Ye CuO didn't hesitate. He immediately began to crack the protective array at the entrance of old Duhe's nest. It only took more than ten breaths. The black light flashed slightly. After a slight sound, the array was broken by Ye Cuo.

At this moment, in the cave, old Duhe, who was wearing a light blue robe, suddenly opened his closed eyes. Although Ye CuO's voice was very slight when he broke the array, he still couldn't hide the feeling of old Duhe.

"How can the array I set be broken? Who is so brave, and can break my array... It's the immortal thing of MI Chenchang! And who is the young man? Is it... "

Old Duhe's small eyes are propped up. His eyes are shocked and angry. At the same time, his mind goes out of the cave. Almost at the next moment when the array is broken, he finds the figures of MI Chenchang and ye Cuo.

"I haven't come to you yet, but you've brought it to me by yourself, hum!" With a flash of thought, Duhe's figure disappeared in the original place. With doubt and anger on his face, he flew out of the cave quickly.

However, when the figure of old Duhe ghost just appeared at the entrance of the cave, a golden light also came in front of him. It was Ye CuO's blow.

When ye CuO's fist burst out, he had already found out. Although Ye CuO's fist seemed very powerful and shocked him, his reaction was not slow.

When ye CuO's golden fist arrived in front of him, the power of blood in his blood vessels converged on his fist, and then it was the same blow.

Then, a black fist collided with Ye CuO's golden fist, and the huge boom sounded like the thunder of the top of the sky.

In the deafening sound, it's like sparks splashing when grinding wheel cuts metal. Golden fists and black fists, golden light and black awn are like flames, flying wildly around.

"His strength, how can be so strong!"

Old Duhe felt the power of the golden fist, which was stronger than he expected. Shocked, he flew up to avoid being hurt.


The power contained in the golden fist and the black fist burst out completely. Under the terrible shock wave, the mountain peak was shaken violently, countless soil and stones rolled down, and the cave collapsed in the roaring sound.

Old Duhe dodged the disaster, but he didn't have time to be happy, because at this time, MI Chenchang's attack came to his feet from the bottom up.

"Damn it

In his heart, Duhe scolded, and his black fist went down. At the same time, his figure disappeared in the original place.


In the roaring sound, with the help of the impact force formed after the collision of the two attacks, old Duhe flies to a higher place faster, so as to avoid the shock wave and injury.

Even so, old Duhe still felt that his body was shocked, and the blood in his body surged.

But fortunately, the shock was still within his tolerance, and his body was not hurt.

However, in the next moment, old Duhe found that he was too early to be happy. In the middle of the sky, he found a huge golden fist, which was like a little sun. With the speed that shocked him, it came from below.

"Asshole! Damn asshole

Old Duhe cursed in his heart, but he didn't dare to hesitate and face the huge golden fist directly, because he knew that even if he blocked the golden fist for a little delay, the next attack of MI Chenchang might hurt him.

Therefore, at this moment, he did not seek to hurt the enemy, but only to protect himself. His figure moved horizontally quickly, and he planned to open a distance first, and then take a breath.

"What happened?"

"What's the matter? It seems that someone is fighting in the back mountain?"

"It's master Duhe who is practicing in the back mountain. Is it that master Duhe has recovered from his injury, and his strength still has a breakthrough, and he is testing his strength?"

"No, it sounds like a battle has really broken out. Master Duhe is in the back mountain. One of the two sides in the battle must be master Duhe, but... Who is master Duhe fighting with?"

"Is it mi Chenchang from xiaocan village who has killed me? I don't think so. How could mi Chenchang have the courage to come here? He won't be so suicidal, will he? "

"No matter how much, let's go and have a look at the situation first..."

Hearing the huge roar from the back mountain, and even feeling the earth shaking under their feet, almost all the villagers in Chixi village changed their faces and looked towards the back mountain.

And some people are regardless of their guess is correct, the figure has disappeared in place, with the fastest speed to rush to the mountain.

"Mi Chenchang, you old immortal, dare to appear here now, and want to attack me secretly. I think you really don't think you died early enough!"

Old Duhe's figure moved rapidly, and he said angrily: "originally, I wanted to live one or two more days. Now that you've sent it to me, I'll let you have no return today!"

"Old Duhe, do you think you still have a chance? Today is the day of your death Mi Chenchang said with a sneer, and chased after the poisonous old ghost.

At this time, ye CuO's figure also flew into the air, his eyes twinkled with killing intention, and his voice was full of cold meaning: "old Duhe, now you are dying, do you want to threaten others? You'd better think about it. What's your last word? Otherwise, you will have no chance soon! "

Although in the world of the moon, only those who ascend the pulse realm can have the ability to fly, and when he was seriously injured, he couldn't fly, but now his injury is healed, and his strength is equal to that of those who ascend the pulse realm. Naturally, he can fly.

In a flash, ye CuO and MI Chenchang's attack, once again toward the old man Duhe, who naturally won't wait to die. The blood power in his body boils up, and his hands send out fierce attacks.

Boom, boom

For a moment, the three people in the sky attack constantly out of the hand, the huge roar continues to ring, the light of the road flickering together.

After each collision, the three men's attack exploded like a gorgeous fireworks, almost covering the whole sky above Chixi village.

Although the battle took place in the air, it was still affected by the battle below. The mountains were rocked violently, the ground was bombarded with holes of different sizes and depths, and countless pieces of gravel were shot in all directions in the dust.

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