Ye CuO knew that the figure in front of him was not really Ao Yu, but an image of Ao Yu on the white bead.

Therefore, although Ye CuO sneers in his heart, he just listens quietly and doesn't say a word, because even if he talks, he won't get the answer from "Ao Yu", who only talks about what he left in advance.

"I know that you should have got the order of the real dragon pool now. In three or five days, you can enter the real dragon pool. When you enter the real dragon pool, you need to take something out of the real dragon pool for me..."

"I know. What you must be thinking now is, why do you follow my orders? Ha ha, because you have been poisoned by me now!

You don't believe it. Are you poisoned? In fact, I didn't poison you. I just let Ao Qiong poison you!

You can't imagine that when aoqiong was fighting with you, he could have poisoned you without your noticing? "

"Ao Yu" said here, but stopped not to say, seems to be to give ye CuO time, let Ye CuO carefully check whether they are poisoned.

At this time, although Ye CuO didn't believe that he was poisoned by AO Qiong, he did start to check himself. He would rather believe it or not.

However, after checking more than ten breaths, ye CuO didn't find any signs of poisoning in his body except the poison in his soul.

"Why did Ao Yu do this?" Ye CuO frowned and doubted: "is he trying to revenge me in this way for losing face and golden dragon ball? Is it naive to do so?

Does he think that doing so will affect my mood and state, and make me unable to get the benefits I should get after entering the real dragon pool? "

At this time, "Ao Yu" said again: "how, you checked, didn't you find that you were poisoned? Hehe, at the moment, you must be thinking, am I bluffing you? No doubt, of course, I mean, no doubt about your poisoning!

You also don't waste time to continue to check, trying to find the poison in your body, and find a way to detoxify, no matter what you do, you can't find the poison in your body!

This kind of poison, which is called "Tanzhen dragon poison", only has effect on the blood vessels of the real dragon. As long as it enters your body, it will be directly integrated with your blood vessels of the real dragon, and there is no trace at all! "

"The real dragon poison, what kind of poison is it?" Ye CuO doubts that this is a poison he has never heard of, and even thinks that it may be just Ao Yu's name.

Of course, he didn't believe Ao Yu's words. He didn't believe that he was poisoned. He didn't believe that if he was really poisoned, he would not find the real dragon poison.

"If you try, you'll know!" Ye CuO's mind flashed. The next moment, he had a black bottle in his hand. It was the black bottle that could produce Ming Luo Tian poison, but now he named it Ming Luo bottle.

However, this time, he was disappointed that he could sense a lot of poison. He tried several times, but the little bottle didn't feel the trace of the real dragon poison that Ao Yu said.

"Ao Yu" of course can't pay attention to what ye CuO did. He continued: "as long as you are obedient, do as I say, and take out what I want, then I can give you antidote and dissolve the real dragon poison in your body..."

At this time, ye CuO has realized that Ao Yu's trouble is not only because of Ao yuan's relationship, but also because of Ao Yu's real purpose.

"Hum!" Leaf wrong heart cold hum a, but didn't explode white bead son, still continue to listen to, he also want to know, Ao Yu's purpose exactly what.


In a blink of an eye, three days passed.

That morning, ye CuO left the main hall of Aoyuan in good spirits, and then came to the main hall where zhenlongchiling was made last time.

At this time, in the main hall, Ao Xu and the ten elders of the last time had already made preparations. They didn't say any more nonsense and let the teleportation array start to work.

"Is this the transmission array that can be transmitted to zhenlongchi?"

Ye CuO knows that this is a temporary transmission array, and it is a one-way transmission array, which can only be transmitted to the special space where the real dragon pool is located. Even after one transmission, it will destroy itself.

"Ye Cuo, you can remember all the precautions we told you a few days ago after entering the real dragon pool?" Ao Xu asked.

"Remember!" Ye CuO replied.

"Good!" Ao Xu nodded and said, "now that you have all remembered, there will be no problem. Now you can enter the teleportation array, and then we will teleport you to the real dragon pool!"

"Yes After ye cuoying, Yiyan goes to the teleport array, full of expectation, waiting for the moment when the teleport array opens and then enters the real dragon pool.

Seeing that ye CuO had entered the teleportation array, Ao Xu said to the other supreme elders, "all supreme elders, join me in opening the teleportation."

More than ten supreme elders either answered or nodded their heads. Then, without any hesitation, they immediately began to do what they were responsible for.

After a few breaths, the light of the teleportation array flourishes, and then the light disappears. Ye Cuo, who was just in the teleportation array, also disappears.

Ao Xu looked at the rapidly collapsing teleportation array, and then said to more than ten supreme elders, "you supreme elders, you have worked hard!"

"What's the point?"

"This is what we should do. The patriarch doesn't need to..."

"This little guy, before he entered the real dragon pool, the real dragon blood in his body is so pure, which is much more pure than before Aoyuan entered the real dragon pool in those years..."

"Good! At that time, with Aoyuan's real dragon blood concentration, Aoyuan tried to land on the island, but in the end, he failed, and there was still a short distance... "

"I don't know if ye CuO can successfully land on the island this time?"

"If he really succeeds in landing on the island, maybe we dragon people will..."

"Now, we don't know." Aoxu listened to the words of the other elders. He was silent for a moment. Then he said, "we have done everything we can. Whether we can successfully land on the island depends on his own."

"Well, the patriarch is right. Now we have to wait. Whether he can succeed or not depends on his strength... And luck!"

"However, it's too long since we dragon people have been able to successfully land on the island... Many estimates can't remember the specific time?"

"Yes, it's been a long time! But I hope he can make it

"Wish him success!"

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