"What? He... "

"The bastard!"


At that time, Liu Er Pang, who was still scolding Ye CuO's toad for eating swan meat, had a fat face like a beaten pig's head, pointing to Ye CuO's trembling and unable to speak: "you... You..."

Just now, Zhang tianzhe, who is still triumphantly preparing to watch jokes with a group of younger brothers, is as pale as ashes; The boys who usually hold him higher than the sky around him can't help but switch to see his reaction at this time, but Zhang tianzhe has been in a mess; He won't think that ye Cuo, who was so cowardly before, even dared to confess to Su Ya in front of all the teachers and students.

The awkward coughing of his younger brothers makes Zhang tianzhe feel that he has lost all his face. He is very angry, but he can't find a place to vent his anger. He didn't expect that the trap he designed helped Ye CuO to express himself in front of everyone.

At this time, the whole playground teachers and students in silence for a few seconds, broke out a roaring noise, the scene completely out of control.

Some people who secretly love Suya scold Ye Cuo, the toad wants to eat swan meat. In fact, in their hearts, what they scold is why it's not themselves who stand on the stage to express themselves. If they do this, it's worth it even if they die;

Others are surprised and admire Ye CuO's courage.

Many girls are in the spotlight. Sixteen or seventeen is the time to pursue vigorous love. Many girls even fantasize at this time. If ye CuO expresses himself at this time, even if he is publicly criticized by the whole school, she agrees; Many girls who have never looked at Ye CuO in the eye before, at this time, the only protagonist in their eyes has become Ye Cuo.

At this time, many boys took the opportunity to make a noise. Whistles and noise completely covered the voice of the headmaster and teaching director on the rostrum. Many troublemakers also took the opportunity to throw mineral water bottles and all kinds of garbage on the rostrum.

Liu Er Pang grabs the microphone and shouts out: "silence! Silence I was yelled in the face by a sneaker.

"Break up, break up!"!, All the students should go back to the classroom, or they will be criticized! "

With the efforts of all the teachers in the school, the uproar finally subsided.

Many teachers look at Ye CuO with complicated eyes. There is even a male teacher who likes Lin Qingxue but doesn't dare to express himself. He pats Ye CuO on the shoulder and gives him a thumbs up. Of course, this teacher didn't dare to let Liu Er Pang see him.

Ye Cuo, who is standing on the stage, only looks at Su ya. He can feel Su Ya's surprise for a moment after his words are uttered, as well as his curiosity about himself.

Although only a short moment, but the beauty and wisdom of the girl, but also have found, at this time of Ye Cuo, seems to be different from before.

Su Ya has been looking at Ye Cuo, dark beautiful eyes deep like water, seems to want to see through Ye Cuo.

Snow white teeth biting the lower lip, trying to make themselves look not so shy, but that a small face already can't help reddening.

The school leaders prepared to make an example of a meeting, and finally became a farce, Liu Er Pang looked at Ye CuO viciously: "wait for us to discuss a way to deal with you!"

Lin Qingxue looks at Ye CuO in silence, but she doesn't expect that her boy, who usually seems cowardly, can make such a surprising move; But to be honest, if ye CuO really admits his mistake, he will certainly look down on him.

"Brother, you are too powerful today." After school, a slim figure jumped in front of Ye CuO and said with flying eyebrows.

This is Ye CuO's sister, ye Qianqian. Her soft hair is tied up with cheap rubber bands at will, but she can't hide her beautiful and amazing face. She has a pair of big watery eyes with slightly upturned corners.

Curved eyelashes blink, with a hint of playfulness, pink lips soft like a petal, people can't help but want to kiss.

Although the body is not yet fully developed, it looks a little thin, but from the beautiful face can be seen, after growing up is definitely a beauty embryo.

Ye CuO looks at Ye Qianqian a little distracted. For him, it has not been seen for more than ten years. What impresses him most is Qian Qian's desperate eyes and haggard face before he died, which is so distressing.

At this time goodbye, ye CuO can't help clenching his fists. In this life, he must never let the tragedy repeat itself. He must give his sister and parents a truly happy life.

Ye Qianqian was staring at Ye Cuo, and she couldn't help blushing. Her small white hand came out and shook in front of Ye CuO: "Hey, are you stupid?"

Ye CuO suddenly returned to his senses, deliberately pretending to be lusty, looked at Ye Qianqian up and down, and said, "I only found out today that my sister was also a beautiful woman. If she could dress up well, she would not be inferior to the three school flowers."

"Hum!" Ye Qianqian tilted his head, "what's the point? I really didn't expect that I had such a lecherous brother as you, who was only a junior in senior high school, and dared to write love letters to school flowers. If it wasn't for your manly performance today, I would never talk to you again. "

Ye CuO's heart moved. In the previous life, in order to let the school reduce his punishment, he admitted his mistakes on stage, but he was not forgiven. Instead, he was looked down upon and humiliated by all kinds of people, and the school did not reduce his punishment at all.

Three thousand yuan deposit, for ye CuO's poor family, is just like an astronomical number, directly crushing the whole family. Since then, her sister has despised herself and is no longer willing to talk to her.

Although Liu Er Pang told her that she had to pay 5000 yuan as a deposit, at least her sister didn't look down on her.

Ye CuO smile, looking at the side with a shallow smile, but more worried sister. Of course, he knew what she was worried about. As he was preparing to speak, ye Qianqian spoke first.

"Brother, I don't miss books any more." Ye Qianqian spoke in a low voice. Although his voice was as smooth as possible, ye CuO could still feel the meaning of crying.

"Why?" Ye CuO was shocked in his heart. His former sister also didn't study because of the deposit. Finally, she learned to be bad, until she committed suicide.

In this life, he never wanted to see a similar situation happen.

"Our tuition and living expenses for one semester are only half of the deposit. I don't want to add a burden to my family any more. My brother is a boy. Reading more books will bring great promise. I want to work and earn money. I've paid the deposit. My parents are too tired. I don't want them to have any more burden. " Ye Qianqian's big eyes twinkle with childlike innocence, with a trace of silly looking at Ye Cuo.

After listening to Ye Qianqian's words, ye CuO suddenly trembled in his heart: "silly girl!" He gently hugged Ye Qianqian, feeling the soft body in his arms, like a deer in general, sensitive slightly trembling.

"Of course, I'll solve the problems I've caused myself. Men have to be responsible. How can you stop studying? Besides, you're the first in the grade every time you take an exam. Don't worry. I have a way to make money. This little money is just a piece of cake for me. " Ye CuO said confidently.


"No, but!" Ye CuO said, stretched out his hand and patted Ye Qianqian's little butt: "from now on, listen to me!"

"Well..." Ye Qianqian's voice is as small as a mosquito. Being held by Ye Cuo, the hot man's breath from her body made her dizzy and nervous.

And leaf wrong this slap, just clap on the most sensitive buttock, let her can't help but whole body is a shiver.


"Yes? What's the matter? "

"Don't touch people's buttocks..."


Ye CuO takes back his hand like an electric shock. Looking at Ye Qianqian's red face, he can't help but feel embarrassed. But on the hand, that is full of the elastic hand feeling, is still staying.

Looking at Ye Qianqian's slender and budding posture like a flower in the breeze and standing there shyly, he could not help but sigh in his heart that his sister has grown up

The awkward atmosphere between them is getting stronger and stronger. Suddenly, ye Qianqian's eyes brighten. He points to Ye CuO's back and covers his mouth with one hand. His charming eyes are full of surprise: "brother, behind you..."

Ye CuO turned around, but found a beautiful face, dressed as white as snow, but it was su ya.

Even ye Cuo, who lived all his life, had to admit that Suya was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen - if she was only sixteen or seventeen years old now.

Ye CuO once had many women, tall, short, Chinese, foreign, but no matter what, these women must have a characteristic, that is beautiful.

But in the end, he found that no one could match Suya. Even now with the soul of an old man in his thirties, ye CuO can't help feeling a little blank in his brain when facing Suya at close range.

It's hard to know. As a killer, the most important thing is to keep calm at all times. Although Ye CuO had a great record in his previous life, he was known as the God of killing by people who were afraid of hearing about it, and his code name in the killer organization was "meteor".

Because he is using a flying knife, known as "meteor want you to die, Yama dare not disobey.".

He shot 246 times in his life, without a miss, and at this time when facing Suya, the moment of absence, if it is against the master, it is enough for him to die many times.

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