When the light blue dragon scale appeared on aoqiong, ye CuO knew that aoqiong had really used the power of the real dragon blood, which would enhance aoqiong's attack and defense.

Ye CuO snorts in his heart, and he has a silver sword of inferior immortal level in his hand. This is one of the spoils he got after he returned to Dongquan Kingdom, which is better and most suitable for him to use.

At the moment when the silver sword appeared, it suddenly twinkled with golden light. At the moment when aoqiong's figure disappeared, the golden sword awned like a wild dragon.


The golden sword came to aoqiong, but aoqiong still only used his fist covered with dragon scales to blow on the golden sword, and scattered the golden sword.

Ye CuO's figure flashed and split a sword again, but he was still dodged by AO dome. However, he was not surprised. When his figure flashed, there were dozens of golden swords shooting at Ao dome.

Ao Qiong still made a fist, but not one or two. Instead, he shot out nearly a hundred fists in an instant, blocking the golden sword, and there were still fists going to Ye Cuo.


Ye CuO's body is flexible and easy to dodge those fists. Suddenly, he exudes a strong sense of killing. With a violent drink in his mouth, the power of the real dragon's blood in his body rushes through the meridians and pours into the silver sword, exerting the first "star drop" in juesheng sword technique.

The next moment, I saw a golden sword shot away. Although it was just a sword, the speed of this sword was much faster than that of the previous golden sword, so fast that Ao Qiong could not dodge.


Aoqiong was hit by a chop. On his body's light shield, the light blue light flashed wildly, and his body flew upside down. But in the end, the light shield didn't break.

"Well, that's all!"

Ao Qiong disdains on the surface, but in fact he is surprised. When he feels Ye CuO's strong intention to kill and the momentum of the sword, he thinks he can escape, but he is split away.

"Yes? Then take my sword again

Ye CuO's intention to kill is more intense. As soon as his voice falls, the golden sword awn of the second form of "setting sun" in juesheng sword skill is like thunder across the sky, and it flashes away.


Ao Qiong guessed that ye CuO's sword would be faster and more powerful. He was ready, but he still couldn't avoid it. He could only resist it, but he was split again, and the transparent light shield vibrated.

"The power of the second style, even if this sword contains a trace of the mystery of the great killing technique, it really can't break his defense..." Ye CuO's mind flashed.

He had expected this result for a long time, so there was not much accident. After all, aoqiong was in the later stage of fairyland, and it was also the blood of a real dragon. Unless aoqiong was too careless, he would not be able to break the light shield with his sword just now.

"Just now, there is a trace of the mystery of the great killing technique! This little guy is a bit unexpected, but it's just a very weak secret of the great killing technique. Even the entry level of the great killing technique has not reached... "

Outside the transparent light shield, Ao Jing's face moved slightly. There was a flash of surprise and surprise in his eyes, and he even had a little expectation in his heart. He wanted to see if ye CuO could use a stronger sword to really reach the entry level of great killing.

"The second one doesn't work. Try the third one!"

Ye CuO's idea flashed, and he drank silently in his heart. He didn't hesitate to kill the evil. Before aoqiong attacked again, "the sword of breaking evil" had already gone away.

"This sword is faster and stronger!" Ao Qiong's face couldn't help changing. His brain gave instructions to his body to avoid, but his body's reaction speed was faster than that of the "sword of breaking evil".


Ao Qiong's figure once again flew into the transparent light shield, and his light blue defense light shield was split by the "sword of breaking evil" just for a moment.

"How could it be?" Ao Qiong couldn't believe it, but he also felt that the power of this sword had been consumed after breaking his defense light shield.

Nevertheless, he could not avoid it. His physical defense could not completely block the sword. In the next moment, a large area of dragon scales broke in his chest and abdomen, and there was a deep bone wound, and blood spattered out.

"What a killing intention Ao Jing's eyes lit up slightly and said in secret: "I didn't expect that this little guy could really use it to reach the entry level of great killing!"

Aoxu's idea is also in the transparent light. Although he has not practiced the great killing skill, he can feel it. Like Aojing, he can be sure that yecuo's great killing skill has reached the entry level.

"The great killing skill is originally the skill of killing and cutting. With the extremely sharp metal power, the power of this sword is really not weak..." Ao Xu said.

"What?" Ao Yu's face is shocked, can't help but low shout a, in the heart don't want to believe ground murmur: "how can he so quickly break open Ao dome's defense, how let Ao dome hurt?"

"Ye CuO's strength is really not weak!"

Aoyuan was not very surprised. His idea flashed by. Then he looked at Aoyu and said with a smile: "Aoyu, you can't believe it, can you? Now is just the beginning, the next thing will make you even more unbelievable! Hey, hey... You're ready to cry! "

"Well! It's too early for you to be happy

Ao Yu in order to use the fastest speed to fight back, so it is also the voice of God, tone coldly way: "Ao dome is just a little hurt, has no effect on his strength at all!"

"The power of the third style is really good. It's stronger than I expected... It's worthy of killing!" Ye CuO was quite satisfied with the power of the sword just now.

In the past month, he has realized the third form of "breaking evil" in juesheng sword, which is the first time he has used it in actual combat.

The power of the third type is so much stronger than that of the second type, mainly because the prerequisite for understanding this type is to reach the entry level of great killing.

Now, he is able to perform the third form of juesheng sword, that is to say, he has truly understood and refined the great killing technique in the three thousand Avenue.

Among the three thousand avenues, great killing ranks in the top 30. It is the way of killing. It can kill all things. No matter what obstacles are ahead, there is only one word "kill" in my heart. Kill it, destroy it and kill it.

Before he realized the great killing, he only had the great dragon Xiangshu to reach the entry level, but now he has two kinds of skills of three thousand avenue to reach the entry level.

As for the big roar skill he got from Hunyuan jinleiying a month ago, he has also tried to cultivate it this month, but he has not yet started.

For this result, ye CuO was not very surprised. After all, it was the skill of three thousand roads. It was very difficult to cultivate, and it was not so easy to understand.

Even though he believed that he would be able to practice the great roar successfully, it was impossible for him to do so in a month.

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