Ye cuozheng is flying with all his strength, but suddenly he finds that the scene in front of him has changed. His heart is not only confused, but also a little worried. After all, the unknown is more terrible.

"Mirage, mirage?"

Because the illusion is not so confusing, ye CuO can distinguish it almost instantly. At the same time, he also finds that the dark abyss behind is also affected by the illusion.

However, he also found that the effect of the illusion on heiyuan was very small. After a pause, he continued to chase him. So he immediately gave up the idea of taking the opportunity to deal with heiyuan and continued to fly forward.

However, at this time, ye CuO found that the scene in front of him changed again, and the bewilderment of the dreamland became stronger. It took him a few breath to break free from the dreamland.

"How can one illusion after another suddenly appear?"

Ye CuO was puzzled as he flew. From the information he learned, this was a situation he had never heard of. Then he couldn't help guessing: "is it because of the escape from the abyss?"

"Damn it! Why is this dreamland so strong... "

When ye CuO thinks about it, heiyuan, not far behind him, also breaks away from the dreamland. Even though ye CuO wakes up from the dreamland faster than himself, he also opens up a lot of distance.

"How could he! Is he not at all affected by the illusions? "

Heiyuan was shocked at first, but then worried: "in a little while, Dan Zun's medicine garden will be closed. If it goes on like this, if it still can't catch up with him

Do you really want to be put off by him, and then escape from Dan Zun's medicine garden by him? Once you let him leave Dan Zun's medicine garden and return to the world of the moon, it's not so easy to find him again... "

In this way, after a while, although heiyuan was a little closer, it also found that with the passage of time, the power of mirage became stronger and stronger, it was more and more affected, and it took more and more time to break away from the mirage.

"It seems that the dark abyss is more influenced by mirage than I am?"

Ye CuO noticed that the time for heiyuan to break away from the dreamland was a little longer than him most of the time, but he was not happy when he failed to get rid of heiyuan.

Moreover, the next fantasy he will fall into may be more powerful, even more powerful than the fantasy he will fall into in the dark abyss.

"If you can make the dark abyss fall into the illusion more powerful, and make it unable to come out in a short time, that's good..." ye cuozheng thought of this, and suddenly his heart moved, because he thought of a way.

"Last time on that island, the eye of the magic array and the white bead had the effect of creating an illusion. Is it possible to use it to enhance the power of the illusion to deal with the black abyss?"

Ye CuO began to take out the white bead quickly, study the white bead and think about it. One by one, the methods flashed out in his mind, and then he denied it.

After a while, he found that white beads can really enhance the power of fantasy. Then he quickly figured out how to make white beads connect with fantasy, and came up with a method with a high success rate to deal with the dark abyss.

"Just do it!"

Ye CuO didn't hesitate, but he started to act. However, in the process, he found that the key of Dan Zun's medicine garden had changed.

"Dan Zun's medicine garden is closing?"

What's the reaction of "key" to the closing of danzun's medicine garden? So at this time, he can be sure that danzun's medicine garden will be closed soon, which also means that he can return to the world of the moon soon.

However, it should be a while before he can go out. In order to prevent being caught up by the black abyss before he leaves, his plan did not stop. He still used the fastest speed to make the white beads connect with the mirage, and then he could exert the greatest power.

"It's done!"

The whole process was just a few breaths. When it was successfully completed, his heart was a sneer, and even some expectation.

When ye CuO flew out of a distance, he found that heiyuan flew into the dreamland he had passed before, and then he thought: "explosion!"

In Ye CuO's heart, when he read out the explosion, the white bead in the dreamland suddenly cracked.

Then, ye CuO saw that the figure of heiyuan stopped, as if he had encountered something that made him very angry. He roared and attacked wildly.


When ye CuO saw that his plan was successful, he couldn't help looking happy. He even had the idea of going back to deal with heiyuan, but it was only in a moment that he gave up the idea.

"The time has come!" Ye CuO had just given up his thought, and then he decided from the change of "key" that the time had come to leave Dan Zun's medicine garden. With the help of "key", he could return to the world of the moon.

"No matter it, you'd better leave the danzun medicine garden first!"

After the idea flashed, ye CuO didn't hesitate. He immediately took out the "key". After activating the "key" according to the familiar method, his figure was immediately covered by a light cage.

Just in a flash, his figure disappeared, and the "key" left in the original place also turned into a light, passed in the air, and quickly disappeared.

"Finally out of the mirage! Huh? Where's that damned guy... Damn, he must have run out! "

When heiyuan wakes up from the dreamland, he finds that ye CuO has already disappeared. He knows that ye CuO has left Dan Zun's medicine garden, which makes him roar angrily.

"Ah... Damn boy! This time, you are lucky

"However, I finally gathered my body. Now I can leave here and go to the world of the moon... Hum! If I meet you again, I will not let you go when I get to the world of the moon! "

After a few roars, heiyuan gradually calmed down, and a "key" appeared in his hand. Then his figure disappeared, and he also left the danzun medicine garden.


Originally calm space, suddenly produced a circle of ripples like fluctuations, followed by a figure out of thin air, it is just from Dan Zun medicine garden out of Ye Cuo.

"Finally back to the world of the moon!"

Ye CuO looked around for a while, and found no half figure. He was relieved, but he still kept Alert: "I don't know how long it will take heiyuan to wake up... After waking up, he will definitely leave danzun medicine garden!"

Although it's not likely that heiyuan and he will appear in the same place, he decided to leave the mountain immediately just in case, which is the safest, so he immediately turned into a startled goose and flew to the distance.

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