In the twinkling of an eye, it has been three days since Ye CuO returned to the holy city of MI nationality.

Ye CuO was in the holy city of the MI nationality. In addition to his servants in the holy court, he continued to inquire about the news in various ways. For this reason, he even went to other cities to control some people and let them help to inquire about the news.

However, after another five days, there is no good news either from the holy city of the MI nationality or from other cities.

Naturally, ye CuO can't give up. In order to leave the world of the moon as soon as possible, no matter how long, he will continue to inquire. He believes that the time to inquire about information is much shorter than the time to cultivate to have the ability to break the space barrier of the world of the moon.


Time flies.

Time passed year after year, and soon two years passed.

In the past two years, ye CuO's scope of information has not only been limited to the MI nationality, but also expanded to the Yue nationality in the north.

Of course, in addition to asking about the way to leave the world of the moon, ye CuO will not ignore the improvement of his own strength.

Two years ago, relying on his physical strength alone, his strength was only the level of the four robberies in xianmaijing. Even if he used other means, he could only compete with the general five robbers in xianmaijing.

But now, two years later, his physical body has become more powerful, which is completely comparable to the real five robberies in xianmaijing. He is confident that he has no fear of those powerful people in the five robberies in shangxianmaijing.

On this day, the holy city of MI nationality.

In a restaurant, in a private room with only two people, there are several kinds of delicious food and several pots of top-quality wine on the table.

Ye CuO took a sip of the wine, and then looked at the young man sitting at the table, who was dressed in blue and had a handsome appearance, but had a black beard on his chin.

"Brother Milei, you asked me out this time, and you also said that there was an important matter to discuss with me. I don't know what it was? You've been hanging my appetite for so long. Now you should be able to tell me? " Ye CuO asked with curiosity in his eyes.

This young man in blue, whose name is mi Lei, is a gifted man who ye CuO has "made friends" with in order to find out more information in the past two years.

In addition to his great strength among the five calamities in the immortal vein realm, MI Lei can enter the taixuan realm as long as he does not die. At the same time, MI Lei also has a Laozi in the taixuan realm.

More than a year ago, when ye CuO chose Mi Lei as his target, he wanted to control Mi Lei's spirit and turn him into his own servant.

However, because Mi Lei is too valued by the powerful taixuan people in the holy courtyard of the MI nationality, if he controls his spirit, he may be noticed by the powerful taixuan people in the holy courtyard, and then he will be in danger, so ye CuO gives up his plan to control Mi Lei at risk.

After some consideration and inquiry, ye CuO finds that Milei is looking for a treasure. Among the things he got from the heiyuan store ring, there is exactly what Milei wants.

As a result, ye CuO thought a little carefully, making the process of MI Lei's treasure hunting more tortuous, and making Mi Lei pay a great price. Finally, he let Mi Lei get the treasure.

Since then, "hard work" for a long time, to help Mi Lei find the treasure of Ye Cuo, naturally and Mi Lei established a good relationship.

In the following year, under Ye CuO's special maintenance, the friendship between him and Milei naturally became more "profound".

Although Ye CuO has not yet found out the way to leave the world of the moon, he knows a little bit about the secrets of the world of the moon through Mi Lei and the taixuan strongman behind Mi Lei.

Just this morning, when ye CuO was still practicing, he suddenly received a message from MI Lei, so he came here at Mi Lei's invitation.

"Ha ha..."

Mi Lei chuckled twice, then looked at Ye CuO and said, "brother Mi Li, I didn't mean to make you lose your appetite... Of course, even if brother Mi Li didn't ask, I would tell you right away!"

Milei's name of Mili is naturally the pseudonym of Ye Cuo. It's a new identity he created more than a year ago in order to "make friends" with Milei.

After hearing what Mi Lei said, ye CuO looked at Mi Lei with a smile, and then said, "please speak quickly, brother Mi Lei. I've been listening to you for a long time

Mi Lei did plan to say it, so he didn't hesitate any more and said directly: "brother Mi Li, do you remember that I told you last time that I planned to go to the holy lake with you for treasure hunting?"

"To the holy lake for treasure?"

Ye CuO's heart moved, but his face was puzzled at first, and then he said with a smile: "I remember what brother Milei said. Of course, I always remember it!"

After a pause, ye CuO then asked, "brother Mi Lei, you asked me to come here today. Is that why you came here? Are you going to search for treasure in the holy lake

"You guessed right. The important thing I told you before is about the holy lake!"

Mi Lei nodded, but stopped for a while. After drinking the wine in his glass, he continued: "however, what I want to say is related to the holy lake, but it's not the nature of the holy lake treasure hunt that I told you last time..."

Ye CuO couldn't help being puzzled and said in secret: "isn't that kind of treasure hunt? What does he mean by this? Isn't treasure hunting in the holy lake the same as treasure hunting in the holy lake? What's the nature of treasure hunting? "

Ye Cuo, of course, knows about the holy lake. It is a huge lake that separates the MI and the Yue. To the south of the holy lake is Beiyang state of the MI, and to the north of the holy lake is pozhou of the Yue.

A long time ago, the internal strife of the miyue clan had not yet split into the miyue clan and the Yue clan. When the treasure of the miyue clan, miyue Shenzhu, was split into two parts, it was burst out by the terrifying power of the miyue Shenzhu, which exploded a huge pit.

Later, after a period of time, rivers converged from all directions and poured into this huge pit, which gradually turned into a lake.

Moreover, the central area of this lake was actually the holy city of the moon people at that time. However, with the explosion of the moon god beads, a huge pit was blown out. Naturally, the holy city of the moon people in the center of the explosion could not be preserved.

Although the holy city of miyue clan was destroyed, many treasures were not destroyed because of the array or some special protection methods.

Soon after the complete division of the miyue people into the miyue people and the Yue people, the name of the great lake, the holy lake, was gradually called.

After a period of time, one or two treasures will appear from time to time in the holy lake, which belong to the holy city of the miyue people before the division of the miyue people.

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