"Thank you." Lin Qingxue smiles and takes the beer.

In fact, she seldom drinks alcohol, but today I don't know why, just want to get drunk.

After taking a big sip of the beer, Lin Qingxue's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled: "ah, it's so bitter!"

Ye CuO smiles: "after getting drunk, I don't feel bitter."

Lin Qingxue said: "life is like this. If you paralyze yourself and make yourself drunk, you won't feel pain."

She looked at the lights at the foot of the mountain, as if they were at the foot, so far and so close. The gentle mountain breeze made her feel as if the world had nothing to do with her. After many days of depression, she finally had a chance to relax.

Ye CuO watched her shrink her neck slightly in the night wind, took off her coat, put it on her, and said: "there is no need to be so negative. There are many variables in life, and many things that seem certain will change in the end."

Lin Qingxue is put on the coat by Ye Cuo. She feels warm in her heart. She met a lot of courteous men every day, but such real and subtle care was rare. If it's another man, I'm afraid I'll give her a hug and a pinch when I put on a condom.

Only Ye Cuo, casually to her. On. Outside. Cover, with eyes, only concern and sincerity. Lin Qingxue looks at him and suddenly feels that it would be better if ye CuO was a few years older.

Think of here, Lin light snow suddenly a little afraid of discovery, when, in front of this boy to his impression is so good? I'm expecting him to grow up and protect myself. Is it because of what happened today that I was deeply impressed that I came up with this absurd idea?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingxue is a little gloomy. Ye CuO can't grow up quickly, and there's no way to solve her dilemma.

Lin Qingxue said: "who can change it for me? My family is stubborn. They won't allow me to repent. If there is a man who can change this for me, I will marry him. "

Ye CuO smiles: "what if I can change this for you?"

Lin Qingxue did not want to, blurted out: "then I will marry you." With that, Lin Qingxue immediately realized what she had said. Her face turned red and she was a little flustered. She also did not expect that she said it casually. Looking at Ye CuO with a smile of satisfaction, she said angrily: "well, you dare to tease the teacher!"

Ye CuO said solemnly: "in fact, I haven't always regarded you as a teacher in my heart."

Lin Qingxue took a sip of wine, covered up the embarrassment and said, "what do you think of me?"

Ye mistakenly thought and said, "be a sister."

Lin Qingxue's eyes brightened slightly: "well, why don't I be your sister. In fact, I always want to have a younger brother. I grew up on my own when I was young. My parents always forced me to do things I didn't want to do. No one wanted to listen to what I wanted to say in my heart

Ye CuO nodded and said impolitely, "then I'll call you sister Xue."

"Good!" Lin Qingxue smiles sweetly, touches the beer can with Ye Cuo, and looks obviously better. "Today's thing, I still want to thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would be pulled to resign by Yang Dawei."

Ye CuO said: "even your fiance is not qualified to interfere in your personal life, is he? Everyone has his own business to do. How dare he do that? "

Lin Qingxue quietly drank a mouthful of wine: "because he has no fear, he knows I dare not repent."

Ye CuO said curiously, "why?"

Lin Qingxue gave a bitter smile: "in fact, my family is not an ordinary family. I don't know if you've ever heard of Lin's group -- "after that, I read Ye CuO's reaction." it's normal that you haven't heard of it. Even in the whole Yunhai City, my family's business can't rank too high. But the Yang family is different. Their family business is among the top ten in Yunhai city. My father has many brothers, but only my family, no boy, only I am a girl, and I don't like doing business. My father felt that their status and business in the family would not belong to them sooner or later if they did not get close to the Yang family. "

"So, are you going to sacrifice your happiness for the rest of your life?" Ye CuO finds it difficult to understand this kind of people's thinking. In his opinion, isn't the people around him the most important?

Lin Qingxue gulped beer: "for the life of luxury, a daughter is relatively not very important. And they think they're doing me good. Many of my ideas are childish in their eyes. They think that when I get to their age, I will regret not choosing a better life. "

"Drink less, don't get drunk." Ye CuO is a little worried.

"Don't stop me." Lin Qingxue seldom drinks. At this time, she obviously has drunk a little too much. In addition, she is in a depressed mood and can't help pouring her own wine.

Ye mistakenly thought and diverted his attention, saying: "look at the foot of the mountain, the prosperous world is trampled by us. If you are not happy, shout out and scold."

Lin Qingxue stands up wobbly. Ye CuO is afraid that she will fall down and helps her up. Lin Qingxue leans on Ye CuO's body and breathes out a slightly drunken wine, which can't be dissolved in the air. It makes people feel soft.

Ye CuO doesn't know where to put his hand, so he can only hold Lin Qingxue's body with his shoulder and don't let her fall.

Lin Qingxue obviously drank a little too much at this time, shouting to the neon at the foot of the mountain: "ah - I'm not happy!"!!! Why do I always have to do things I don't like? I don't want to marry someone I don't like! Who can help me change my destiny, I will marry him

After shouting, Lin Qingxue turned around and said to Ye Cuo, "why don't you shout?" Finish saying the foot a falter, the whole person pours in the leaf wrong bosom, she a face pastes on the leaf wrong face all of a sudden.

People who have been drunk know that when people are completely drunk, they will become extremely heavy. Because drunken people don't try their best to grasp others. Their bodies are soft like a mass of cotton, which is hard to hold.

"Sister Xue, you are drunk. Shall we go back?" Ye CuO feels a little embarrassed. He wanted to ease Lin Qingxue's mood, but he didn't expect that when a can of beer went down, Lin Qingxue changed from depression to hyperactivity.

Lin Qingxue hugs Ye CuO's neck with her hand, and a small mouth blows air in Ye CuO's ear, which makes Ye CuO's ear itch incomparably. She feels that her hair is standing up. Lin Qingxue muttered, "no, you haven't called yet."

"Me? All right Ye CuO pretended to shout at the foot of the mountain, "ah... I'm drunk."

Lin Qingxue giggled: "you're not right. You don't have momentum. You should shout like this. Ah -- "

Lin Qingxue's scream is in Ye CuO's ear. The girl's voice is high. Ye CuO's eardrum makes a sound. Lin Qingxue saw that ye CuO frowned and laughed wildly: "isn't it very powerful? Ha ha ha

Lin Qingxue said, her face arched in Ye CuO's neck, like looking for a comfortable nest. Ye CuO felt that Liu Xiahui, who was not in a mess at the beginning, must have been Sister Feng. If she was such a beautiful woman as Lin Qingxue, no man could really be in a mess.

"Sister Xue, let's go home. It's very cold at night on the mountain. I'll catch a cold. " Ye CuO holds Lin Qingxue and walks towards the bicycle. Unfortunately, it's not a car. Lin Qingxue can't sit on the bike now, and they can't go at all.

"I will not go home. I have been a good child for more than 20 years, but what do I get? Hum, if I don't go home, I'll stay at night, I'll indulge! " Lin Qingxue is full of nonsense, "give me wine, I want to drink."

Ye CuO had no choice but to say: "no wine, you have drunk it all."

Lin Qingxue touched Ye CuO's face, and a soft little hand pinched Ye CuO's face: "really? You didn't lie to me? Then you buy it again. I haven't had enough. "

Ye CuO shook his head: "the shops are closed. I don't have to buy any more."

Lin Qingxue is drunk and confused at this time, and has a little incoherent, but a pair of small hands are still dishonestly touching Ye CuO's body: "I don't believe... Where are you hiding? Let me find it, I have to beat you hard... "

Ye CuO feels that his scalp is fried. Now it's summer, and they are both very thin. Originally, they were close to his body, which has made Ye CuO's blood boil. At this time, Lin Qingxue's little hand almost touched his whole body: "what... Hard against me..."

Lin Qingxue's small hand is very accurate, and he grabs the center of gravity.

"Ah Leaf wrong whole body is a shock, a soft foot, holding Lin light snow fell to the ground.

Lin Qingxue lies on Ye CuO's body and groans comfortably. Her eyes are a little like Fan Bingbing. The corners of her eyes are slightly upturned. She is naturally charming. At this time, under the action of alcohol, his cheeks turned red slightly. He exhaled warm air in his mouth. With a bad smile, he looked at Ye CuO and said: "little villain, you still have a sausage hidden for me. I want to eat it..."

"Sister Xue, stop it!"

PS: please recommend tickets! Please collect!

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