Ye CuO naturally doesn't doubt Su Ya's words at all. It's not only because of his trust in Su ya, but also because it's a proven fact.

Otherwise, if those heavenly beings can really deduce it, how can the forces of all parties be teased and beaten so fiercely after the appearance of fake Hongmeng Ziqi so many times over the years?

Although he was later framed by Qin Fusu and became a "red man" pursued by various forces, ye CuO thinks that it is undeniable that the drama staged by various forces is still wonderful.

However, there is one thing that makes Ye CuO a little strange, because he hasn't got any information about Qin Fusu over the years.

Of course, because Hongmeng Ziqi is about to appear, ye CuO will not waste his precious time even if he wants to deal with Qin Fusu. He will continue to spend his time on cultivation.


Time flies, the ancient star time, and the past millennium.

On this day, after a period of time, ye CuO returned to Xianyu again, appeared on a coast in the west of Xianyu, and then went through the void again.

When ye CuO's last journey through the void ended, he had come to the sea area between the immortal realm and the netherworld, which is located in the northeast of the netherworld.

"Here is the netherworld sea of blood..."

Ye Cuo, with a new face, stands more than ten meters above the sea. Looking at the red sea below, he murmurs in a low voice.

Ye CuO has known about the netherworld blood sea for a long time, because he was an archaic demon. After he was severely damaged by those gods, his body was sealed and suppressed in the netherworld blood sea.

In the time of the earth, the body of Taigu heavenly devil was put in the Danhuang Ding by him, but until now, there has been no movement.

Of course, this time he came here, he did not want to send the body of the archaic heavenly Devil Back to the place where the body of the archaic heavenly devil was sealed under the netherworld sea of blood.

Ye CuO's goal here is Hongmeng Ziqi, because according to the information deduced by Su ya, Hongmeng Ziqi is only about 100 years old.

Moreover, the place where Hongmeng Ziqi appeared was within the scope of this sea of blood, so ye CuO came here immediately.

Ye CuO is very clear that when Hongmeng Ziqi really comes into the world, there will be a very big movement, and it will certainly attract countless strong people to fight for it at that time.

Since ye CuO knows that Hongmeng Ziqi will appear in the netherworld in the future, he naturally thinks that before Hongmeng Ziqi is born, he should find Hongmeng Ziqi and get Hongmeng Ziqi first.

After carefully searching for several days in the sea area of Youming blood sea, ye CuO didn't find Hongmeng Ziqi, but unconsciously, he found the place that sealed the body of Taigu heavenly devil on the bottom of the sea.

Ye CuO wants to go in and have a look, but he is blocked by the seal boundary. Originally, ye CuO didn't want to waste his time, so he wanted to leave, but unexpectedly he found an old acquaintance.

"Qin Fu Su? How can his separation appear here... "

Ye Cuo, who hides his body shape and breath, found that it was Qin Fusu. After a while, Qin Fusu carefully checked and found that no one else was nearby, so he went directly into the seal space.

"How did he get into this seal space?"

Ye CuO was secretly surprised, because as far as he knew, this seal space was jointly arranged by those heavenly masters.

Even after so many years, no one can enter the seal space, but he did not expect that Qin Fusu went in easily.

At the same time, ye CuO began to wonder: "what else is he doing in it? Is Qin Fusu's real body hiding in this seal space all the time? "

The next time, ye CuO left a magic spirit separation, monitoring the movement here to see if Qin Fusu's separation will still appear.

Of course, another and more important purpose is to study the boundary of seal space, hoping to find a way to enter the seal space, find out why Qin Fusu came here and see if Qin Fusu was in it.

At the same time, ye CuO is also seizing the time to continue to search other areas carefully, hoping to find the whereabouts of Hongmeng Ziqi as soon as possible.

After a year, ye CuO didn't find Hongmeng Ziqi, but he saw that Qin Fusu came out of the seal space again. He could be sure that this was Qin Fusu's part.

"The master of Qin Fusu is still in the seal space!" Hidden not far away, ye CuO is separated into two parts, with a secret way in his heart.

More than half a year later, ye CuO received new news again, and the fake Hongmeng Ziqi appeared in the archaic stars.

However, ye CuO doesn't care much, because at this time, with the efforts of many people, he has got the way to enter the seal space.

Moreover, now it is almost possible to succeed. By that time, he will be able to immediately find out the situation in the seal space.

Before long, ye CuO's separation finally penetrated the boundary of seal space, and then in addition to discovering that Qin Fusu was really inside, he also discovered another bigger secret.

"Hongmeng Ziqi is in the seal space!"

Ye CuO can be absolutely sure that he won't make a mistake. Hongmeng Ziqi is really in the seal space. This discovery made him feel ecstatic.

However, there is another bad situation, that is, Qin Fusu is in the seal space because he is refining Hongmeng purple Qi at this time.

"So it is! The mysterious leader of the blood moon cult is Qin Fusu... "

At this time, ye CuO also instantly understood many things. He knew that the fake Hongmeng purple Qi was made by Qin Fusu by imitating the real Hongmeng purple Qi inside.

"It's no wonder that we can confuse the true with the false, so that the strong of all forces can't distinguish it from the false Hongmeng Ziqi. If it's estimated to be right, it should be because there is a trace of the true Hongmeng Ziqi..."

"Fortunately, it's not too late. Otherwise, if Hongmeng Ziqi is really refined by Qin Fusu and makes Qin Fusu a saint, the consequence will be..."

When ye CuO rushes over, his thoughts flash out in his heart. At the same time, he is glad. Then he immediately discusses the next detailed plan with Su Ya and others.

Before long, after discussing the detailed plan, ye CuO came to the outside of the seal space again, and quickly began to make a layout at the entrance of the seal space.

This is mainly to prevent Qin Fusu from escaping. At the same time, it is also to make Qin Fusu unable to get in touch with others and disclose the situation here.

After everything was arranged properly, ye CuO did not delay any more time, and then entered the seal space in silence.

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