."

"Then I'll leave the team!" Qiu lingyao said, "if I join in my own name, or join other teams, I don't believe there is no reason for the team to take us in."

As soon as Zhang Xiaohao's face changed, qiulingyao had superb driving skills, good-looking appearance and high commercial value, which could be regarded as a cash cow and gold lettered signboard of the team. Zhang Xiaohao is just the son of the boss of the motorcade. The motorcade is also run by a company. His father is only a major shareholder. It can't be said that the motorcade belongs to his family. So if he forces away the signboard of the motorcade, the whole company, including his father, will not spare him.

Hearing what Qiu lingyao said, Zhang Xiaohao immediately closed his mouth, but he was very angry and looked at Ye CuO coldly: OK, I'll see how you can join our team.

Ye CuO and Su ya get into Qiu lingyao's car. Zhang Xiaohao immediately drives his own car and follows closely.

The car drove through the city and gradually came to a place near the suburbs. Here is the training base of the team. You can see that the door and yard are full of discarded tires and various auto parts, and a strong smell of engine oil comes to your face.

"Mr. Zhang, I found a partner." In the office of the training base, qiulingyao says to a man with a dignified face, pulling Ye CuO beside her.

The man looked at Ye CuO in front of him, frowned and said, "which team did you belong to before?"

Zhang Xiaohao said on one side: "if I ask you something, which team has made any achievements before? If not, let's go as soon as possible. There is no shortage of idle people in our team. "

Ye CuO glanced at him and didn't speak.

Qiuling Yaolian said: "Mr. Zhang, he has never participated in racing before, but he is very talented. Do you remember the taxi that ran into the track in the last city cross-country race? Many netizens said that although I won the championship that time, I still lost to it. "

Zhang pointed to Ye CuO curiously: "do you mean that he drove the taxi?"

Qiu lingyao nodded.

Zhang Xiaohao said: "it's impossible. After that race, many reporters and teams got into the taxi. It was obviously driven by an uncle."

Qiu lingyao ignored him directly and said to Mr. Zhang: "Mr. Zhang, please believe me, it's him who drives it. I went after it and saw it with my own eyes. And after leaving the track, because there was no blocking, I almost didn't even keep up with his car. "

Zhang Zong's face was shocked: "impossible, Xiaoqiu? I know your driving skills. Don't exaggerate him to cheat me. "

Zhang Xiaohao said on one side: "Dad, Yao Yao is exaggerating. This boy has never had racing experience. How can he --"

"Shut up! How many times have I told you to call me Mr. Zhang in the company. Also, the last time you drove away the main drivers of the team, I reminded you that you should stay away from the management of the team and focus on the car. What's your performance on the field now? I don't think you're a disgrace. "

Zhang Xiaohao flushed and lowered his head. His facial muscles twitched a few times: "I know, Mr. Zhang." He always put on a look that the motorcade was the property of his family, but he didn't expect to be beaten in the face by his father as soon as he came up.

General manager Zhang eased his complexion and said to Qiu lingyao: "Xiao Qiu, we believe in your recommendation, but... It's very dangerous for a driver who has no racing experience to get on the track. Racing cars are prone to accidents, so... "

"Mr. Zhang, we can give him a trial run. You can see his performance. He is very strong." Qiuling Yao is eager to go to the tunnel.

Mr. Zhang looked at Ye CuO and saw that he didn't care. He looked very confident and nodded: "well, the track is empty now. Xiaoqiu, you can take him to the garage. Let's see how fast he is."

Qiu lingyao looks happy and nods

Zhang Xiaohao suddenly said: "Mr. Zhang, if you let him run directly, maybe he can't play his real strength. I have a proposal. I'll have a match with him. Maybe it can stimulate his potential, let him show his real strength and be good for the team

Qiu lingyao looks cold: "Zhang Xiaohao, what do you want to do?"

"Why not, Yao Yao? Don't you say he's very strong? So why be afraid? Is it because he's afraid that if he compares with me, he'll show up? " Zhang Xiaohao has a smile that he thinks is very natural and unrestrained.

"She's afraid you'll be abused." The leaf is wrong in one side, the corner of the mouth is taking one silk to dally smile.

Zhang Xiaohao looked cold: "ridiculous! Boy, not everyone can play the car, and not everyone can afford it. Since you are so arrogant, I'll see you on the track. "

On the track, two Volkswagen Polo cars gallop. Qiulingyao, Suya and president Zhang are all watching from the stands beside the track. Suya's face is a little excited. Like qiulingyao, they are looking forward to Ye CuO's win.

"Boy, it's a waste to drive such a good car for you. Don't be afraid later. Your hands are shaking and you hit the car Zhang Xiaohao has a look of contempt.

Ye CuO raised a bad smile at the corner of his mouth: "man, it's boring to run on this track. Dare you go out with me on the viaduct?"

"Afraid of you?" Zhang Xiaohao was immediately excited, and the two men turned their car and rushed to the outside of the training base.

All three people in the stands were hoodwinked: "where are they going?"

The two men's car rushed out of the training base and stopped at a traffic light. Ye CuO pointed to the viaduct not far away: "let's go up at this intersection and come down at the intersection of 10 kilometers. Whoever comes back first will win."

Zhang Xiaohao sneered and gave a thumbs up to Ye Cuo, then turned half a circle, thumbs down.

When the green light is on, Zhang Xiaohao's car roars and rushes out. It flies on the viaduct. At the moment of starting, it throws Ye CuO away. He even put his hand out of the window and made a "goodbye" gesture to yecuo.

Ye CuO smiles and drives slowly, as if without any pressure, onto the viaduct. At this time, Zhang Xiaohao has run almost invisible.

Here qiulingyao, Suya and president Zhang ran out, their faces changed: "are they going to race on the viaduct?"

"Asshole! I have to deal with him when I go back! " Mr. Zhang couldn't help scolding.

Qiu lingyao and Su Ya's faces have changed. On the one hand, they hope Ye CuO can win, but on the other hand, it's too dangerous to race on the high road. They can't help but worry.

And ye CuO on the elevated road is still driving slowly, as if he is confident that he can overtake.

More than ten minutes later, at an intersection, Zhang Xiaohao's car stopped at the side of the road, facing several traffic policemen who grabbed him, nodded and bowed, pretending to be his grandson: "big brother, I'm a racing driver, I'm racing, you let me go."

"Fart! Is there any competition on the elevated road? You're speeding. You're going to be detained. Do you know that? "

Zhang Xiaohao pleaded: "I'm really a racing driver. My opponent is behind me. You see, that's the one. If you stop him, he can prove it to me. "

Several traffic policemen looked at each other and stopped Ye CuO's car: "this man said he was racing with you, is that so?"

Leaf wrong probe looked, a face at a loss: "I don't know him."

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